オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : シダ君 Mt. Fern 8

2020年09月22日 | 日記




Mr. Fern has been

Still growing

Then, he will be...?



既に次世代のための胞子は飛ばし済みなので、後は余生か? 何はともあれ今年は根気よくちゃんと、定期的に観察すると決めたので今後の様子はやがて…分かることである△

ここでちょっと、軽くシダ系の植物について調べてみた。一口にシダ系、と言っても種類が非常に多い。そして人類誕生以前から存在しているらしい(人類誕生は約700万年前とか) 。太古の歴史を感じさせる植物、というのは分かったが、残念ながらこのシダ君の同定は出来なかった△

色々と調べている中で、胞子の様子を載せている写真を見つけた。同族とは思えないくらい、それぞれデザインが違っていた。色、形、etc. このシダ君の胞子は茶色がかったオレンジ色であった。細かい粒がびっしりと葉の裏に張り付いていた。しかし他のモノには、大きめな緑色の粒がくるんと丸まっているように見えるのもあった△




A few days ago, I passed by him, the leaf at the right hand side was little last time I saw him, that day, it was growing up more than the previous day. 

He once was nearly dying, but came back. When it was September, it was still hot, but it is much cooler today, though it was a bit humid. It is going to be cooler and cooler, so how he is going on, I am going to watch him anyway.

He already spored during summer. It's been his afterlife? What life he is having, I decided to watch his whole life, when I pass by him. I will see him what will happen.

I checked him/his group out on the internet. He is a member of various, different types of the group. His ancestor was born very very long time ago, before mankind(around 7 million years ago) was born. Oh, my god. Such a long life! I couldn't identify what he is, his name and so on.

And their spores are also various. They have diffetent shapes, colours, etc. I found one of them, it was like a bigger, green and round, it is totally different from Mr. Fern's ones.

Fern's world is also large and deep. Mr. Fern told me that.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.



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