オサンポ walk - 虫bug:晴れた日にツワブキの花の蜜を a butterfly came to the flower, it was a fine day

2021年11月10日 | 日記




I bumped into a butterfly(would be indian fritillary?) that came to the flower to get its honey. She(might be) seemed to be hungry or like the flower, stayed at there for quite a long time. I was a paparazzi to her, photographed her many time. I thanked her.

She would have just emerged from a pupa, her wings had no damage, so beautiful.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 歩道のスキマには、早くもホトケノザ some giraffe heads are in the gap on a pavement

2021年11月09日 | 日記





I was a person who noticed there is a plant when a flower opens. Recently, I could notice some of plants before having flowers. To recognise plants' name, I need to see their flowers. I've got some familiar plants.

When they have a specific design on their leaves, it might be easier to remember their names. About this flower, its flower is like round, and its figure is like fountain.

When it comes new year, I will be able to see their pink flowers. Looking forward to it!

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 独り夜鳴く I am singing alone at night

2021年11月08日 | 日記

陽が沈んで辺りが暗くなり家に向かって歩いている途中、石垣に似せた壁のそばを通り過ぎたとき、やたらと大きな声(音)で鳴いている秋虫---コオロギ? に気づいた。




After sunset, when I was on my way to home, I heard an insect that was singing loudly on the wall. 

Around my neighbourhood, it has been geting to be difficult to hear that many insects in autumn are singing. This cricket has been behind from others? We normally cannot see any insects(kinds of cricket) in autumn even though we hear their singing. We can know where they are but we are nearly impossible to see them. But that night, one cricket showed us himself.

I was happy to see him but, he would have been...alone, he might have been keen to meet the women. If so...

I told him that I wished your luck. And then, I recorded his song.

*not sure about my English...


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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百六十

2021年11月07日 | 日記






When waiting while on the job, thinking of philosophy.


When at work, sometimes I have to wait for receiving next task. I'd like to do philosophy as I have no one to talk/chat, I cannot do other things. If I could do that, that's cook! However, in reality, it would be a bit hard to do that...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十九

2021年11月06日 | 日記






When I get tired, my eyes become goggling ones.


Around the eyes, get wrinkle. And, goggling eyes. I wear a mask, the pair of glasses and show you the eyes. If you pass like me, please don't get surprised. Just give me your warm greeting to me. Thanks.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十八

2021年11月05日 | 日記







The turning yellow leaf was kindly next to the lid of water valva.


The two were got the sunlight, I didn't pass away them. So I photographed.

In the big city, there are planted street trees on the roads. When autumn comes, they turn and fall. Their natual behaviours combine each other without uncomfortable feeling. That's why, it is big city!(?).

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十七

2021年11月04日 | 日記







The trees of gingko haven't been turned yet. ( Meiji Jingugaien Icho-namiki) 


It was the end of Oct, so it was too early to turn yellow. However, there were many people to enjoy seeing the trees. Many berries of them were dropped on the pavement. You can eat them after putting in a paper bag then  in a microwave.

It was really fine, so clear blue sky. There were lots of UV. ( I must have got it very much, though my skins were weak)

Namimi=line of trees

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 代々木駅のスキマ草 a Sukima-soh at Yoyogi station

2021年11月03日 | 日記






The building that was near Yoyogi station, the gap of it, there was a Sukima-soh. Next to the drainpipe.

Around 20cm hieght, it drew a half of circle with its leaf.

It would have been kinds of dandelion?

If it will have yellow flowers in Spring, I'd like to see it again.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十六

2021年11月02日 | 日記




誰のなんでしょうね。ここって、スペイン坂だったよね? っと確認しようとして、その証拠の文字が刻まれた石を見つけた時に、メガネも一緒に。


The pair of glasses was dropped on the slope of Spain (at Shibuya in Tokyo).


Whose that? When I made sure if the slope was a name of "Spain slope", I found the stone that had the name then, the top of the stone, there was the glasses, too.

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十五

2021年11月01日 | 日記





もしかしてごはんタイム? と思っていたらやっぱりそうで、飼育員のお兄さんが来ると、更にテンションをアゲていた。



The penguins make a group for dinner time.


The group of penguin in Ueno zoo, moved to this direction, then they changed to the other direction. They seemed to be excited and looked for something. I guessed that they were going to have dinner time. Yes! The zoo attendant brought fish for them. Their exciting became true.


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