オサンポ walk - 空sky: 西の空、夕暮れ the evening sky in the west

2020年07月05日 | 日記
In the beginning of July
In the west
It’s evening sky


About the first photograph: the sky in the west, the remains of sunlight from the sun that was going down made many gray cloud shape. The cloud were layered .

The second photograph : while I was seeing the sky, there were many clouds that were speedily moving toward north with a strong wind. How strong & how many winds were there in the sky that was in higher place? I was scared with that also keened to stand there. (Like “Naucicca”?) My interests just won over scary. I wish I could go there. I was seeing what I was seeing a little while.

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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