
The main character
Is a single woman
In her 40s
文体がコメディタッチ(?)なので、面白く読めました。本の紹介文に、主人公は「孤独な独身女性…」とあったりしますが、妄想力が逞しいのであれだけあれば孤独というワケではないんじゃないか…? と思ったりしました。え、孤独だから妄想する? 妄想すれば孤独じゃない。あなどるなかれ、妄想力。
It's comedy sketch. I enjoyed myself with reading the book. Some reviews said, "The story is about, there is a single lonely woman..." but I think that she's not. She's got talent to have dream very much. She's lonely, that's why, she's got dream. She's got dream, so, she's not lonely. Dream has power.
The ending of the story is a happy ending. Dream is good.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

The main character
Is a single woman
In her 40s
文体がコメディタッチ(?)なので、面白く読めました。本の紹介文に、主人公は「孤独な独身女性…」とあったりしますが、妄想力が逞しいのであれだけあれば孤独というワケではないんじゃないか…? と思ったりしました。え、孤独だから妄想する? 妄想すれば孤独じゃない。あなどるなかれ、妄想力。
It's comedy sketch. I enjoyed myself with reading the book. Some reviews said, "The story is about, there is a single lonely woman..." but I think that she's not. She's got talent to have dream very much. She's lonely, that's why, she's got dream. She's got dream, so, she's not lonely. Dream has power.
The ending of the story is a happy ending. Dream is good.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.