文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is a popular page yesterday, 2024/1/16.

2025年01月16日 08時58分40秒 | 文明、政治、経済

If we don't, we will have frequent power outages. 

2021年11月03日 11時33分57秒 | 文明、政治、経済
The following is from an article by Tetsuo Sawada, assistant professor at the Zero Carbon Energy Institute of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, which appeared in the October 26 issue of the monthly magazine WiLL under the title "Prime Minister Kishida Must Decide on Nuclear Policy!"
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine papers by real scholars.
And yet, it is only 950 yen (tax included).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to a bookstore to subscribe.
There are still people who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers.
They pay about 5,000 yen a month to read articles by people striving to undermine Japan, avenge Japan, and degrade Japan's national strength, as Yuzuru Tsuboi embodies.
(Emphasis in the text is mine, except for the headline.
As electric power is the "blood" of the economy, making renewable energy the primary power source would be suicidal.
Suicide of a Nobel laureate in physics 
On October 6, the world was excited to learn that Dr. Yoshiro Manabe had won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Dr. Manabe's work in computer modeling the complex system of climate change is impressive.
But does meteorology belong in the category of physics?
As if to confirm this question, some people are praising the courage of the selection committee in going beyond the field of physics to award the prize.
Even more troubling is the following paragraph in the Nobel Prize Committee's announcement of the reason for the award.
"Without soberly probing the origins of variability we cannot understand the behavior of any system. Therefore, only after having considered these origins do we understand that global warming is real and attributable to our own activities, that a vast array of the phenomena we observe in nature emerge from an underlying disorder, and that embracing the noise and uncertainly is an essential step on the road towards predictability."
The underlined parts translate as follows: 1) Global warming is real. 2) Our own activities cause it. 
However, this message is highly political. 
There is deep-rooted skepticism or denial among scholars about both (1) and (2).
However, what was revealed in this text was the intention of pretending to the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics to contain skepticism.
If there is a political gimmick, the Nobel Prize in Physics has chosen the path of suicide. 
The following day, October 7, Google announced that it would begin banning advertisements for climate-change-denying content (such as YouTube videos) in November.
The timing is so exquisite that it makes one wonder if Google and the Nobel Prize Selection Committee work together to contain global warming skepticism. 
Such a trend can be traced back to Al Gore's winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
Thirteen years later, in 2020, the Kan administration of Japan announced a plan to become carbon neutral by 2050.
If we don't, we will have frequent power outages. 
The Sixth Basic Energy Plan, which is currently being formulated, has not been approved by the Cabinet due to the overly aggressive policy guidance of the Kono-Koizumi (K.K.) duo and the revelation of a scandal involving both K.K.s' renewable energy interests. 
Both KKs are adamant about the goal of 100% renewable energy in the future.
Wind power generation is unrealistic in Japan because of poor wind conditions and few suitable sites, and the cost of relying on offshore power generation would be abnormally high.
Therefore, if Japan were to go 100% renewable energy, it would have to move toward laying solar panels all over the country. 
Incidentally, according to an estimate by Taku Yamamoto, a member of the House of Representatives, who recently submitted an open letter of inquiry to the Minister of the Environment Koizumi, the area needed to cover all the current fossil fuel power generation with solar power would be equivalent to about 130,000 Tokyo Domes.
If we simply divide this figure, we would need to secure land equivalent to about 2,700 Tokyo Domes in each prefecture.
It is an unbelievable number. 
The framework of the Sixth Basic Energy Plan is shown in the figure on the right. 
The 36% to 38% of renewable energy includes hydroelectric power (about 10%) and biomass (about 5%), which are stable sources, but the total of solar power and wind power, unstable sources that fluctuate, exceeds 20%.
Twenty percent means that we are truly entering dangerous territory. 
When the percentage of variable renewable energy sources, i.e., wind and solar power, exceeds 20%, they become extremely unstable under short-term weather conditions (long rains, heatwaves, no wind, cold waves, etc.) and cause frequent power outages.
I have explained this in detail in my book "Zero Nuclear Power Plants: What We Must Not Do" (Energy Forum). 
Recently, China has been experiencing frequent large-scale power outages, and natural gas prices have skyrocketed in Europe, so the world is facing an energy crisis. 
China's Xi Jinping regime has issued an order to power plants around the country to curb C0₂ emissions.
It seems that the intention was to show the world China's desire to decarbonize.
As a result, coal-fired power plants, which account for about 70% of the country's power supply mix, have been forced to shut down one after another, and severe power shortages affect two-thirds of the country.
The effects have been enormous:
  • Factories have been forced to shut down across the board.
  • Power and water outages have been frequent everywhere.
  • Traffic lights have gone out, causing massive traffic jams.
  • The daily lives of the people have been thrown into chaos.
It is not a temporary situation, and power outages will become the norm in China in the future. 
