文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2016年02月29日 22時31分33秒 | 日記













2016年02月29日 22時10分10秒 | 日記














2016年02月29日 19時19分04秒 | 日記








2016年02月29日 19時12分32秒 | 日記









It knows but it is to show off to the people if for some reason and saying that it makes.

2016年02月29日 19時09分29秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

The Communist Party of China is advertising that it is "it defended a motherland and a citizen, fighting against the Japanese military" busily but that, too, isn't right historically.

The opponent of the Japanese military in those days be Chiang Chieh-shih's Kuomintang army and because Mao Tse-tung's Communist Party army is hardly fighting against the Japanese military.

In the point, Japan is poor in diplomacy too, but Japan has kept doing only some true thing, when taking time this much, doesn't all diplomacy in Japan and China become a win in Japan?

I think the more Xi Jinping comes out to the attack, the more it falls into a jam.

Even as for aircraft carrier "Liaoning" in China, such one is the paper tiger.

It isn't of use of the war in future like an aircraft carrier.

The serviceman in China should know such a thing.

It knows but it is to show off to the people if for some reason and saying that it makes.

What a miserable country is wasting to show to the people?

Because the basis of the Communist Party is weakening actually about having to be shown off by the place of "the Communist Party is great"

As the symbol by Abe, Japan should hold still, saying only a proper thing.

It isn't by all means made inroads into even if it is doing so.

Japan is said to have the ability only of it.

Nevertheless, it is the leftist newspaper that writes "it is necessary to get along with China because Japan doesn't have ability the being of it of being a friendship is done a friendship" hard but it is about now to crush as it knows.

It is remembering "Shokun!" well that Watanabe teacher was fighting against the Asahi alone only.

The foreign war in addition to the diplomacy in the peacetime, too, is the same

2016年02月29日 19時00分54秒 | 日記

The following is from Shouichi Watanabe's and Kimindo Kusaka's interview collection "the will to the Japanese" (Tokuma Shoten,1300 yen) but it thinks that Japan people all the members should read this book. Because that doing two having used a title, the will, isn't for mere show.

Statement emphasized other than masthead is me. The preamble abbreviation

Prime Minister Abe converted "the soft diplomacy" in Japan.


In the problem concerning the history recognition, it is useless if investigating what the partner says. It is necessary to have gone earlier from here. Then, it makes a partner investigate. China has been at a loss for the answer certainly. Because, what they say is because it is only a thing like air castle. Because it loved to read "Records of the Grand Historian" and "Records of the Three Kingdoms" from the old days, the Japanese have a point to think that is "the Chinese is a diplomatic genius" but it is necessary to say to do big misunderstanding of it.

Oppositely, as for China, the diplomacy is poor.

After all, it goes along, even if it sees historically, the diplomacy in China is failure's continuation.

If the diplomacy is good, it should finished without rob the territory and interests just as Western powers like from the nineteenth century through the twentieth century.

The foreign war in addition to the diplomacy in the peacetime, too, is the same.

Opium War (1840 ~), Sino-Japanese War (1894 ~), the Korean War (1950 ~), Sino-Vietnamese War (1979 years) and, China has never achieved the original objective in the war.

It is such as Tibet only when the ethnic minorities to the other party that China won.

This article contineus



The state of the media in Japan which referred by the preceding chapter clarifies.

2016年02月29日 13時24分55秒 | 日記

The state of the media in Japan which referred by the preceding chapter clarifies.

The brain of the human beings who make writing a thing by the media in Japan an occupation is proving that it is made with following thing.

For the U.S. to conceal the maximum evil of the obvious human history which was committed in the last years of the war = original sin, thoroughly, have made Japanese fancy Japan when the Japanese who did a bad thing were the bad people.

In other words, it has been supported by the policy which did during the occupation period by U.S.A, and Japanese have been thoroughly brainwashed.

That Soviet entered into the victorious country of the Second World War, too, will have exaggerated.

Rather than after the war for a while, and, two years ago in August, the actual situation of Asahi Shimbun is, for the first time, until they are perfectly clear, in our country, the so-called left-wing forces, the forces that have been affected by the Marxism and the Comintern, they had a large force.

Several times to go to the United Nations, was the word, such as sex slaves allowed to settle in the international community, represented by a lawyer who was in the key positions of the federation at the time, the aspect of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations would be the most obvious example.

GPIF which is Japanese national pension foundation within only 1 month, if saying extremely, it is only 10 days, the situation which suffers 15 trillion yen heavy losses doesn't concern even to have been.

It is what kind of way that did bring about the thing about whom it was and was this accepted?

In the market in the world, the Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan which is a safe country, the most stable in the world.

At all, why is there not consideration to pursue whether or not it is the same rate of decrease at all with China which is the epicenter of the anxiety of the global economy?

Rather, it uses this for the attack of the economic policy of Bank of Japan's policy and the administration in their own country as the good opportunity.

