Meet the Risen Christ LAURA TRUAX
イースターという素晴らしい日にようこそ この日は世界中の教会が集まって大胆に宣言する日です 私たちは神の愛を殺すことはできても、それを死んだまま葬ることはできません 私たちが生きていて、息をしている間は、神が命を生み出し続けることを宣言できます 人を完全にする神の業は今も続いています キリストは復活しました 彼は本当に復活しました 来られる皆さんは半を知っていますね もし、今日から1つのメッセージがあるとすれば、それは「キリストは生きている」「神の愛はここにある」「神は私たちを求めてこの世界に存在している」「それを止めるために私たちにできることは何もない」ということです。
このエンディングを見ると、歴史の授業で聞いたであろう歴史的な余談を思い出しますね、「イギリスは戦いの結果について知らせを受けた」という記述です。ワーテルローの戦い......ご存知、ウェリントンとナポレオンの戦いです。彼らは、戦いの結果を知るために、いくつかの発煙筒を設置しました。発煙筒は、読者がいるウィンチェスター大聖堂に向かう予定でしたが、メッセージが発信された後、霧が発生し、人々が得たのは、最初の言葉、つまり、くすぐったい最初の言葉でした ウェリントン敗北
pick your gospel pick your ending
このエンディングを見ると、歴史の授業で聞いたであろう歴史的な余談を思い出しますね、「イギリスは戦いの結果について知らせを受けた」という記述です。ワーテルローの戦い......ご存知、ウェリントンとナポレオンの戦いです。彼らは、戦いの結果を知るために、いくつかの発煙筒を設置しました。発煙筒は、読者がいるウィンチェスター大聖堂に向かう予定でしたが、メッセージが発信された後、霧が発生し、人々が得たのは、最初の言葉、つまり、くすぐったい最初の言葉でした ウェリントン敗北
pick your gospel pick your ending
もしかしたら、私たちは女性のように、人生で何か大きなことを経験し、それをどう受け止めていいのかわからず、不安から恐怖を感じ、損失を経験し、その損失をどう受け止めていいのかわからなくなるかもしれません。 (中略) 分析の結果、どうせやる価値はないと判断し、辛く怒ることもある。配偶者を死に追いやり、その悲しみを乗り越えられないこともある。退職して、お金が足りないと心配する。恐怖は多くの人にとって人生の環境です。マルコ書では、弟子たちは常に恐怖の状態にあり、この復活劇の結末を生きることを妨げています。次の章では、イエスが悪魔の病人を癒すという壮大な奇跡を起こし、墓の中に住んでいた男を癒した。彼らはとても恐れ、町を出るように頼んだ。彼は苦しみについて話し始め、彼らは恐怖でいっぱいになり、12章で彼の死について話し始め、彼らは再び恐れ、それについて静かにするように頼んだ。
もしあなたが彼を探しているなら、あなたは彼を見つけることができます。それが福音の約束だからです。会報の表紙にあるように、あなたが彼を探しているなら、キリストがあなたを見つけるのを妨げるものは何もありません。イエスは悲しみの中でマリアに出会い、弟子たちに密室で出会い、弟子たちにエマオへの道で出会いました。今朝、私たちはどこでイエスと出会うのか。マリアのように私たちの中には悲しみの頂点で、もう耐えられないと思うまさにその時に、主が出会うのです。復活したキリストは私たちに会っている 他の人たちは別の方法でキリストに会っている 私たちはひどく失敗してもう戻れないと感じたことがある イエスは言葉を持っている 天使が墓で女性たちに言った言葉だ 弟子たちとペテロに伝えなさい 他の人への裏切りで失敗した人たちは自信を失っている 神から失望されたと感じている人たちは神を失望したと感じている キリストは私たちが落ちたその場で会ってくれる 弟子たちとペテロに伝えるんだ
もしあなたが彼を探しているなら、あなたは彼を見つけることができます。それが福音の約束だからです。会報の表紙にあるように、あなたが彼を探しているなら、キリストがあなたを見つけるのを妨げるものは何もありません。イエスは悲しみの中でマリアに出会い、弟子たちに密室で出会い、弟子たちにエマオへの道で出会いました。今朝、私たちはどこでイエスと出会うのか。マリアのように私たちの中には悲しみの頂点で、もう耐えられないと思うまさにその時に、主が出会うのです。復活したキリストは私たちに会っている 他の人たちは別の方法でキリストに会っている 私たちはひどく失敗してもう戻れないと感じたことがある イエスは言葉を持っている 天使が墓で女性たちに言った言葉だ 弟子たちとペテロに伝えなさい 他の人への裏切りで失敗した人たちは自信を失っている 神から失望されたと感じている人たちは神を失望したと感じている キリストは私たちが落ちたその場で会ってくれる 弟子たちとペテロに伝えるんだ
私たちは、復活のキリストを見つける 恐怖の中に復活のキリストを見つける 悲しみの中に復活のキリストを見つける 他の人々の中に復活のキリストを見つける 毎週毎週ここにいる聖人たちの生活の中に見つける ウィリアム・スローンコフと今週初めに亡くなったリバーサイド教会の偉大な牧師は、復活のキリストを探したいならコミュニティの中で見つけると言った 彼を見つけることができると言った 人生の頂点は、人が人を愛することができる人格についてです 人々のところに復活のキリストが見つかるでしょう 復活したキリストを見つけるのは、人々が注意を引こうとする場所ではなく、注意を払う場所なのです。
もし、イエスが私たちを見つけるなら、このイースターの季節に私たちが見て、キリストを見つけるなら、私たちは絵を完成させ、この物語を完成させ、福音書の朗読に入り、彼らが去った場所でイエスを見つけるなら、私たちには選択肢がある絵を完成させるために一緒に行く選択肢があるああ私たちには目を背ける選択肢がありますよね?しかし、もし私たちが完成することを選ぶなら、この物語に入ることを選ぶなら、復活を実践し始めることを選ぶのです初期の信者が経験することを私たちが経験します新しいことを経験します神が打ち勝つことを回復されます 私たちは、キリストが私たちの悲しみの中に入ってきて、私たちの名前が再び語られるのを聞くのを経験する。私たちは、恐怖を超えた自由を経験する。私たちは、以前の10倍の人間になったという感覚を経験する。この神の大きなドラマにおける神の動きを経験する。私たちの目は、自分を超えてこの絵に、この生命の復活を経験できるのだ。彼らは、神の霊が私たち全員に降り注いでいると主張し、この世の支配者や権力者を放っておくことはできないと主張し、それらの権力者や支配者の忠誠をキリスト一人のために主張したのです。私たちはそれを信じますか? もし信じるなら、私たちはこの復活を完成させるのです。もし私たちがその主張に人生を賭けることを望むなら、私たちは世界に出て行き、天使が女性たちに言ったように、メシアは一人、メシアはイエス・キリスト、主は一人、ある時点ですべての膝が屈し、すべての舌が告白するようになるのだと伝えるのです。
もし、イエスが私たちを見つけるなら、このイースターの季節に私たちが見て、キリストを見つけるなら、私たちは絵を完成させ、この物語を完成させ、福音書の朗読に入り、彼らが去った場所でイエスを見つけるなら、私たちには選択肢がある絵を完成させるために一緒に行く選択肢があるああ私たちには目を背ける選択肢がありますよね?しかし、もし私たちが完成することを選ぶなら、この物語に入ることを選ぶなら、復活を実践し始めることを選ぶのです初期の信者が経験することを私たちが経験します新しいことを経験します神が打ち勝つことを回復されます 私たちは、キリストが私たちの悲しみの中に入ってきて、私たちの名前が再び語られるのを聞くのを経験する。私たちは、恐怖を超えた自由を経験する。私たちは、以前の10倍の人間になったという感覚を経験する。この神の大きなドラマにおける神の動きを経験する。私たちの目は、自分を超えてこの絵に、この生命の復活を経験できるのだ。彼らは、神の霊が私たち全員に降り注いでいると主張し、この世の支配者や権力者を放っておくことはできないと主張し、それらの権力者や支配者の忠誠をキリスト一人のために主張したのです。私たちはそれを信じますか? もし信じるなら、私たちはこの復活を完成させるのです。もし私たちがその主張に人生を賭けることを望むなら、私たちは世界に出て行き、天使が女性たちに言ったように、メシアは一人、メシアはイエス・キリスト、主は一人、ある時点ですべての膝が屈し、すべての舌が告白するようになるのだと伝えるのです。
welcome to this um great day of Easter this is the day that the churches all over the world come to declare boldly that while we can kill God's love we cannot keep it dead and buried that while we are living and while we have breath we can declare that God continues to bring forth life that God's work of making people whole still continues right now because Christ has risen he has risen indeed for all of you guys who come you know semi-occasionally those who only get here once a year or so we're thrilled you're here and if there's one message to take away from today it's this that Christ is alive that God's love is here that God is present in this world seeking us out and that there's nothing we can do to stop it Hallelujah
