自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十一

2021年09月02日 | 日記




​暑さにマケナイと気を張って夏を乗り切ってからの、夏バテ・イン・オータムです! 残暑と長雨でおサンポに行けず、自然ネタもなく頭の中もスカスカ&昨日の自由律俳句状態。モゥ〜(ギュウ)プチウツです。


I have a realy suffering from the summer heat when autumn has come.


During the summer, I try to win over the summer heat, so I seem to be OK. But then, when autumn just starts...I feel so tired. It's been still hot, humid & heat days and raining, it's been impossible to go for a walk. I haven't got any ideas from nature in my neighbourhood, my brain is empty & I forget anything soon even if it comes up in mind. Depressing a bit....

*not sure about my English...

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