

“Adrenochrome” which extract from heavily abused infant body fruid.

2020年11月09日 14時48分54秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

“Adrenochrome” evil witch’s regular medicine which extract from heavily abused infant body fruid.

What is Adrenochrome like ? If you are fan of Japanimation, do you know “Full Metal Alchemist” and one thing which is taken up in the story is called “philosopher's Stone”.

It’s not a fantasy product only in the story, it exist in the real world! 

That name is “Adrenochrome” evil witch pelosi’s regular medicine.

And it distributed within devil’s minions, CCP, Demon’s Cratic Party, and so forth.

Especially in Entertainment world or evil wood , A gem that you can't let go of among famous actress and singer ,like a Lady GAGA!

Recently there increase kidnapping and most of kid is sexal abused , or physical pain abused, and eated as a dinner for Greedy Fuck China! and top of member of Demon’s Cratic Party.

You may get tired of these sick stories,But this is the real Demon’s Cratic Party. If You people of U.S.A. you must know enemy’s real shape and specifications.

Because of all above, they never mind even if they disguise the vote count,  even if  they broadcast false news, even if they support BLM and antifa which did violation activity enough to be applied treason.

Because they are not human being in true meaning.

These are profesied in the movie , for example “bad GAFA is skynet system in Terminator”, Adrenochrome is “philosopher's Stone” in “Full Metal Alchemist”, The worst state California is a “gossum city” in the BAT MAN.

Then do you know what you must do ?

Let's Get rid of they group bad-smell evil no-macy devil’s to the end of the world!

You thinking about hell China! China and Demon's Cratic Party tightly tie.

2020年11月09日 13時55分28秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

You thinking about hell China! There are nothing but a trillions of Locust,and There arn’t God’s grace and grains. Place of that God give up. In due course, U.S.A will follow to it’s trace.

Bad and Ill China is in center of disaster. continurous heavy rain for half a year, CCP new CoronaVirus infect many times for each chinese again and again.

Furthermore CCP(China Communist Party) made so called vaccine bring about heavy illness all of vaccination. It is the symptom of ADE(antibody-dependent enhancement), it’s a worst side effect and multiple sickness attack to patient. Normal CCP new CoronaVirus infected onset only 20% at worst, but ADE suffered patient almost half of vaccination onset more than 50% of all, and cause heavy thrombosis and he will die soon or lator.

CCP attempt to sell such worst poison to Brasil. Naturally Brasil President Jair Bolsonaro refuset such poison purchase , but Inpudent enough Fuck China accuse it as violation of contract. Off course ABC CBS CNN PBS never tell such a amazing news at all. But, Fuck China try to let it get mixed in Normal vaccine of U.S.A or German, and futhermore Demon’s Cratic Party help that conspyracy and send it some other foreign countries.

People in sane never imagine such a oweful idea but they are CCP (China Communist Party) and Kind of Fuck China, Demon’s Cratic Party so it’s a easy and merely tattered profit story. They will do, No No! There is no reason they do not such delicious making money and scatter virus , misery, unhappy. 

Demon’s Cratic Party and Fuck China is born or made in the sake for it. Only For it. Merely For it.

If the democratic (devil) party wins, it will be a devil's paradise. It's hell.

2020年11月09日 08時53分04秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

The Democratic (devil) party, like name party in the Japanese, is "stupid," "fool," "cowardly," and "masgomi friend." Japanese Media is also "stupid", "fool", "cowardly" and graduated from a stupid cultural university. In other words, there is no practical ability. All you have to do is line up the lies on the lie paper. What is the hellish joke world that such an idiot and a stupid tag divide?

1) Anti-ccp New Coronavirus measures

First of all, President Trump actively committed to the "New Coronavirus of China", but now it is a bug prison that lied about something like Biden's empty "victory declaration" that he "overcame" this. However, the new coronavirus virus in China has been infected up to the third (catastrophe) at different times and places.

Speaking of terrible, the incompetent mayor and governor of the Democratic (devil) party. Well, in every state and every city, it is a genius group that spreads infected people so much that it seems better to do nothing. In fact, who of the Democratic (devil) party can criticize President Trump's infectious disease control? "What's the worst infection states ?" "Oh, the blue states (Democratic governor's state)." Is common sense.

An old man in love and a prostitute woman who has no choice but to move around with a man in power in his crotch are foolish = democratic (devil) parties when he believes that a good policy can be taken.

Lock down energetically in the future! That is the dream of a democratic (devil) party member. The cities of the Governor and Mayor of the Democratic Party have all collapsed and disappeared!

2) Economic measures

... Bankruptcy is over.

The bottom line is that no matter who you look at it.

(1) Tax increase

Obamacare and MMT will raise taxes dramatically with a foolish policy that has no numerical basis, such as the flatulence that was thought by the idiot kamara Harris's fornication female brain.

Do you remember Obama's choice of President Trump because he was so ignorant of the economy that he was so tired of it?

The most possible ones are tax increases, neglect of bugs, and a rush of stupid bills favored by the Democratic (devil) party.

(2) Mass unemployment

1) It is small and medium-sized enterprises that cannot withstand the tax increase, especially the anti-virus measures of the Democratic (devil) party: Lockdown causes the restaurant business to collapse. Is it because of the democratic (devil) party's brain that randomly completes "unsold hell" and "unpurchas hell"?

This makes it easy to create mass unemployment.

③ Insufficient tax revenue

Even if the tax is raised to the point of dying in (1), the tax revenue will drop drastically due to (2). This locks down the government building. It won't form the body of the government. Around this time, yelling idiot finally begins to understand his idiot, saying that it has nothing to do with politics.

3) Security

BLM and Antifa are booming in the state where there is no police = the governor of the Democratic (devil) party, and looting, destruction, violence, rape, and drugs will be constant. Yusuke Iseya will move to Oregon, where hard drugs are OK. Oregon will be active in the drug industry, but security will be the lowest.

Too much disorder will send the National Guard, not the police, but there will be a series of soldiers who dislike this mission and quit.

The Republican Governor's State is said to be a "safe state," at least if the police will be  called, then police come. Some of the Democratic (Devil) Party member will run away to the Repubulican, but it would be better to turn back, saying, "It makes sense for Democratic (Devil) Party members to return to the Democratic (Devil) Party Governor's State."

America under the Democratic (Devil) Party: In a state controlled by the Democratic (Devil) Party, it becomes another type hell. It will be open and open to childhood. After all, the president and his son are unrivaled pedfiria. They are possible to make feratio their dirty penis by child during working.

Kamala Harris was also born by selling a stinky body, so his duties and hobbies will be indispensable.


2020年11月09日 08時03分10秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路