we heard the gospel read told beautifully from the Gospel of John that may be the story of Christ's ascendance that we know the best the angel coming to Mary Mary hearing he threw her tears her name being spoken and turning and and recognizing Christ you know the disciples getting there earlier on and seeing the things and going away confused we have four different gospels four very different endings to this Resurrection scene we've heard it from John if you want to go down to adult for him later you'll hear all four of them and you'll hear Annette heisiga tease out the differences I want to hear it again this Resurrection scene this time from the gospel of Mark it's a short one it's the most succinct version we have I invite you to turn in your Bibles to page number 47 in the New Testament there's only eight verses to this scene it lacks the details of the earthquakes that Matthew likes it lacks kind of the tenderness that John uses
when the Sabbath was over Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices so that they may go and anoint him and very early on the first day of the week when the sun had risen they went to the tomb they had been saying to one another who's going to roll the way the Stone from us for us from the entrance to the tomb but when they looked up they saw that the stone which was very large had already been rolled back and as they entered they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right hand beside and they were alarmed but he said to him don't be alarmed you're looking for Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified but he's been raised he isn't here look here is the place they laid them but go go tell his disciples and Peter that he's going ahead of you and there you'll see him just as he told you so they went out and they fled from the tomb for Terror and amazement had seized them and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid
what a way to make of this ending huh what are we to make of this ending after hearing this beautiful poetic ending in John can only one of them be true four different gospels four different endings can't there only just be one this is the kind of stuff Skeptics love you know parsing through and seeing the differences are we just mix them all up into a big soup
it's Mark's account and I want to focus on a little bit more this morning how does this unfinished ending how does that play into this message of Hope these women get to the tomb and they're told to go and tell they go all right right but they don't tell anything to anybody they are terrified somehow this gospel I think speaks to the place where we typically live practical people who are looking for practical Solutions as they are on their way and looking for who's going to roll away this stone for us what are we going to do how are we going to get in practical people don't we have those kind of practical issues in our life how are we going to get our kid into High School how are we going to get them into preschool how are we going to stretch our paycheck just a little bit further isn't this what fills our life issues about just getting up and going through the day
I think if we're honest we read this ending of bark and it sounds strikingly like our lives strikingly like uncertainty and it feels a little bit unsettled doesn't it doesn't feel quite so tidy how can we enter triumphantly into this message they leave and they tell nothing to anyone so they're terribly afraid
it's like one of those films it seems like that you go to and then you you sit there after it's over while the credit's rolling you think what was that all about
you kind of keep trying to piece it all together again and maybe mix up the dialogue again and you try to live in the characters trying to trying to find the hook you know that'll make it make sense these women left not feeling like it made sense this ending reminds me of that historical aside that many of us probably heard in history classes it's that note about the British receiving word about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo you know that was the battle between Wellington and Napoleon they had set up some smoke signals that's how they were going to learn about the outcome of the battle the smoke signals were to go to Winchester Cathedral that's where the readers were but after the message had been sent out a fog rolled in so all the people got were those first words those tantalizing first words Wellington defeated
it wasn't until later that they got the whole story Wellington defeated the enemy
that's how the gospel of Mark can feel unfinished incomplete now maybe at the end of the day maybe at the end of the day when it's all over we'll realize that you know Mark was a scroll and the ends just got lost to history I mean the ends get ragged don't they but until then I suggest Mark's got a deeper reason in this gospel I believe Mark's asking us to finish the resurrection story he's asking us to somehow come in and engage with this story engage with these women in their practical solutions to practical problems engage in this moment of uncertainty and Terror and fear engage in that and wonder how would we complete this story what would we do with this evidence
