オサンポ take a walk - カナブン、ぶん? Drone beetle?

2015年08月11日 | 日記

In the summer night
He pretends a passenger
In front of the shop

この間ショウリョウバッタのいたお店の前に今度はカナブン? がいました。千客万来風。灯りに惹かれてやってくるんでしょーか? 身近にいてもなかなか気付けない昆虫タチ。こーやってお店に来てくれると会えますねー。ブログのネタにもさせてもらっテ。ホホ。
In front of the shop where I met an oriental longheaded locust around a week ago, this time I met a drone beetle(?). The shop has mane guests. The insects might like the lights of the shop? Insects would be many around us but I think that it's difficult to see them. If they come to the shop like this, it will be easier to see them. And I can write about them in my blog, being good topics. Yes!
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