日乗 diary - ヤモリの鳴き声 the songs of a gecko lizard

2020年09月11日 | 日記




Gecko lizard can cry

I heard of it 

In Mexico

十年ほど前にメキシコを、友人とフリー旅行したことがある。どこの町かは忘れてしまったが(カンクンかもしれない)、ホテルのオーナーが自ら建てたのでは? と思うような、ドアや窓があまりない宿に泊まったことがある。壁は白だった△

夜になって寝ようとすると、キュ、キュ、とも聞こえる、何かの鳴き声がすることに気がついた。何だろうと思った。友人の彼女はヤモリだと思うと言った。え、ヤモリ? 言われてみれば、トカゲっぽいモノを宿の壁で目にしたような気がしてきた△







I travelled in Mexico with a friend of mine around 10 years ago. When we were at Cancun(I'm not sure, anyway), We stayed a hotle would have been buit by the owner, because it did'nt have few windows and doors, the wall was white.

When it was at night, I heard some sounds that was like, kyu, kyu, I was a bit dubitative to the sound. But my friend told me, that must have been the crying of a gecko lizard. I got an idea that I saw some lizard on the wall of the hotel. When I knew the owner of the sounds, it made me feel good, I thought that the lizard was lovely. In Japan, we like gencko lizard, even they come in our houses, because they eat small insects that we don' t like, so lizard are our hero.

I was happy to see them because I'd never seen them in my house. And, I could hear their crying.

After a few years later, I saw them on the wall of a building in the neighbourhood. They reminded me of their crying in Mexico.

*I'm nor sure if my English grammars are correct.


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