pick your gospel pick your ending
the ending for these women doesn't look quite logical enough The Next Step seems just uncertain enough that they don't really know where to go with it for some of us if we were rewriting or if we were writing our ending to the resurrection story if we were completing this story maybe we'd find ourselves in a similar place we don't know what the next step looks like it doesn't feel firm enough to us somehow maybe instead of going back to home maybe we would just hang out around the tomb the tomb of our predictable habits the grave of our predictable thoughts maybe that's where we would end up maybe that's how some of us are ending up today because that's how we're completing the resurrection story for others of us who look at these four different endings to the gospel and who see it all differently and who are trying to piece it all together so that really makes logical sense maybe we just stand back in aloofness maybe we can't really imagine how the resurrection could be so varied so different that it looks different in different people's lives so maybe our intellectualism keeps us at a distance from actually completing the story
Maybe like the women we experience something huge in our life we don't really know what to make of it the uncertainty causes us to fear we experience loss and we don't really know where to go with that loss are we experience fear that causes us to hold back when everything in us would like us to move forward but we fail too many times maybe like the women we just stay in fear a friend loses their job and instead of risking any sort of self-analysis just can decide that it's not worth it anyway and can become bitter and angry we can lose a spouse in death and we can be so waylaid that we just can't move beyond the grief we retire and we worry that we don't have enough money fear is the milieu of our life for many of us fear is common in the Book of Mark the disciples are constantly in a state of fear fear can prevent us from living this Resurrection ending the disciples in chapter 4 when Jesus fills the water the storm they're sitting in the boat quivering and Jesus is the one who says have you no faith yet why do you continue to fear the next chapter he does a spectacular Miracle of healing the demoniac the guy who lived among tombs and they were so fearful They begged them to leave the town he starts talking about suffering and they close down they're so full of fear in chapter 12 he starts talking about his death they're fearful again and begging to be quiet about it we know fear don't we man try preaching on Easter Sunday if you want to know some fear
we know fear we know fear that would want us and keep us in prison to it but if you only hear a second thing you hear Jesus is Alive the second thing is this that the resurrection the resurrection declares that the ending of the story need not be fear that the ending of the Resurrection Story the ending of Mark's gospel in our life the ending of the Resurrection on the world does not mean that we stay in fear the resurrection is all about life the resurrection is all about what these disciples start to experience in the days and weeks following what breaks through their fear isn't an empty tomb that's an insufficient reason what breaks through their fear is that suddenly they encounter the Risen Christ go and tell the angel says he's not here don't wait around here he's already gone ahead of you he's already ahead of you and for you and he's in Galilee go back go and tell the disciples go he's going to meet you there the resurrection tells us that we need the Risen Christ right here in the present these disciples the resurrection didn't mean that they died and met Jesus that wasn't what persuaded this movement they met Jesus in their life and it was in their life that the resurrection changed them if we want to enter into the resurrection story we enter it not with words about an empty tomb but we enter into it by needing a risen Christ
ianity is a resurrection faith and Mark begs us to live that Resurrection Faith right now in the present where is Christ meeting you where has Christ already gone ahead and
