自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ八十三

2021年07月21日 | 日記






When there are many ten pence-sixed holes on the ground,  also many cicadas sing.


Some Hyalessa maculaticallis also started to sing in these days. Anyway, summer came here rain or shine.

*not sure about my English...

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俳句 Haiku - 其ノ十

2021年07月20日 | 日記

夕涼み 猫が陣取る パーキング





There is blowing a cool wind in the evening

The car park has been occupied

By the cat

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 空sky: 真昼のカミナリの It was thunder in the lunch time

2021年07月19日 | 日記






The thunder's souvenir was an orange evening sky. It was just the lunch time, around for 30 mins, thundering and heavy raining then gone.

It was the same day, in the evening. I was seen such the marvelous sky that seemed Turner would have painted, and behind the sky would have something.

There was a puddle that would have been an evidence of raining.

It made the puddle is special.

The thunder in the luch time, that made it.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ八十二

2021年07月18日 | 日記

働きモノのアリ 巣に運ぶ カラスの羽





Ant, you are hard-working, taking with them, a wing of crow


The wing was much huger than the size of their nest's entrance. How did they put the wing into it??

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : スキマ草な、タラビコ・・・じゃない、タビラコ it would be Crepis japonica

2021年07月17日 | 日記




でも調べれば調べるほど深みにハマるので、タビラコの仲間、辺りで落としどころにしました。今回は、タビラコ、と覚えただけで良し! としよう。

I found something yellow little flowers at the side ditch, they were so lovely! I'd like to know their name but there are many similar flowers that might be a same group but some of them are a different gruop.

To know them exactly, it woud have taken much time so I gave up. Anyway, I tried to remember one of thier names. This time, it should be OK for me.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : そこにスキマがあれば生きていける I can live in there if there is a narrow gap

2021年07月16日 | 日記




There was some little yellow flowers in...something that is called sill cock. It didn't have the lid of it, for the square boxed burried in the ground, actually the side of footpath. The plant was with fallen leaves.

I didn't know the name of "sill cock", until I wrote about that plant.

I call it like this plant that lives in a narrow space, Sukima-soh, (sukima means a tiny gap) make me expand my knowledge.

*not sure about my English...

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日乗 diary - 遣らずの雨 a rain would make you not go

2021年07月15日 | 日記

とは、「人を帰さないためであるかのように降ってくる雨」(広辞苑 第六版)。



When I went back from shopping with my mum at the supermarket, it suddenly started raining, it was so heavy! We gave up to go home so we dropped at the McDonald's until stopping the rain. After around a half hour, it stopped so we went home. In these days, we've got like this weathers many times. Fed up.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : この木なんの木? what is the tree?

2021年07月14日 | 日記




Their leaves look like oval, they are opposite leaf arrangement, and they have around 10 ones. It's many and the colour of leaf is fresh green, so it's like green plant.

I've been wondering what this tree is, what name is? They become tree in the future, I saw the same leaves on some mature trees.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 雨降る中の、チョウの仲間 It's raining, I found a member of butterfly

2021年07月13日 | 日記






There was a member of butterfly that looked like not-colourful, brown and dark brown mixed.

The rain drops were quite bigger, but she(he?) didn't seem to move. she couldn't or didn't want. I hope that she just didn't want to do that. I left there with my thoughts.

I stopped to think if a butterfly or moth. It is too difficult to divide into two groups.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 蛾なのか蝶なのか a moth or a butterfly

2021年07月12日 | 日記




I was going to try to check something out about moth and butterfly on the websites, how they indentfy. But it was difficult for me, there were too many rules for that.

Their anntenas are different from each others but not only them, I gave up to learn about them.

When I see not-colourful butterflies, I will deeply think about them with no-tips to indentify, a moth or butterfly??

*not sure about my English...

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