Which advanced countries except Japan will such media be in?

Or, because only the human beings who are in the media are not the Japanese people, even if the pension covers up heavy losses at any cost, there is no relation at all.

Rather, actually, because it is the organization which is occupied by the Chinese and the Korean the national policy of which is anti-Japanese propaganda, may you think that there is this an exciting thing?

The keen eyed owners should think only in this that my supposition about the persons who

2016年02月29日 12時46分41秒 | 日記

There was an index with the GPIF heavy losses of 15 trillion yen in the advertisement of the weekly magazine in Asahi Shimbun berth being low the other day.

The keen eyed owners should think only in this that my supposition about the persons who brought about the rapid strong yen and the free fall the stock price from the beginning of the year was right.

This isn't ordinary.

As for referring when who brought the Tokyo Stock Exchange into this strong yen and must clarify whether or not it continued to hang short selling on Nikkei futures at the same time, the reader is as you know.

Who did snipe at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, in other words, at Japan?

Who, in preparation for the market decline of emerging countries (especially China), climax, bringing to the sharp appreciation of the yen that 11 yen 10 days, and caused the stock market crash of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, what was the easy money.

That is, the past more than 20 years, the Japan that has the most stable governance mechanism in the world, bringing the strong yen, over the short selling in the Nikkei average at the same time, came continued to gain the easy money,

the hedge, that is, they gets the easy money in Japan the money over, and invested in emerging markets is a high-risk, high-return because it is very unstable, the work of further earn, they, more than 20 years, but it came to continue perform, this time, was carried out in just one month it.

Intended to verify the thing was not even one person. It was no even one company.

Only, Sankei Shimbun was about called it "violent decline."

On the contrary, the front page of the Nikkei today, has posted the results of their poll that Abenomics "do not evaluate" 50 percent.

Asahi and so on, news program of the subsidiary of the TV station, where each and just to, policy criticism of the Bank of Japan, the criticism of the economic policies of the Abe administration, it performs day after day, as described above.

This manuscript continues.


2016年02月29日 12時10分31秒 | 日記













Porque evitou o uso

2016年02月29日 11時57分10秒 | 日記

O que se segue é uma continuação do capítulo anterior.

Deve fazer-lhes a responsabilidade de imediato que eles dão uma grande perda que continua dando para o Japão, e eles dão para danificar a honra e crédito do passado e japoneses atuais, que continua a cair a honra e crédito do Japão e da japonesa na comunidade internacional.

Asahi Shimbun, não há estrada para você fazer desculpas, seja publicação cessou imediatamente, se você quiser evitar isso, em um jornal de grande circulação no mundo, arrastamento forçado e mulheres de conforto, você deve incluir a publicidade defesa extensivamente, dizendo que estas foram o relatório fabricação de si mesmo.

Porque evitou o uso da palavra, que é chamado de fabricação em caso de entrevista desculpas pelo Japão-doméstica, também, se dizendo que não é de fabricação e que deseja fazer uso uma palavra, o relatório falso, vamos admitir isso.

No entanto, você deve saber que é a bondade dos japoneses.

É necessário saber que é o aparecimento dos japoneses em que é verdade que ele faz onde oprimido para um longo período de tempo.

Em outras palavras, você deve ter um sentimento de vergonha.

TV Asahi além de ondas de rádio parar, não há nenhuma maneira de modo a reflectir sobre eles.

De "Um tolo nascido nunca é curada" ser o sentido correto dos japoneses, "estação de Notícias" e assim por diante, porque continua a provar.

Este artigo continua.

Parce qu'il a évité

2016年02月29日 11時56分41秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est une continuation du chapitre précédent.

Elle devrait leur incombe immédiatement faire qu'ils donnent une grande perte qui a continué de donner au Japon, et ils donnent à endommager l'honneur et de crédit du passé et actuels japonais, qu'ils continuent à baisser l'honneur et le crédit du Japon et de la japonaise dans la communauté internationale.

Asahi Shimbun, il n'y a pas la route pour vous de faire des excuses, soit la publication CESSE immédiatement, si vous voulez éviter cela, sur un grand journal dans le monde, l'entraînement forcé et femmes de réconfort, vous devez inclure la publicité de plaidoyer beaucoup, disent ceux-ci étaient le rapport de fabrication de vous-même.

Parce qu'il a évité l'utilisation du mot qui est appelé la fabrication en cas d'entretien d'excuses par le Japon domestique, aussi, si en disant qu'il n'y a pas de fabrication et qu'il souhaite faire usage d'un mot, le faux rapport, admettons-le.

Cependant, vous devez savoir qu'il est la gentillesse des Japonais.

Il faut savoir qu'il est l'apparition des Japonais où il est vrai que ce fait que vous oppressé pendant une longue période.

En d'autres termes, vous devez avoir un sentiment de honte.

TV Asahi en plus aux ondes radio arrêt, il n'y a aucun moyen de réfléchir sur eux.

