自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十三

2021年09月04日 | 日記




やっぱり、「何か」載ってたり、するんでしょうか・・・。あと、カラダ全体が重く感じる時も。いやいや。 単に鉄不足(?)で感じているに過ぎないカラダのかったるさを、そんな風に思ってみたりしても、かったるいままさ。


I don't think it's shoulder discomfort but I feel it's heavy.


Well, there would be something like spiritual things on my shoulders?? What's more, I feel sometimes heavy throughout the body. Oh, wouldn't be. Let's think about that simply. I might haven't got enough iron insufficiency, so I feel languid? Anyway, if I think so, I still feel languid...

*not sure about my English...

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