オサンポ walk - で、秋? Then, it's autumn?

2018年10月09日 | 日記


Autumn has come
Falling leaves and Brown-eared bulbuls
Tell us loudly

今朝の空気は久々に少しひんやり、していたでしょうか。そして地面の上のたくさんの枯葉を見て、やっと秋…? と涙ぐんでいたら(大げさ)、何やら樹上が賑やかしい。目を凝らし耳をすましながら考えて、あそうだ、この声はヒヨドリ? ここら辺では秋冬に会えると思えば、そうなるとこれはやっぱり、秋来たる…と思っていいんでしょうか…。

In this morning, the air of outside was cool, isn't it? I found many falling leaves on the ground. Because of autumn...? I was crying as I'm happy with autumn, I heard some birds's songs(tweets) on the tree. I thought that... are they Brown-eared bulbul? We can see them around here when it's autumn and winter. Oh my. So that, now autumn has come yet............

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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