This September in the U.K., the weather was hotter than usual, and there was no wind. As a result, wind power generation did not function adequately, and natural gas power generation made up for the shortage.
European countries are also switching from coal-fired power to natural gas-fired power, which emits less carbon dioxide.
These circumstances have led to a sharp rise in the price of natural gas, leading to higher electricity prices.
As a result, there is a fear that the economy will stagnate, and we are faced with the difficulty of reconciling decarbonization efforts with the economic boom. 
The rapid decarbonization and dependence on renewable energy will have a profound impact on industry and people's daily lives.
Nuclear power to 40% or more
I have argued at every opportunity that an industrialized country like Japan should emulate Sweden in terms of its power source composition (December 2020 issue of this magazine).
The actual figures for 2019 are 38% nuclear, 40% hydro, 12% wind, 7% other renewable energies (solar, biomass, etc.), 2% fossil fuel-fired, etc.
They are one step closer to being able to decarbonize.
Scandinavia has good wind conditions, which is advantageous for wind power generation. 
In Sweden, a referendum was held in 1980 to eliminate nuclear power, but in 2009, the government abolished the policy and changed its policy to replace existing reactors. 
In Japan, the law allows nuclear power plants to operate for 40 years in principle, with a one-time extension of 20 years, but this is nonsense.
It is nonsense, just like a car inspection, and there is no basis for a one-time extension.
In fact, the Surry nuclear power plant (two units) in the U.S. has been approved for a second extension, allowing it to continue operating for 80 years.
In addition, of course, the development of standards and regulations and potential technical issues are already being considered for 100 years of operation. 
As shown in the previous figure, to achieve a 20-22% share of electricity generated by nuclear power plants in 2030, it will be necessary to operate about 30 nuclear power plants. Still, there are only 27 plants in operation, including those restarted, licensed, or under contract.
The fact that Kashiwazaki-Kariwa's Units 1-5 are included in the list of plants that have not yet been applied for is really a waste of time, considering the realistic path to decarbonization. 
The further new expansion of nuclear power plants is essential for 2050 carbon neutrality.
In order to achieve this goal, concrete policies need to be put in place as soon as possible, and political decisions are required to achieve this goal. 
Many countries in the world, including our neighbor China, are moving toward decarbonization will inevitably lead to the construction of new nuclear power plants, and the supply and demand for uranium fuel will inevitably become tight.
Plutonium will play a vital role as an alternative fuel to uranium.
The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant of Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL), promoting the practical use of plutonium, which is at the core of the nuclear fuel cycle, has completed safety inspections and is nearing completion.
The operation of the Rokkasho facilities is an urgent task to establish the nuclear fuel cycle.
Prime Minister Kishida: "We will proceed with the restart of the reactors." 
On October 11, in a question-and-answer session of the Diet, new Prime Minister Kishida stated the following about nuclear energy policy. 
"It is crucial that we work to restore the public's trust and that we proceed with the restart of nuclear power plants that the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has approved as conforming to the new regulatory standards, with the understanding of local communities. 
However, promoting the restart of nuclear power plants alone is not enough.
The government's 6th Basic Energy Plan, to be approved by the Cabinet soon, is expected to set forth a policy of switching from the current LNG-fired thermal power plants to renewable energy sources as the primary power source. Still, electric power is the blood of the economy, and making renewable energy the primary power source is tantamount to suicide from the perspective of economic security. 
In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, Japan must ensure a stable supply of electricity while decarbonizing the nation's power supply. 
To do this, we must continue to use fossil fuels efficiently and increase nuclear power generation as much as possible.
Tetsuo Sawada
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1957.
After graduating from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, he joined Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
After working as a visiting researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute in Germany, he is currently an assistant professor at the Zero Carbon Energy Institute of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
He specializes in nuclear engineering.
The first problem he tackled as a practical nuclear researcher was the analysis of the phenomena of re-criticality potential and re-criticality during a hypothetical core disruption accident in the fast reactor Monju.
Since then, he has been engaged in research on reactor physics, nuclear safety (severe accidents in fast breeder reactors and light water reactors, fusion system safety, etc.), multipurpose small, fast reactors, atomic nonproliferation, etc. nuclear security.
His recent interests include nuclear energy as a social system and primary and secondary education on atomic energy.
He is the leader of "TSURU DE ATOM," a project to weave bonds between residents of nuclear energy site areas and urban consumers.
Since 2010, he has been organizing an annual "Junior High School Students Summit" on the disposal of high-level radioactive waste.
In March 2005, he received the first Outstanding Activity Award from the Social Environment Division of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
He is one of the founders of the Japan Energy Council.