Of "Un imbécile né est jamais guéri" étant le bon sens du Japonais, «station Nouvelles» et ainsi de suite, car il continue à prouver.

Cet article continue.

Weil es wich der Verwendung

2016年02月29日 11時56分10秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist eine Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Es sollte ihnen die Verantwortung sofort, dass sie einen großen Verlust, der sich auf Japan fortgesetzt geben, und sie geben die Ehre und Kredit der vergangenen und aktuellen Japanisch zu beschädigen, dass sie die Ehre und Verdienst der Japan weiter sinkt und die Japaner in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Asahi Shimbun, gibt es keine der Weg für Sie Entschuldigung, entweder ihr Erscheinen sofort zu tun, wenn Sie dies vermeiden wollen, auf einer großen Zeitung in der Welt, gezwungen Entrainment und Komfort Frauen, müssen Sie Advocacy Advertising ausgiebig umfassen, sagen diese waren die Herstellung Bericht von selbst.

Weil es die Verwendung des Wortes umgangen, die Fertigung bei der Entschuldigung Interview von Japan-Haus auch genannt wird, wenn sagen, dass es nicht die Herstellung ist und dass es wünscht Gebrauch ein Wort, das Falschmeldung, lassen Sie uns zugeben, es zu machen.

Allerdings müssen Sie wissen, dass es die Freundlichkeit der Japaner ist.

Es ist notwendig, zu wissen, dass es das Aussehen der Japaner ist, wo es wahr ist, dass es funktioniert, die Sie für eine lange Zeit unterdrückt.

Mit anderen Worten: Sie müssen ein Gefühl der Scham haben.

TV Asahi Neben Radiowellen zu stoppen, gibt es keine Möglichkeit zu reflektieren.

Von "Ein geborener Narr ist nie geheilt" der Japaner das Recht Sinn zu sein "Nachrichtensender" und so weiter, weil es zu beweisen, geht weiter.

Dieser Artikel setzt.

Debido a que eludió

2016年02月29日 11時55分30秒 | 日記

La siguiente es una continuación del capítulo anterior.

Debe hacer que la responsabilidad de inmediato que le dan una gran pérdida que ha continuado dando a Japón, y dar a dañar el honor y el crédito del pasado y japonesa actual, que sigue bajando el honor y el crédito del Japón y la japonés en la comunidad internacional.

Asahi Shimbun, no hay camino para que hagas disculpa, ya sea la publicación cesada inmediatamente, si se quiere evitar esto, en un periódico importante en el mundo, el arrastre forzado y mujeres de confort, debe incluir publicidad de defensa ampliamente, diciendo que se trataba de el informe fabricación del mismo.

Debido a que eludió el uso de la palabra que se llama la fabricación en el caso de la entrevista disculpa por el Japón-doméstica, también, si dice que no es de fabricación y que desee hacer uso de una palabra, el informe falso, hay que admitirlo.

Sin embargo, debe saber que es la bondad de los japoneses.

Es necesario saber que se trata de la aparición de los japoneses en los que es cierto que hace que oprimido durante mucho tiempo.

En otras palabras, debe tener un sentimiento de vergüenza.

TV Asahi además de las ondas de radio se detiene, no hay manera de reflejar en ellos.

De "Un tonto nacido Nunca se cura" es el sentido correcto de los japoneses, "Estación de Noticias" y así sucesivamente, ya que sigue demostrando.

Este artículo continúa.


2016年02月29日 11時49分07秒 | 日記











Perché eluso l'uso

2016年02月29日 11時48分36秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è una continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Si dovrebbe rendere loro la responsabilità subito che danno una grande perdita che ha continuato dando al Giappone, e dare a danneggiare l'onore e il credito del passato e giapponese attuali, che continua a scendere l'onore e credito del Giappone e la giapponese nella comunità internazionale.

Asahi Shimbun, non vi è la strada da fare per voi scuse, né la pubblicazione cessato immediatamente, se si vuole evitare questo, su un importante quotidiano del mondo, trascinamento forzato e donne di conforto, è necessario includere la pubblicità difesa ampiamente, dicendo queste erano il rapporto fabbricazione di te stesso.

Perché eluso l'uso della parola che si chiama di fabbricazione in caso di intervista scuse da parte del Giappone domestico, anche se dire che non è la fabbricazione e la sua intenzione di fare uso una parola, la falsa notizia, ammettiamolo.

Tuttavia, è necessario sapere che è la gentilezza dei giapponesi.

È necessario sapere che è l'aspetto delle giapponese dove è vero che fa che oppressi per lungo tempo.

In altre parole, è necessario disporre di un senso di vergogna.

TV Asahi oltre alle onde radio fermata, non vi è alcun modo per riflettere su di essi.

Di "Un pazzo nato non è mai guarito" essere il giusto senso dei giapponesi, "stazione Notizie" e così via, perché continua a dimostrare.

Questo articolo continua.