

GT tours

2002-04-23 17:16:00 | Fishing GT

Two groups of our guests went to Raja Noi .

In one trip, Mr. Nishioka got his first GT , it' s weighted 5 kg. At the same area they also gaffed Tsumuburi on board Isabella , for sashimi of course.

In the other trip, Mr. Takenouchi got a 15kg GT. He told me that there are very large schools ( 2 - 3 square kilometre ) of Giant Trevally around the southern tip of Raja Noi Islands . However those GT do not easily strike the popper lures,only sometimes in the day he successfully got them.

April 23, 2002

Contact : Adul ( operation )
Cruise Center, Phuket
Tel 66 76 288 888
Fax 66 76 388 488
e-mail : cruisecenter@hotmail.com