かな? と思われる薄い紫色の釣り鐘様の花を、草地で一本だけニョキッと顔を出しているのを見つけました。
調べてみると、ツリガネニンジンやイワジャシン? に似ていました。彼らのどれかであれば、岩場などを好んで自生する山野草だそうですが、でもどこからそしてどうやってここへやって来たのでしょう??
I think that it's the first time to see it. I found the flower showing up among the weeds in the small field.
I had no idea about its name, I checked it out, it would be Adenophora triphylla, or a group of it. There are many kinds of it... If it is "Adeno...", usually they live on like a scar, closer to mountains. How and from where did it come?
Around here, we have a river and two small forests, but actually, many people live, it's a residential neigbourhood. The field is in there. A bird would have brought a seed or it would have come from a flowerpot...?
*not sure about my English...