2021年10月22日 07時19分25秒 | 文明、政治、経済

ファシストと全体主義は人間のエネルギーをより効果的に発揮させる方法であることを証明したことになった、と題して、2021年04月02日に、 文明、政治、経済の項として発信した章が、既述の信じがたい犯罪者の執拗な検索妨害行為に遭って、全く検索されていなかった。

終了後から 悲劇は本格化

ベルリン五輪で4つの金メダルを取ったアメリカの黒人陸上選手、ジェシー・オーエンズを描いた映画「栄光のランナー 1936ベルリン」 (スティーブン・ホフキンス監督)の中では、ブランデージとゲッべルスとの間に裏取引のあったことがほのめかされている。 
41年6月には独ソ戦開始と同時に 「移動虐殺部隊」を創設、侵攻したポーランド、リトアニア、ウクライナなどでユダヤ人、ロマ人、共産主義者を虐殺する。
そして42年1月、ユダヤ人問題の 「最終的解決」として物理的な絶滅を決定し、「絶滅収容所」を建設する。 


ロイター通信が3月12日に配信したニュースによれば、中国の人権問題についてIOCのバッハ会長は 「この問題を非常に真剣に受け止めている」としながらも、「国連安全保障理事会や主要7力国(G7)、20力国・地域(G20)でも解決できないような問題をIOCが解決することは無理」と語ったという。 
東京五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の森喜朗会長 (当時)の軽口を「女性蔑視発言」として辞任に追い込むほど、差別や人権に敏感なIOCであれば(もちろん皮肉である)、人生をかけて努力を続ける選手のためにも、中止ではなく別都市での開催を検討すべきだろう。
かりにボイコットもなく 「無事」に北京冬季五輪が終了すれば、次に起こるのは台湾侵攻とウイグル人たちへの弾圧強化、そして東シナ海、南シナ海での活動の凶暴化だろう。 
(じっさい我々が正直な 判断を下しうる事柄とい うものは、はなはだ少な い。大なり小なり何か特殊な利害関係をもたない事柄というものはないからである》 
 ※モンテーニュの引用は関根秀雄訳『モンテーニュ随想録』 (国書刊行会)による。  



2021年04月02日 18時14分46秒 | 文明、政治、経済

ベルリン五輪前夜のごとし 終了後から 悲劇は本格化
ベルリン五輪で4つの金メダルを取ったアメリカの黒人陸上選手、ジェシー・オーエンズを描いた映画「栄光のランナー 1936ベルリン」 (スティーブン・ホフキンス監督)の中では、ブランデージとゲッべルスとの間に裏取引のあったことがほのめかされている。 
41年6月には独ソ戦開始と同時に 「移動虐殺部隊」を創設、侵攻したポーランド、リトアニア、ウクライナなどでユダヤ人、ロマ人、共産主義者を虐殺する。
そして42年1月、ユダヤ人問題の 「最終的解決」として物理的な絶滅を決定し、「絶滅収容所」を建設する。 
北京以外で開催  IOCは奮起を 
ロイター通信が3月12日に配信したニュースによれば、中国の人権問題についてIOCのバッハ会長は 「この問題を非常に真剣に受け止めている」としながらも、「国連安全保障理事会や主要7力国(G7)、20力国・地域(G20)でも解決できないような問題をIOCが解決することは無理」と語ったという。 
東京五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の森喜朗会長 (当時)の軽口を「女性蔑視発言」として辞任に追い込むほど、差別や人権に敏感なIOCであれば(もちろん皮肉である)、人生をかけて努力を続ける選手のためにも、中止ではなく別都市での開催を検討すべきだろう。
かりにボイコットもなく 「無事」に北京冬季五輪が終了すれば、次に起こるのは台湾侵攻とウイグル人たちへの弾圧強化、そして東シナ海、南シナ海での活動の凶暴化だろう。 
(じっさい我々が正直な 判断を下しうる事柄とい うものは、はなはだ少な い。大なり小なり何か特殊な利害関係をもたない事柄というものはないからである》 
 ※モンテーニュの引用は関根秀雄訳『モンテーニュ随想録』 (国書刊行会)による。  


2020年10月07日 06時21分03秒 | 文明、政治、経済
Жители Берлина, конечно, не знают.
Confront Korean Lies. Warum setzt Korea 'Anti-Japan' fort?
Die Berliner haben natürlich keine Möglichkeit zu wissen.


2020年10月06日 22時34分46秒 | 文明、政治、経済


2020年10月06日 22時00分55秒 | 文明、政治、経済

Confront Korean Lies. Warum setzt Korea 'Anti-Japan' fort?