if you're looking for him you'll find him because that's the promise of the Gospel if you're looking for him just like is on the front of our bulletin there is nothing that will stop Christ from finding you Jesus meets Mary in her grief he meets the disciples in locked rooms he meets the disciples on the way to Emmaus where are we meeting him this morning some of us like Mary are meeting Jesus at the very point of our grief at the very point where we feel like we can't bear it anymore that's where our Lord the Risen Christ is meeting us others of us are meeting Christ in a different way we have felt like we've screwed up so badly that we can't ever come back and Jesus has a word the word that the angel says to the women at the tomb go and tell the disciples and Peter for those of us who have screwed up in our betrayals of other people who have lost confidence who have felt like God has let us down who feel like we've let God down Christ meets us right there right where we fell go tell the disciples and Peter
we find the Risen Christ and our fear we find the Risen Christ in our grief we also find the Risen Christ in other people I find in in the lives of these Saints who are here week after week William sloankoff and the great minister of Riverside Church who died earlier this week said if you want to look for the Risen Christ you find them in community you'll find him he says where the Apex of life is about personality that which allows a person to love another person will find the Risen Christ where people are giving wrapped attention to one another's existence is that where you're finding the Risen Christ not where people are trying to get attention but where they're giving attention we find them there we find them in the world's victims we even find him unexpectedly in our enemies don't we Jenny Churchill said treat your friends as you do your pictures place them in their best light but the resurrection says something even deeper treat your enemies as if Christ died for them too because most certainly he did
what if we find him what if we find this Christ or or more precisely what if he finds us what then
if Jesus finds us if in this Easter season we'd look and we find Christ we complete the picture we complete this story we enter into these gospel readings right where they left off we find Jesus we have a choice we have a choice to go with it to complete the picture oh we have a choice to turn away don't we but if we choose to complete it if we choose to enter into this story if we choose to start living out the resurrection we experience what those early Believers experience we experience that newness we experience God restoring beaten down hope and beating new relationships we experience Christ entering in into the midst of our grief and hearing our names spoken again we experience Freedom that moves us beyond our fears we experience a sense of being tenfold the people we ever were before we experience a movement of God in this great drama of God our eyes are removed Beyond ourself to this picture to this resurrection of life that's what we can experience those really believers who experience this we're so emboldened that they had a claim they made a claim a claim on this earth right in the Here and Now they claimed that they that God the spirit of God was descending upon all of us they claimed that the principalities and the powers of this world were not to be left on their own device they claimed even the allegiance of those powers and those principalities for Christ Alone they declared that there was one Lord and it wasn't Caesar it wasn't the government it wasn't the powers that exist in this life there was one Lord above them all the Messiah the kidios the Christ and they declare that there was nothing that could stop that power of Christ in the earth do we believe that because if we do we're completing this Resurrection if we are willing to stake our lives on that claim then we go out in the world and we tell them we go and tell the way the angel told the women we go and tell that there's one Messiah that Messiah Jesus Christ that there's one Lord and that at some point in time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that there's a Creator God who loves this good creation so much that he was willing to die for and be raised again
we are finishing this story then we say that there is nothing that can separate us from that love we go and we tell we go and we tell a world who's dying to hear that we complete the story we complete it with our lives we underwrite the resurrection we live it we practice it We join our story for those millions that came before us starting with Christ's disciples we go and we tell the world Christ has risen even now he goes before you go and meet him there Alleluia Christ has risen he is risen indeed amen