英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2011年06月02日 09時03分34秒 | 英字新聞 de 政治経済

◆Making teachers stand, sing 'Kimigayo' constitutional: Supreme Court

The Supreme Court determined Monday it is constitutional that a school principal made teachers and clerks stand and sing the ''Kimigayo'' national anthem in front of the Hinomaru national flag at a graduation ceremony, in a landmark ruling that is likely to affect a series of similar lawsuits over the contentious issue.

The four-justice top court panel, in rejecting an appeal by a former Tokyo high school teacher, ruled unanimously that while the plaintiff's freedom of thought and conscience may be ''indirectly constrained'' to a certain extent, it was within ''an acceptable degree'' given the ''necessity and rationality'' for such an obligation.

Upholding a Tokyo High Court ruling, the Supreme Court dismissed the demand for compensation from 64-year-old Yuji Saruya, a former teacher at a Tokyo metropolitan government-run high school who disobeyed the order once in 2004 and was refused reemployment after retirement.

Japanese court rulings have been split over the issue and Monday's ruling was the first time for the top court to issue its judgment on the requirement for teachers and school clerks to stand up at the hoisting of the national flag and sing the ''Kimigayo'' anthem at events such as enrollment and graduation ceremonies.

The latest decision is also likely to influence deliberations at the Osaka prefectural assembly where a political group led by Osaka Gov Toru Hashimoto has proposed an ordinance that would oblige school teachers to do so.・・・

The ''Kimigayo'' and Hinomaru flag had long been regarded as Japan's national anthem and flag, although they were not officially designated so until parliament enacted a law to that effect in 1999.

Regarding the playing of the national anthem in public schools, the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that it was constitutional to order a music teacher to play the piano to accompany the singing of ''Kimigayo'' by participants at a school enrollment ceremony.

(Kyodo News, Tuesday, May 31, 2011)

最高裁判所は、月曜日【5月30日】、卒業式の際に国旗・日の丸(the Hinomaru national flag)に正対しつつ国歌「君が代」(''Kimigayo'' national anthem)を教職員に斉唱させる学校長の命令は合憲であると判示した。最高裁のこの判断は、それを巡って賛否の議論が絶えなかったこの争点を抱えている他の訴訟にも影響を与えのは間違いない、画期的なものだ。

この判決を下した最高裁小法廷(the top court panel)の4人の裁判官は、確かに原告の思想および良心の自由が幾らかは「間接的に制約」されたことは十分に考えられる、しかし、国歌斉唱に際しての起立斉唱の責務には「必要性と合理性」が認められ、よって、原告の思想および良心の自由に対する「間接的な制約」は「許容し得る程度」のものであると全員一致で裁決して、この東京の元高校教師の上告を棄却した。


国歌斉唱に伴う起立斉唱命令を巡って日本の裁判所の判断は分かれていた。而して、月曜日の判決で最高裁は、入学式や卒業式のような儀式でなされる、国旗の掲揚と国歌「君が代」の斉唱に際して、学校の教職員を起立斉唱させるための条件を初めて判示したのである。更に、この最新の最高裁判決が大阪府議会(the Osaka prefectural assembly)の審議にも影響を与えるのは必至だろう。なぜならば、現在、大阪府議会には、橋下徹大阪府知事率いる政治グループによって、教師に国歌斉唱時の起立斉唱を義務づける条例案(ordinance)が提案されたばかりなのだから。(中略)



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