

Nine 第四幕

2006-10-28 20:41:04 | 私が作者です
E : Again ! Shit ! Terrorist !
Y : Again ? Explosion ?
E : Yes.
Y : Where ?
E : Iraq. How do you think about terrorism ?
Y : I don't know about international politics well , but I
::::::doubt the way of U.S. Was it necessary to fight against Irasq ?
E : Yes,it was necessary. We must fight and beat and defeat Islam
::::::all over the world.
Y : You are too radical. I don't think so. Most people believe
::::::Islam hope living daily life peaceful. It isn't issue of
E : Yes,it is. Basic problem is religion. How brute Islam is.
::::::You have to think about their marriage system. He can
::::::marry four bride. Can you satisfy one of four wives?
Y : I agree with that point. But it is not the reason to deny
::::::all of Islam.
E : Why ? I loved only one woman in my life. That is my pride.
Y : Yes, Your wife was an American. And you still love her.
E : Yah. To tell the truth, today is her birthday.
Y : Really ? September 9 ? Oh ! So you asked me to buy
::::::red roses.
::::::I finished to ready to dinner. Here, please have dinner.
::::::Today I made Onigiri.
E : Onigori ?
Y : Onigiri.
E : Onagari.
Y : ........
E : It was my custom, to present on her birthday... She loved
::::::roses. I lost the skill of Japanese conversation.
::::::But she saved me. She left me the skill of English
::::::conversation. Even now I can communicate with her
::::::in my mind. いただきます。
Y : .....What did you say ? Did you say "いただきます" ?
E : Er,,,naturally, I could speak Japanese.
Y : It's wonderful, amazing ! You are recovering !
E : Oh, I was planning to immigrate to U.S. I found the
::::::institution that accept me in Miami by internet.
Y : No, no, there is no necessity to immigrate to U.S.
::::::You can live happily in Japan.
E : I think this is Onigari power. I remember my mother
::::::made me Onigari for elementary school's short trip
::::::....what do you say....Er,えんすく。
Y : Yes, 遠足!
E : Oh, it's Onigari power. This is Japanese soul food !
Y : お・に・ぎ・り。Not おにがり。
E : O-NI-GYA-RI. Anyway, from today, you are my Japanese teacher.
Y : こちらこそ、よろしく。

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