In the United States and Western Europe, discussion is focused on stopping Vladimir Putin from further expanding Russia’s territory. On present course, the West’s strategy looks set for more failure; only a major shift in economic strategy by the Ukrainian government is likely to make a significant difference. Giving or lending lots of money to Ukraine is unlikely to help and may even be counterproductive.
Ukraine’s economic failure over the last two decades is astounding. When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Ukraine’s gross domestic product per capita was greater than Romania’s, slightly higher than Poland’s and about 30 percent less than Russia’s. Today, Poland and Romania enjoy more than twice Ukraine’s income per person and Russia nearly triple.
This dismal performance reflects partly a lack of natural resources, but also self-interested leaders who have lined their pockets rather than focus on growth. The Orange Revolution of 2004 brought Viktor Yushchenko to the presidency, after more than a decade of pervasive corruption, but this episode proved to be a great disappointment. The Yanukovych years that followed were even worse.
Ukraine’s economic situation has recently become more desperate. If Ukraine is to pay all of its bills, the amount needed over the next two years to make debt payments and cover the budget deficit on its current trajectory add up to nearly $40 billion. These bills are growing daily because of the severe disruptions caused by the loss of Crimea, the continuing instability in eastern Ukraine and the nonpayment for gas deliveries from Russia. Because of the West’s unbending support for the current Kiev government, many Ukrainians expect large and generous support to help the nation out of this mess.
確かに、ウクライナ経済が現在あまり褒められた状況にはないことについては、この国が有望な天然資源に乏しいことも原因の一つではあろう。しかし、経済成長よりも私腹を肥やすことに熱心な【鳩山由起夫や菅直人、小沢一郎といった、2009年-20012年の日本の民主党政権の如き】自己中の指導者が続いてきたこともまた間違いなくその一つの原因であると言わざるを得ない。2004年のオレンジ革命はViktor Yushchenkoを大統領の地位に引き上げたけれど、その後10年余の腐敗の蔓延を通して、【日本では民主党政権が現在ではそう総括されているように】オレンジ革命による政変は大きな失望に変わった。そして、Yushchenko政権を引き継いだYanukovych政権の時代、事態は悪くなっても好転することはなかった。
Western diplomatic actions in recent months have created nothing short of a fiasco for Ukraine and some of its neighbors. Diplomats overtly welcomed the change to an anti-Russian government in Kiev, and they celebrated the flight of the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. We were all pleased to see some highly corrupt politicians toppled, yet, in the midst of all these intrigues, some news organizations and diplomats lost sight of the end game with Russia.
With no credible military threat and an unwillingness of politicians to inflict pain by applying sanctions against Russia similar to those imposed on Iran, Western politicians proved toothless. The Germans do not want to disrupt the supply of gas from Russia, the British do not want to undermine their status as a financial haven, and the Americans are concerned about reprisals against their companies with large exposures in Russia (e.g., PepsiCo, Exxon or Citigroup).
ここ数カ月間の西側諸国が放った外交的措置は、ウクライナとその近隣諸国にとって、つまるところ壮大なる失敗以外のなにものでもなかった。ウクライナに反ロシア政権が成立したのを西側外交筋は公然と歓迎した。そして、彼等は親ロシア派のViktor Yanukovych大統領の逃亡劇を見て喝采を叫びさえした。而して、いずれにせよ西側の経済外交の識者は見事なほどに腐敗していた政治家が没落し排除されるありさまを見て溜飲を下げたものである。けれども、これらの政変劇の最中、少なくない西側の報道機関や外交筋は、ロシアが登場するこの劇の大詰めの展開、すなわち、ロシアがその手持ちの飛車角を盤上に叩きつける試合の終盤の展開を見失っていたと言わざるを得ない。