オサンポ walk - めぐる季節に Change of seasons

2021年02月28日 | 日記







I've seen many daphnes blooming anywhere else nowadays.

It's mixed cold and hot in these days but the daphnes understand the right season comes for them. I'm always impressed this kind skills, all plants that have.

When the people knows that it's time to seed for their crop plants, the cherry blossom blooms.

I like their life style, the formers live with the trees/natures. I'd like to do the same but I've no idea how with my life. I am tought about change of seasons by plants that live at a side of road or a flowerbed. That's what is that I can do at the moment.

Anyway, for the meantime, I try to remember their names.


*not sure about my English...

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