
What is a youth?

 じゃあ、と YouTube で探してみたら、彼女の美しさが際立っている映画のワンシーンとともに、この曲「What is a youth?」が見つかった。

What is a youth?
Impetuous fire.
What is a maid?
Ice and desire.
The world wags on

A rose will bloom,
It then will fade
So does a youth.
So does the fairest maid.

Comes a time when one sweet smile
Has it's season for awhile
Then Love's in love with me

Some may think only to marry.
Others will tease and tarry.
Mine is the very best parry,
Cupid he rules us all.

Caper the caper; sing me the song
Death will come soon to hush us along
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall,
Love is a pass-time that never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall,
Cupid he rules us all.

(20 second flute interlude)

A rose will bloom, it then will fade.
So does a youth.
So does the fairest maid.

 ちょっと調べたら、youth に a が付いているから、「若さ」ではなく、「若い男」の意味らしい。(研究社・英和中辞典【可算名詞】 若者,青年 《★【用法】 通例男性; しばしば軽蔑的に用いる》用例 a youth of twenty 20歳の青年.promising youths 前途有望な若人たち) a maid (《古・文語》 娘,少女; 処女)と対句になっていると考えるなら、確かにその方が正しいように思える。
 しかし、A rose will bloom, it then will fade. So does a youth. So does the fairest maid. って恐ろしいほど真理だよなあ・・。

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