2020年10月06日 21時55分16秒 | 文明、政治、経済
Das Folgende ist aus einem Artikel von Koji Matsumoto.
Es wurde in der September-Ausgabe des Monatsmagazins WiLL mit dem Titel „Confront Korean Lies. Warum setzt Korea 'Anti-Japan' fort? Erkennen Sie historische Wahrheiten und enthüllen Sie koreanische Fiktion. '
Es ist ein Muss nicht nur für japanische Bürger, sondern auch für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.
Ohne dieses Papier zu lesen, ist die Geschichte des Fernen Ostens nach dem Krieg völlig unbekannt.
Koji Matsumoto absolvierte die Universität von Tokio und trat dem Ministerium für internationalen Handel und Industrie (MITI) bei.
Er postete nach Südkorea, wo er entdeckte, wie seltsam es war, und schrieb eines der besten Bücher der Welt über Korea.
Er ist einer der nationalen Schätze Japans und verkörpert die Rolle der Elite, die an die Universität von Tokio kommt.
Ich bin sicher, dass Saicho für seine Arbeit seinen Kopf auf den Berg Hiei gehängt hätte.
Alexis Dudden, ein koreanischer Agent und unglaublich wenig Intelligenz, dominieren die American Historical Society.
Gleiches gilt für die Vereinten Nationen.
Es ist an der Zeit, dass sich die internationale Gemeinschaft schämt, ihre Unwissenheit und Ineffizienz zu kennen.
Vor allem gibt es Südkorea und China, das Land des abgründigen Bösen und der plausiblen Lügen.
In Südkorea startete China 74 Jahre nach dem Krieg Jiang Zemin, um die Menschen vom Vorfall auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens abzulenken.
Die Tatsache, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft den als antijapanische Bildung bezeichneten Nationalsozialismus übersehen hat, hat eine volatile und gefährliche Welt geschaffen.
Chinas Unverschämtheit, Südkoreas Wahnsinn (Wahnsinn der koreanischen Halbinsel), Putins Unverschämtheit, die alle auf die fortgesetzte Vernachlässigung des Nationalsozialismus durch die internationale Gemeinschaft zurückzuführen sind, die China und die koreanische Halbinsel weiterhin tun.
"Koreanische Tradition" aus der Neuzeit.
Ich würde sagen, dass Korea Japan in der Welt am ähnlichsten ist.
Seit der Neuzeit hat es japanische Institutionen und Kultur übernommen, so dass sich der japanische Einfluss in jeder Ecke seiner Gesellschaft bemerkbar gemacht hat.
Japan führte den Chinesisch-Japanischen Krieg und machte Korea unabhängig. Dennoch hat Korea, das durch diesen Krieg geschaffen wurde, nicht nur den Status eines unabhängigen Landes erlangt, sondern es ist auch ein völlig anderes Land geworden als das alte Korea, das zuvor existierte.
Die Kernaufgaben, die zur Geburt der koreanischen Nation führten, wie die Unabhängigkeit von China, die Etablierung der koreanischen Sprache als kulturelle Sprache und Koreas Studium nach moderner Methodik, wurden größtenteils von den Japanern erfüllt.
Obwohl es vielen Menschen überraschend erscheinen mag, ist das meiste, was wir heute als "traditionelle koreanische Kultur" bezeichnen, tatsächlich entstanden oder hat seine Bedeutung in der Neuzeit gefunden.
Es waren die Japaner, die in diesem Prozess eine führende Rolle spielten.
Anfangs waren die Menschen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel nicht sehr an ihrer eigenen traditionellen Kultur interessiert.
Die "Koreanität" war zu dieser Zeit in der Welt des Bewusstseins fast nicht existent.
Das Sprachrohr eines koreanischen Geschichtsbuchs zeigt ein Bild einer Buddha-Statue in Seokguram, Gyeongju.
Es ist eine prächtige Buddha-Statue aus der Silla-Zeit.
Es wurde 1909 vor der Annexion Japans und Koreas entdeckt, stand jedoch unter dem Schutz der japanischen Regierung.
Ein japanischer Postbote, der in eine Höhle gegangen war, um sich vor dem Regen zu schützen, fand die Buddha-Statue in der Dusche und sorgte für Aufruhr.
Ein Umfrageteam wurde zur Untersuchung geschickt, und weil es so wertvoll war, hat das Büro des Generalgouverneurs viel Arbeit geleistet, um es zu erhalten.
Einige mögen denken, dass dies offensichtlich ist, aber es sollte daran erinnert werden, dass Joseon ein streng konfuzianischer Staat war, der dem Buddhismus feindlich gegenüberstand. Viele Buddha-Statuen wurden zerstört, sobald sie gefunden und ohne Aufzeichnungen aufgegeben wurden.
1940 wurde ein Buch mit Illustrationen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert von Hunminjeongeum entdeckt, das einen Bericht über die Hangeul-Produktion aus dem 15. Jahrhundert beschreibt.
Es wurde in einem Privathaus in der Provinz Nord-Gyeongsang gefunden, wo es als Unterlage verwendet wurde.
Es ist jetzt ein nationaler Schatz, aber zu Joseons Zeiten wäre es wie ein Stück Papier behandelt worden.
Es erblickte das Licht der Welt, denn in dieser Zeit galt Hangul als wertvolles kulturelles Erbe.
Es waren die Japaner, die die Schönheit der koreanischen Keramik entdeckten.
Im alten Chosun gab es keine große Tendenz, alte Keramik als Schätze zu schätzen, und es gab nicht viel Bewusstsein, um Traditionen zu pflegen. Die Technik des Seladon wurde auch vor langer Zeit zerstört; niemand konnte es mehr schaffen.
Ein Kenner und Geschäftsmann, Gisaku Tomita, investierte jedoch sein eigenes Geld, um es nach zehnjähriger Arbeit wiederzubeleben.
Das heutige Seladon-Porzellan, das in koreanischen Kaufhäusern und Souvenirläden verkauft wird, basiert nicht auf traditionellen Techniken, sondern auf Tomitas restaurierten (und allgemein akzeptierten) Methoden.
Es ist eine alte und neue Kunst, die die Japaner zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts vom Boden wiederbelebten, nachdem sie aus Koreas Land verschwunden waren.
Besonders hervorzuheben ist auch Shinpei Ogura.
Zunächst Assistent an der Universität von Tokio, studierte er die Notation von Manyoshu. Trotzdem beschloss er, nach Korea zu gehen und die alte koreanische Sprache zu erkunden, insbesondere "Hyangga".
Hyangga ist ein Lied aus dem Land, was bedeutet, dass es ein Lied aus dem Land war, aber es übertrug nur 25 Gedichte.
Vom koreanischen Konfuzianer aus gesehen war es wie ein Relikt der unbedeutenden Barbarenzeit.
Erstens gibt es fast keine alte koreanische Literatur, und sie wissen nicht, wie man sie liest.
Während Ogura als Junior-Beamter im Büro des Gouverneurs arbeitete, begann er, alte Sprachen zu lernen. Es überfiel Esel in einer Pause und ging in ein Viertel und sammelte einen Dialekt.
Ein altes Wort aus alter Zeit bleibt im Stadtteil weit vom Zentrum entfernt.
Es hat dort ein Auge behalten.
Er setzte seine einsame Forschung in der umliegenden Gleichgültigkeit fort, auf dem Gebiet, an dem weder der Koreaner noch das Büro des Gouverneurs, nein, selbst die Linguistic Society of Japan, nicht so viel Interesse hatten.
Es war das Ergebnis seiner engagierten Bemühungen, die Koreanisch die Grundlage für wissenschaftliche Forschung gaben.
Nach der Herrschaft Japans waren es die Japaner, die es geschafft haben, ihre Tradition wiederzuentdecken und mit anderen Worten den Versuch wiederzubeleben, den Wert von „etwas Korea“ zu entdecken, das die alte koreanische Person von überlegenem sozialen Ansehen nicht sah.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass die koreanische Nation durch eine "Begegnung" mit dem modernen Japan geboren wurde.
'Der Protagonist des kolonialen Koreas spielte in der ersten Hälfte der 1940er Jahre nach der Verkündung der Unabhängigkeit in der zweiten Hälfte weiterhin die führende Rolle im neuen Land. Obwohl es diejenigen sein sollten, die den japanischen Kaiser akzeptierten, nahmen sie an der US-Militärverwaltung teil und spielten eine Rolle beim Aufbau der neuen Nation. Ich muss sehen, dass es ein neues Land im Land gebaut hat '(' Zeitgenössische koreanische Geschichte unter dem Kaiser von Japan 'Cheongam Song Gun-ho)
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

