実母の介護のために帰省した郷里で見かけました。ときどき記事にするJTのお洒落で勉強になるマナー広告。今回は特に文法的な解説が必要なものはなかった、鴨。JR大牟田駅にあった広告The mother eyed my cigarette, as she passed by with her young child.(すれ違う母の目は、私のタバコを追っていた)Your seat should only b . . . 本文を読む
Whereas the `comfort women' system of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, . . . 本文を読む
紹介した4個の記事を読み進めていると、誰しも、カフカの不条理小説や伝言ゲームの滑稽を連想したのではないでしょうか。「従軍慰安婦:comfort women」という語に対して橋下氏が「戦時下の戦地の公娼」をイメージした上で、(:橋下発言)「comfort women」は必要だった、(:橋下釈明)「comfort women」だった境遇の女性達が被った苦痛は同情に値すると述べているにもかかわら . . . 本文を読む
(4)Japanese politician calls wartime sex slaves 'necessary'
(CNN, May 15, 2013)
Japanese politician calls wartime sex slaves 'necessary'
Japanese officials have distanced themselves from comments . . . 本文を読む
Mr. Hashimoto told reporters in Osaka on Monday that they had served a useful purpose. “When soldiers are risking their lives by running through storms of bullets, and you want to give these emotion . . . 本文を読む
(3)Women Forced Into WWII Brothels Served Necessary Role,
Osaka Mayor Says(NYT, May 13, 2013)
Women Forced Into WWII Brothels Served Necessary Role, Osaka Mayor Says
The mayor of one of Japan’ . . . 本文を読む