オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : この草なんの草 what is it?

2015年08月09日 | 日記

What kind of plant is it?
I've never seen it before
In July

この草を見つけたのは先月でした。なんか色合いが素敵だな、と思いました。今もいるのかしら…? きっと園芸種の何かだとは思うのですが、見たことがないように思います。よーく見るとペンペン草に似た様子で葉っぱのよーに見える小さい平たい丸いモノは花の終わったあとの種なのでしょーか? と思うとなずな(ペンペン草)の園芸種化したもの又は何かとなずなの交雑種? 何はともあれ風に吹かれて…吹かれて…漂着したスキマでがんばって発芽。そしてここで「私はだーれ?」と問うてます。
I found that plant last month. The colours of it is lovely. I'm thinking of it still being there. It might be a kind of garden species, I think that I've never seen it. Look at it carefully, it looks like Shepherd's purse. It has many tiny flat circle seeds that are similar to leaf, after flowering? Is it turned into a garden specie from Shepherd's purse in nature? Or, is it mixed with the one and something? Anyway, it was blew...blew...by a wind then arrived in the narrow space. It grew up here, and ask us "Who am I ?"
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