It was the Japanese who played a leading role in this process.

2020年10月06日 21時46分05秒 | 文明、政治、経済
The following is from a paper by Koji Matsumoto.
It published in the September issue of the monthly magazine WiLL titled 'Confront Korean lies. Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'? Detect historical truth, reveal Korean fiction.'
It is a must-read paper not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
Without reading this paper, the history of the Far East after the war is entirely unknown.
Koji Matsumoto graduated from the University of Tokyo and joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). 
He posted to South Korea, where he discovered how strange it was and wrote one of the world's best books on Korea.
He is one of Japan's national treasures, embodying the elite's role who enter the University of Tokyo.
I am sure that Saicho would have hung his head on Mount Hiei for his work.
Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent, and incredibly low intelligence dominate the American Historical Society.
The same goes for the United Nations.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of knowing their ignorance and inefficiency.
Above all, there are South Korea and China, the land of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
In South Korea for 74 years after the war, China started Jiang Zemin to distract people from the Tiananmen incident.
The fact that the international community overlooked Nazism, called anti-Japanese education, has created a volatile and dangerous world.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean peninsula's madness), Putin's raise impudent, all of which result from the international community's continued neglect of Nazism that China and the Korean peninsula continue to do.
'Korean Tradition' from the modern era. 
I would venture to say that Korea is the most similar to Japan in the world.
Since the modern era, it has been adopting Japanese institutions and culture, so Japanese influence has felt in every corner of its society. 
Japan fought the Sino-Japanese War and made Korea independent. Still, Korea created by this war has not only gained the status of an independent country, but it has also become a completely different country from the old Korea that existed before.
The core tasks leading to the Korean nation's birth, such as independence from China, the establishment of the Korean language as a cultural language, and Korea's study by modern methodology, were mostly accomplished by the Japanese.
Although it may seem surprising to many people, most of what we now call 'Korean traditional culture' actually emerged or found its significance in the modern era.
It was the Japanese who played a leading role in this process.
Initially, the people of the Korean peninsula were not very interested in their own traditional culture.     
The 'Koreanness' was almost non-existent in the world of consciousness at the time.
The mouthpiece of a Korean history textbook shows a picture of a Buddha statue in Seokguram, Gyeongju.
It is a magnificent Buddha statue made in the Silla period. 
It was discovered in 1909, before the annexation of Japan and Korea, but it was under the protection of the Japanese government.
A Japanese postman, who had gone into a cave to take shelter from the rain, found the Buddha statue in the shower and caused an uproar.
A survey team was sent to investigate, and because it was so valuable, the Governor General's Office did a great deal of work to preserve it.
Some may think this is obvious, but it should be recalled that Joseon was a rigidly Confucian state hostile to Buddhism. Many Buddha statues were destroyed as soon as they were found and abandoned without any records. 
In 1940, a 15th-century book of Hunminjeongeum illustrations was discovered, which describes a 15th-century account of Hangeul production.
It was found in a private house in North Gyeongsang Province, where it was used as a backing sheet.
It is now a national treasure, but in Joseon's time, it would have been treated like a scrap of paper.
It saw the light of day because it was an era when Hangul was regarded as a valuable cultural heritage. 
It was the Japanese who discovered the beauty of Korean ceramics.
In the old Chosun, there was not much of a tendency to value old ceramics as treasures, and there was not much of consciousness to cherish traditions. The technique of celadon was also destroyed long ago; no one was able to make it anymore.
However, a connoisseur and businessman, Gisaku Tomita, invested his own money to revive it after ten years of work.
Today's celadon porcelain sold in Korean department stores and souvenir shops is not based on traditional techniques, but rather on Tomita's restored (and generally accepted) methods.
It is an old and new art that the Japanese revived from the ground at the beginning of the 20th century after having disappeared from Korea's land. 
Shinpei Ogura is also worthy of special mention.
Initially an assistant at the University of Tokyo, he studied the notation of Manyoshu. Still, he decided to go to Korea and explore the ancient Korean language, especially 'Hyangga.'
Hyangga is a song from the country, meaning it was a song from the countryside, but it transmitted only 25 poems.
Seen from the Korean Confucian, it was like a relic of the insignificant barbarians era.
In the first place, ancient Korean literature is almost non-existent, and they don't know how to read it.
While Ogura worked in the governor's office as a junior official, he began studying ancient languages. It raided Donkey at a recess and went out to a district and gathered a dialect.
An old old-time word is left in the district away from the center far.
It kept an eye there.
He continued his lonely research in the surrounding indifference, in the field which neither the Korean nor the governor's office, no, even the Linguistic Society of Japan didn't have an interest in so much.
It was the result of his devoted efforts that gave Korean the foundation for scientific research.
After Japan's rule, it was the Japanese made it that rediscovered its tradition and revived, in other words, the attempt to discover the value of 'something Korea' that the old Korean person of superior social standing did not look.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Korean nation was born through an 'encounter' with modern Japan.
'The protagonist of colonial Korea in the first half of the 1940s continued to play the leading role in the new country after the promulgation of independence in the second half. Although it should have been those who accepted the Japanese Emperor participated in the US military administration and played a role in constructing the new nation. I have to see that it built a new country in the country '('Contemporary Korean History under the Emperor of Japan' Cheongam Song Gun-ho)
This article continues.


