They escape from
皆さんも道を歩く時、スキマ草に注目! してもらえたら嬉しいです。
I enjoy finding any genus escape garden species. We could find them at around so-close places where to their original places such as a flowerpot or flowerbed. They make me laugh but I think that I shouldn’t just laugh at them, also think about what kind of effect they would give to environments on everywhere.
Garden species seems to be strong enough to survive from any places, so indigenous plants might be beaten by them? I am worried about that.
So, when I find some garden species, if they are definitely escaped from other places(it’s a very important point), I pull them up from there, then bring it to home then put in a empty bottle. I see them until they will dry.
Well, it’s only a few flowers. It can be nothing to change anything. But I should do something for the earth,
OK, I will be really happy if you pay an attention to Sukima-soh(escape plants) during walking. Thank you.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.