英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関


【資料】TOEICのコロナウイルスくん対応↗TOEIC はやっぱまとも、鴨。

2020年06月06日 08時33分27秒 | TOEIC/TOEFLの話題



やっぱ、AKB48グループ(AKB, SKE, NMB, HKT,NGT, STU)と、

TOEIC は腐った、じゃなかった、腐ってもの鯛、鴨。








IIBC 一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
第76回TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading公開テスト

For the Test Takers of the TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading Tests
The 76th TOEIC Bridge L&R Tests (September 6, 2020) / The 75th TOEIC Bridge L&R Tests (June 21, 2020)
The 74th TOEIC Bridge L&R Tests (March 15, 2020)
Updated on June 5, 2020

The 76th TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading Tests (September 6, 2020)
The 75th TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading Tests (June 21, 2020)
As for the TOEIC Bridge L&R Tests in June and September, we are going to take the precautionary measures against the coronavirus to protect test takers and test proctors. Please make sure to check the details on this page.
※Depending on the situation, the tests might be cancelled. In case we decide to cancel the tests, we will post the information on our website.

Precautionary Measures at Test Centers
Test proctors will take their temperature on the test day to check that they do not have any health problem for the test administration.
Test proctors will wear a face mask, and practice proper hand washing and hand sanitization.
Hand sanitizers will be available at the test centers.
Test facilities will be disinfected, especially in places touched by people.
Test proctors will remind test takers to keep enough distance with others.
The test will be administered at limited capacity than usual in order to keep enough distance between test takers.
Test rooms will be ventilated by opening the doors and windows, or using ventilation fans.
Test proctors will limit conversation or verbal explanation to a minimum.
Important Information for Test Takers
Please refrain from taking the tests if;

You are feeling unwell, or experiencing a fever, cough, or sore throat etc.
You feel nervous about coronavirus infections and want to cancel the tests.
You may not be allowed to take the tests if you refuse to cooperate in the measures below.

Wear your own face mask while you are at the test center. You will be asked to take off the mask at a reception desk for personal identification.
Practice proper hand washing, hand sanitization, and coughing etiquette are highly recommended.
Keep a certain distance from other people.
Limit conversation to a minimum.
If you are unable to take the tests due to the reasons listed above, the test fee will be refunded. In this case, we will send email with the information about the refund process.
*If you applied for the test as a group, please inquire directly with your group representative.

During the reading test, we will ventilate the test room by opening the doors and windows, or using ventilation fans. Please note that you may hear some noise. You are advised to bring clothes so you can put on or take off depending on the room temperature.

The 74th TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading Tests (March 15, 2020)
Based on the outbreak situation of the coronavirus, we decided to cancel the TOEIC Bridge L&R Tests in March 2020.

We sent the test information for the 75th TOEIC Bridge L&R Tests (June 21, 2020) via e-mail on March 2.
*If you applied for the test as a group, please inquire directly with your group representative.

For job application or school admission, a "Certificate of the Application" was sent to your registered address on March 26.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


IIBC 一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
第76回TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading公開テスト


一般財団法人国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会では、第76回TOEIC Bridge Listening & Reading公開テスト【2020年9月6日(日)】の実施において、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止、受験者および試験官の安全確保に向けた取り組みとして以下の対応を行うことといたしました。

以下に該当する方は受験をお控えください。受験料を返金いたします。 返金方法については、メールにてご案内いたします。


Reading Test中は、試験教室内の窓やドアの開放、換気扇使用などにより換気を行います。これに伴い、外部騒音や換気扇の稼働音などの影響が予想されますことをあらかじめご了承ください。なお、Listening Test中は開放いたしません。試験会場によっては気温が変化する可能性がありますので、気温に応じ調整しやすい服装でお越しください。



IIBC試験運営センター電話窓口再開について別ウィンドウで開く/Open the link in a new window

<受付時間> 10:00~16:00

電話がつながらない場合は、「お問い合わせフォーム別ウィンドウで開く/Open the link in a new window」をご利用ください。メールにて順次回答させていただきます。

一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会 IIBC試験運営センター
TEL: 03-5521-6033(土・日・祝日・年末年始を除く10:00~17:00)