2020年10月06日 21時41分14秒 | 文明、政治、経済



2020年10月06日 17時53分12秒 | 文明、政治、経済
the international community overlooked Nazism
Hur som helst, jag var inte i stånd att studera.
Uansett var jeg ikke i stand til å studere.
Alle akademiske og ideologiske friheter osv. Er ikke hjemme for dem.
Alla akademiska och ideologiska friheter etc. är inte hemma för dem.
All academic and ideological freedoms, etc. are not at home to them. 
Как бы то ни было, у меня не было возможности учиться.
The Origin of Korea Anti-Japanese

Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'? Detect historical truth, reveal Korean fiction

2020年10月06日 16時59分29秒 | 文明、政治、経済
The following is from a paper by Koji Matsumoto published in the September issue of the monthly magazine WiLL titled 'Confront Korean lies. Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'? Detect historical truth, reveal Korean fiction.'
It is a must-read paper not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
Without reading this paper, the history of the Far East after the war is entirely unknown.
Koji Matsumoto graduated from the University of Tokyo and joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). He posted to South Korea, where he discovered how strange it was and wrote one of the world's best books on Korea.
He is one of Japan's national treasures, embodying the elite's role who enter the University of Tokyo.
I am sure that Saicho would have hung his head on Mount Hiei for his work.
Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent, and incredibly low intelligence dominate the American Historical Society.
The same goes for the United Nations.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of knowing their ignorance and inefficiency.
Above all, there are South Korea and China, the land of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
In South Korea for 74 years after the war, China started Jiang Zemin to distract people from the Tiananmen incident.
The fact that the international community overlooked Nazism, called anti-Japanese education, has created a volatile and dangerous world.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean peninsula's madness), Putin's raise impudent, all of which result from the international community's continued neglect of Nazism that China and the Korean peninsula continue to do.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
'Is there no Japanese material?'
I don't know what it is now, but as far as I studied from the 1980s to the 90s, the legal book's text was very similar.
For example, let's compare the Japanese trade union law, which was revised in 1949, with the Korean trade union law created four years later in 1953.
◆ In this law, a labor union refers to an organization or its affiliated organization organized mainly to maintain and improve working conditions and voluntarily improve economic status. Under this law, a worker means a person who lives on wages, salary, or other similar income, regardless of their occupation. (Japan)
◆ Under this law, the labor union aims to unite voluntarily by workers, maintain and improve working conditions, improve workers' welfare, and improve economic and social status as an organization organized by or federation. 
Under this law, a worker means a person who lives based on wages, salary, or other similar income, regardless of occupation type. (Korea) Korea is a little longer, but it is very similar. 
Then, the Article 1 "Purpose" of the Japanese Law on Temporary Measures for the Promotion of Electronic Industry, enacted in 1957, and the Korean Law on Promotion of Electronic Industry, passed in 1969, are almost identical in their text.
◆ This law aims to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and other healthy developments of the national economy by promoting the electronics industry. (Japan)
◆ This law aims to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and the national economy's development by promoting the electronics industry. (Korea)
Not all articles can be cited, but in short, many Korean laws are like translations of Japanese laws. Such similarity cannot happen by chance.
As a practice, it often used the term 'Japanese material' in Korea.
When thinking about policies at the government office, when the draft comes up from below, the director asks, 'I understand it, but are there no Japanese materials?'
When planning and enacting new policies or laws, the above people always request Japanese materials.
If they follow that, they will be relieved.
When making something new, it was customary to send a survey team to Japan, investigate it, and become a new Korean policy or law.
In Korea, it transferred the Japanese rule laws from the late 1950s to the early 1960s.
'Transfer' is a legal term, which means that foreign law is regarded as the law of your home country and applied as it is. Of course, some young lawyers were not able to speak Japanese, so it translated them.
Since basic laws such as criminal law, civil law, and commercial law have been inherited since the Japanese rule, new Japanese legislation after World War II is well adapted to Korean society.
A Korean history textbook says, 'Japanese policies have had a huge hindrance to the modernization and development of Korea and have not helped our people.' you can see it is a perception that is completely separated from reality in this example.
President Park Chung-hee put an end to 'Transfer' and switched to Korea's law, but then Japanese law was inherited. 'Inherit' means to develop based on the customary law, and there were also regulations unique to Korea, such as adultery. Still, the legal structure of the Japanese rule is sliding as it is.
I think that it hasn't changed even now so much.
