猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 / Tamakichi 15の夏 fifteen in summer

2015年08月14日 | 日記

Tamakichi is fine
Even extreme hot
He is fifteen years old

玉吉君15歳。痩せてしまいましたが食欲あります。夏バテナシで元気です。でもあんまり食べると下痢してしまいます。便秘にも時々なって2日くらいトイレで力んででも出ナイ、を繰り返したりしています。時折「アヲー」と大きな声で鳴きます。名前を呼びかけると、「うぅ」と返事のよーなモノをして鳴き止みます。最近は粗相をすることが増えてきました。何故か玄関が多いです。朝起きると大便がドン。夜はオムツをした方がいいかしら。ね? 玉吉君。
He is Tamakichi, 15 years old. He's been losing his weight but eats a lot. He's been OK to this extreme hot summer. He sometimes has diarrhea when he eats much. He also sometimes has irregularity for 2 days, he goes to the toilet then try but fail, he dose again many times. Frequently, he gives small barks, when we call him, he probably stops. In these days, sometimes he makes mistakes, he thinks the entrance is the toilet. When we wake up, we find his poo in the entrance. Should we diaper you during night? Tamakichi, what do you think?
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