

Show BLM is a China'chip and do the duty of a good militia in the spirit of the U.S.Constitution!

2020年11月07日 14時50分39秒 | チョン予測された滅亡

If BLM is China's minion, armed and funded, and Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, and all Democratic leaders are bribed in China, then a good militia in the United States Constitution is How do you deal with the sellers who all take their weapons and show off lies, bribes, deception and childish violence? You know.
What justice is it to attack and plunder unarmed stores! A state government that doesn't charge it? Who does business in such a useless governor's state? "I'm the governor" "of the Democratic Party," and at that point, everyone would wonder, "Do you know what the Democratic Party is good or bad?"
The New Testament, the Old Testament, and the Quran all never say, "You can steal things," "You can hurt or kill people," and "You can destroy people's things." I'm sorry, but I don't know The Jewish scriptures, but it's probably the same as the previous three.
It seems that when it comes to the "Democratic Party," the facts in these four scriptures that lie with each other are "unknown." And transformed into BLM The black one is big and breaks and runs away! The Democratic Party praises it! You this irritating bugs! Even kid knows that if you do something that isn't human, Yahaway, Christ, and Allah won't forgive you, but does the Democratic kid know that? Then it's with the beast! I don't care! I'll put it all together and beat it.
In the United States, I would shoot the M189 enough to change the barrel of the M-249 three times. BLM What, Black Pig is horrifying to be a ham or sausage. Riot? My hobby is to suppress it! I will crush the BLM that comes out into small pieces until I do not know the number of people. If you still come, I'll be waiting for you from C4 to C6! Be prepared for the skill of the engineer, to remind yourself of it, or Because your body will fall apart.
For now, the decent Democratic Party is only the "Taiwan Democratic Party", and the rest are just gangsters with hair or piercings!
Generally, it's natural that a person who decides on a drug and decides on a drug whose blood concentration is four times the standard, will be "shot" if he makes strange movements. Don't follow what the police say, don't show Your hands to the police, get stuck in the police with a quarrel? Are they all shooting cases? There will be more states without police in the future. It's the Democratic intrigue: a criminal uncontrolled state that was willing to block voting in secret. Who does business with such a lie-filled state? Think about it!
At best, only the sexual skills of Kamastora Harris are the large-scale behavior of MMT without police in the strangely large state of Auntie, and wait for the bankruptcy to be declared sooner or later!


2020年11月07日 14時47分46秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路











Even if you win, when will you drop that crazy old man? Is the problem? Biden. What is that?

2020年11月07日 14時02分08秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

Like the Chinese Communist Party and South Korea, Nancy Pelosi is a gerontocracy who piles up small craftsmanship, but in the future, it will be forever sought after as a symbol of the division of the country.
In the future, as illegal activities are listed and the mechanism is clarified, their anomalies and severity will remain in shape. Neither the state nor the parliament that stole the election with a clear "injustice" will be trusted. In the future, the US fraudsters will be closely monitored.
The other party is the United States government, but it is "stolen" by a "Democratic thief." There are cockroaches in the government where cheating is a common practice.
In the future, the attitude of government officials to cross-examine "criminals" will be the most important.
In addition, since the idiots promised to eliminate the police, the armament increased dramatically, and the good militia showed its true character and properly sentenced the "loose officer" who could only deceive as a lie and dispose of it. Will do it.
Well, if you lose the police, it will be the days of shooting battles every day.
Also, the Secret Service doesn't want to give life to the "President" who is deceived by such lies. "Nobuyoshi" cannot be obtained for a bastard who is deceived as a lie. Someone always deceives someone. Enjoy such a "Democratic Party-friendly" administration at best. Chinese vassals!
If you get the power, you might think it's like a Chinese cockroach, but it's impossible to open a door in a free country. Americans are not the only ones who are amazed at this "demagogy".
In any case, the presidential election greeting would be "rather than a needle," but an old man who fell in love with him would be a good candidate for a sarcastic congratulatory message.
Every action is accompanied by the eyes of a "thief of power." And when it is rarely assassinated, the word "Zamamiro" will fly in the air. As a president with no honor and pride, and as a filthy and obscene worst party, I can truly congratulate him on his name forever.


2020年11月07日 13時55分33秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路













American Democratic Cockroach! Did the United States forget about the "town weapons industry"?

2020年11月07日 11時04分34秒 | マスゴミ抹殺あるのみ!凡そ人とは言えない虚甚抹殺

In the future, a vigilante group will be created because the governor and mayor of the Democratic Party of the United States will not deal with the riot organization first. And another unit will start to move. 

Maybe it's called BLNM (Black Live No Matter). It is a group that annihilate those who plunder in riots.

The vigilante guards and BLM attacks, and BLNM pinches it and kills it. Then, the serial number bearing the name of the governor or mayor of the Democratic Party is numbered as "Pelosi 0024" to declare the extermination of BLM.

Perhaps Twitter will refuse, but the 30kg anti-personnel mine gift will be a fun firework, notifying that "I know the face and address of Twitter employees' mobile phone numbers." High escort costs will be GAFA's "welfare policy" in the future ..

Oh, black guards should be stopped. I can't stand for an hour. In the United States, military weapons are also sold in the town, and is it an army? There are people who buy equipment so much that if they say " now is a chance "and" liar = bad guy = then you can kill me ", they will mercilessly kill you.

For me, it's interesting that the Democratic Governor's State declares that Republicans will evacuate to the Republican Governor's State for two months and start fighting. First of all, before making a declaration, it would be interesting to build a lot of trap houses in the Democratic Governor's State, hide them, and make them work after a certain period of time with a time trap! I'll send the National Guard, but I can't enter the town. Once you enter, you can't escape.

"The lie party who stole power by lying is a thief, so I will punish you!" Maybe Hunter Biden's wrongdoing is also acquitted by "President's amnesty." Joe Biden's own sin is also a "presidential amnesty." Then, the United States will kill all the Democratic Party, saying, "A nation that does not crack down on crime, I will beat it to death by my law." Oops, I have to leave the Election Commission Testimony is important. However,

let's give "the treatment that suits the thief" who keeps it in the room, although he does not put it out in the bathroom and eats it. Ultimately, mortars will be used to slaughter the Democratic Governor's mayor, who is the guest of honor At the party. He loves peace and is disarmament. Do you get it! Weapons will be used to kill Omaera. Don't worry, I'm helping Omaera's policies.

I'm happy and tears come out. Wait! The Democratic Governor mayor does not have the necessary testimony. Everyone can be killed with peace of mind. The Democratic Party of America, who is willing to lie, is America's greatest shame and annoyance. Are you eligible to vote first? There isn't. Democratic hunting is indispensable because it seems to say that it is alive.