Perhaps the structure of towns and underground malls can be explained analytically by experts such as architecture and urban engineering that this part of Japan is incorporated in this way. 
Why is it so similar to Japan even though it is an anti-Japan country?
It is not a form of inheritance or relics that have disappeared and has consistently tried to entrench Japan after the war.
Isn't it different from what you say in your mouth? Somewhere strange.
I felt there was something big that it didn't tell.
This article continues.

Above all, there are South Korea and China, the land of abysmal evil and plausible lies.

2020年10月06日 16時55分28秒 | 文明、政治、経済
The following is from a paper by Koji Matsumoto published in the September issue of the monthly magazine WiLL titled 'Confront Korean lies. Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'? Detect historical truth, reveal Korean fiction.'
It is a must-read paper not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
Without reading this paper, the history of the Far East after the war is entirely unknown.
Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent, and incredibly low intelligence dominate the American Historical Society.
The same goes for the United Nations.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of knowing their ignorance and inefficiency.
Above all, there are South Korea and China, the land of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
In South Korea for 74 years after the war, China started Jiang Zemin to distract people from the Tiananmen incident.
The fact that the international community overlooked Nazism, called anti-Japanese education, has created a volatile and dangerous world.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean peninsula's madness), Putin's raise impudent, all of which result from the international community's continued neglect of Nazism that China and the Korean peninsula continue to do.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
'Is there no Japanese material?'
I don't know what it is now, but as far as I studied from the 1980s to the 90s, the legal book's text was very similar.
For example, let's compare the Japanese trade union law, which was revised in 1949, with the Korean trade union law created four years later in 1953.
◆ In this law, a labor union refers to an organization or its affiliated organization organized mainly to maintain and improve working conditions and voluntarily improve economic status. Under this law, a worker means a person who lives on wages, salary, or other similar income, regardless of their occupation. (Japan)
◆ Under this law, the labor union aims to unite voluntarily by workers, maintain and improve working conditions, improve workers' welfare, and improve economic and social status as an organization organized by or federation. 
Under this law, a worker means a person who lives based on wages, salary, or other similar income, regardless of occupation type. (Korea) Korea is a little longer, but it is very similar. 
Then, the Article 1 "Purpose" of the Japanese Law on Temporary Measures for the Promotion of Electronic Industry, enacted in 1957, and the Korean Law on Promotion of Electronic Industry, passed in 1969, are almost identical in their text.
◆ This law aims to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and other healthy developments of the national economy by promoting the electronics industry. (Japan)
◆ This law aims to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and the national economy's development by promoting the electronics industry. (Korea)
Not all articles can be cited, but in short, many Korean laws are like translations of Japanese laws. Such similarity cannot happen by chance.
As a practice, it often used the term 'Japanese material' in Korea.
When thinking about policies at the government office, when the draft comes up from below, the director asks, 'I understand it, but are there no Japanese materials?'
When planning and enacting new policies or laws, the above people always request Japanese materials.
If they follow that, they will be relieved.
When making something new, it was customary to send a survey team to Japan, investigate it, and become a new Korean policy or law.
In Korea, it transferred the Japanese rule laws from the late 1950s to the early 1960s.
'Transfer' is a legal term, which means that foreign law is regarded as the law of your home country and applied as it is. Of course, some young lawyers were not able to speak Japanese, so it translated them.
Since basic laws such as criminal law, civil law, and commercial law have been inherited since the Japanese rule, new Japanese legislation after World War II is well adapted to Korean society.
A Korean history textbook says, 'Japanese policies have had a huge hindrance to the modernization and development of Korea and have not helped our people.' you can see it is a perception that is completely separated from reality in this example.
President Park Chung-hee put an end to 'Transfer' and switched to Korea's law, but then Japanese law was inherited. 'Inherit' means to develop based on the customary law, and there were also regulations unique to Korea, such as adultery. Still, the legal structure of the Japanese rule is sliding as it is.
I think that it hasn't changed even now so much.
Perhaps the structure of towns and underground malls can be explained analytically by experts such as architecture and urban engineering that this part of Japan is incorporated in this way. 
Why is it so similar to Japan even though it is an anti-Japan country?
It is not a form of inheritance or relics that have disappeared and has consistently tried to entrench Japan after the war.
Isn't it different from what you say in your mouth? Somewhere strange.
I felt there was something big that it didn't tell.
This article continues.

