

Radio Prague 85周年記念QSL発行

2008-05-16 22:41:22 | BCL・遠距離受信
Radio Prague は、85周年にあたる5月18日の受信報告に対して記念QSLを発行するとのことです。

Special QSL card
Radio Prague is issuing a special QSL card on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Czech Radio's first regular broadcast. If you'd like to obtain your own copy, make sure to send us a reception report from our programme on the exact date of the anniversary: May 18, 2008.

Radio Netherland Media Network Podcast !!

2008-05-16 22:23:05 | BCL・遠距離受信
Media Network の試験的Podcastが5月15日にアップされました!

Media Network has launched an experimental podcast service, in which we discuss with colleagues some of the issues raised in the weblog and in messages from readers.

Podcast 1: Programme Distribution with Rocus de Joode

Andy Sennitt talks to Rocus about how the role of the programme distribution department, and RNW's use of shortwave, have both changed in the last two decades.