Without reading this paper, the history of the Far East after the war is entirely unknown.

2020年10月06日 16時50分45秒 | 文明、政治、経済
The following is from a paper by Koji Matsumoto published in the September issue of the monthly magazine WiLL titled 'Confront Korean lies. Why does Korea continue 'anti-Japan'? Detect historical truth, reveal Korean fiction.'
It is a must-read paper not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
Without reading this paper, the history of the Far East after the war is entirely unknown.
Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent, and incredibly low intelligence dominate the American Historical Society.
The same goes for the United Nations.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of knowing their ignorance and inefficiency.
Above all, there are South Korea and China, the land of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
In South Korea for 74 years after the war, China started Jiang Zemin to distract people from the Tiananmen incident.
The fact that the international community overlooked Nazism, called anti-Japanese education, has created a volatile and dangerous world.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean peninsula's madness), Putin's raise impudent, all of which result from the international community's continued neglect of Nazism that China and the Korean peninsula continue to do.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
'Is there no Japanese material?'
I don't know what it is now, but as far as I studied from the 1980s to the 90s, the legal book's text was very similar.
For example, let's compare the Japanese trade union law, which was revised in 1949, with the Korean trade union law created four years later in 1953.
◆ In this law, a labor union refers to an organization or its affiliated organization organized mainly to maintain and improve working conditions and voluntarily improve economic status. Under this law, a worker means a person who lives on wages, salary, or other similar income, regardless of their occupation. (Japan)
◆ Under this law, the labor union aims to unite voluntarily by workers, maintain and improve working conditions, improve workers' welfare, and improve economic and social status as an organization organized by or federation. 
Under this law, a worker means a person who lives based on wages, salary, or other similar income, regardless of occupation type. (Korea) Korea is a little longer, but it is very similar. 
Then, the Article 1 "Purpose" of the Japanese Law on Temporary Measures for the Promotion of Electronic Industry, enacted in 1957, and the Korean Law on Promotion of Electronic Industry, passed in 1969, are almost identical in their text.
◆ This law aims to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and other healthy developments of the national economy by promoting the electronics industry. (Japan)
◆ This law aims to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and the national economy's development by promoting the electronics industry. (Korea)
Not all articles can be cited, but in short, many Korean laws are like translations of Japanese laws. Such similarity cannot happen by chance.
As a practice, it often used the term 'Japanese material' in Korea.
When thinking about policies at the government office, when the draft comes up from below, the director asks, 'I understand it, but are there no Japanese materials?'
When planning and enacting new policies or laws, the above people always request Japanese materials.
If they follow that, they will be relieved.
When making something new, it was customary to send a survey team to Japan, investigate it, and become a new Korean policy or law.
In Korea, it transferred the Japanese rule laws from the late 1950s to the early 1960s.
'Transfer' is a legal term, which means that foreign law is regarded as the law of your home country and applied as it is. Of course, some young lawyers were not able to speak Japanese, so it translated them.
Since basic laws such as criminal law, civil law, and commercial law have been inherited since the Japanese rule, new Japanese legislation after World War II is well adapted to Korean society.
A Korean history textbook says, 'Japanese policies have had a huge hindrance to the modernization and development of Korea and have not helped our people.' you can see it is a perception that is completely separated from reality in this example.
President Park Chung-hee put an end to 'Transfer' and switched to Korea's law, but then Japanese law was inherited. 'Inherit' means to develop based on the customary law, and there were also regulations unique to Korea, such as adultery. Still, the legal structure of the Japanese rule is sliding as it is.
I think that it hasn't changed even now so much.
Perhaps the structure of towns and underground malls can be explained analytically by experts such as architecture and urban engineering that this part of Japan is incorporated in this way. 
Why is it so similar to Japan even though it is an anti-Japan country?
It is not a form of inheritance or relics that have disappeared and has consistently tried to entrench Japan after the war.
Isn't it different from what you say in your mouth? Somewhere strange.
I felt there was something big that it didn't tell.
This article continues.