文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/5/1

2013年04月30日 17時40分20秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.
" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/5/1

" There is not a country where the fair competition can defeat America. "
" We demand fair competition ".
Isn't Obama saying that Akutagawa continued to say about the laborer in America, the industrial world in America?
This is called a true reader, a reader in the country which heads the world.
There is not a fragment, too, there about the false moralism and so on.
The proper confidence to its country
As you know if that Akutagawa is convinced when Akutagawa is never bad even if Japan sometimes excels is the reader therefore to the laborer
There are not positions such as the masochism hobby, too.
Not to become small doesn't contract.
The declaration that our country is the country which has the best intellect of the world as the democracy
Of course, there is not existing room such as " the vulgar evil ", too.
The philosophy in the such country

Please, subscribe to"The Turntable of Civilization".vol1

To the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.

2013年04月30日 14時10分18秒 | 日記
As for Akutagawa, to be applauding to have taken the right economic policy that Abe prime minister can have done to no one so far big is as previously mentioned.
It wrote that the peace prize and the economics prize of the Nobel Prize should be given to him if Abe prime minister recognized that it was economy whatever it set aside with the serving as the politician about Akutagawa and continued to grind on with firm determination with the recovery in “Japan’s lost 20 ".

Because, it is because a financial deficit and the declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people are solved and he goes to the present right economic policy if continuing to grind on.
It is not only it.
The reader of The Turntable of Civilization knows.of being doing a direct connection to Heiwa in the world, the world steadiness of his right economic policy, of his taking a right policy barely as the country which The Turntable of Civilization turned around.

However, it is in the practice in the world that there is a human being with the full of 100 % nowhere.

Akutagawa thinks that it let's advise that he boils only economy as the continuation of the praise of Abe prime minister and that it centers once again.
At night of Saturday, NHK was telling the comment of Washington Post paper.
In the next day, The Asahi told that the Wall Street Journal, too, carried a similar comment.
The thing that all of most of Akutagawa's writing in "The Turntable of Civilization" are true is as proved by the ready historic fact.
Akutagawa who spent life as the anonymous businessman in the real world where the mass media and any relation sing accomplished the essential criticism which no one accomplished formerly to the mass media and as the given mission, he investigated this.

Of one corner of the instigator who made Japan's lost 20 however, the politicians in the mass media which are and in them, recently, the appearing human beings said a thing.

It was the world of which the philosophy and nothing are at all if it said forcibly how much in the introversion and Washington Post paper and the Wall Street Journal paper were zest such as showering cold sake and water to make wake up their eyes.

The essential problem lies in America, too, but America is because it continues to feel as the country where The Turntable of Civilization is turning around that it is necessary to go, maintaining peace in the world of being a leader in the world.

There is different from the mass media in Japan which has continued to give 20 years of dementia televisions.
They are staring fixedly at the world which should always be.
The people in the newspaper which can have done a both papers and a similar comment however
Permitted to be relieved
It is at the very realistic person that Abe prime minister isn't absolutely perfect and it is consequential but in the folly which never changes in the pathos and fails, he is because it should not brave.

However, Akutagawa knows to them in the U.S., too, and wants for it of the party which had such simple-mindedness however, Liberal Democratic Party the reason is, that were.

In the Liberal Democratic Party, America came even if it used for the style with the profit of the own country which is well-informed to the full about all the things when there was it.
Because Akutagawa took united front with referring Bill Gates and it is Liberal Democratic Party that he surrendered easily to America which ruined the TRON revolution which is Ken Sakamura's great innovation
As for the comment of this time to Abe prime minister of Washington Post paper and the Wall Street Journal paper, as mentioned above, Akutagawa agrees the essential viewpoint completely.
It thinks that it was good cold sake and water.
However, as for being placed in the both papers, the nationalism which is called the anti-Japanese education which continues to be able to do in Korea and China wants to feel something in nothing except the fascism viewpoint which should investigate to be severely however, too.

As for Akutagawa, in the reference, the reader is to that no one in the world said ever as it knows.
But Akutagawa is convinced that it is about it, too, because it is a Nobel Prize class
To have used the worst arms for the human race that is called an atom bomb made take war responsibility to emperor-banzai-fascism in Japan.
Because you didn't pronounce that it achieved war responsibility in the world about Japan in historically worst heavy damage of this human race, heavy damage by the arms which the human race must never use.
It becomes a problem, that only Japan resembled why, and whether or not to have been dropped and whether or not to have been dropped on Italy by Germany, if meeting and not being.
Or, it becomes a problem, whether or not to drop on the country which continues to accomplish a fascism still, why.
In any case, the comment this time was very good as the timing.
Japan where the right economic policy had a feeling barely continues to pull global economy just as it is as the important leader in the world with the U.S. to the both papers, does it and there should be an ardent wish to want.
Because it is with such thing that it says that the world can be seen.

Therefore, a comment this time resembles in the one to have gotten a target from the mass media in Japan which has continued to do only the thing with which is stupid and introversion very much to the appearing persons and has been completed.

The enormous one met the politicians who sided and made the shallow speech and action of the thought which doesn't have philosophy effect with this about the klop and the effect which it is possible to have fed on.

It is it and is good but asks that it is possible to put on the proposal of above-mentioned Akutagawa, too, with care.

the great part Japanese were left in open‐mouthed amazement.

2013年04月30日 12時00分00秒 | 日記

Writing that what it should accomplish had run out especially to the economy, too, the reader is as it knows, that Akutagawa takes from Japan now and that what is valuable.
Not to have thought that to attract the Olympics was a valuable thing for Japan at all, too, is as it knows.
However, to have been as if it was the most important thing since the former governor about Tokyo and to have done attracting activities using much tax are the fact of the wisdom of the many.
It heard the news that Tokyo Governor who is the leader answered the interview of New York Times and the great part Japanese were left in open‐mouthed amazement.

Akutagawa thought of following thing immediately.
This person, too, be the human being who appeared from the mass communication.
A politician who laid by that the mass media beat several years before will never say such a foolish thing.
Because, he is a politician.
If making Tokyo Governor, too, included in the category of the politician, it will be to say that the current governor is not a politician at all.
In any case, it will suppose that that Tokyo continued to accomplish a separate few years attracting activity in this thing results in nothing.
No longer, as long as it continues to accomplish an attracting activity using much tax of Japan people in addition to Tokyoite, does he take the consequences and has no choice but he to resign them?
How much however, with Japan in now, as for the talent instead of Tokyo Governor, and so on, to be is true actually.

The economic-man in the U.S.contributed as the discourse in The Nikkei.

2013年04月30日 10時06分56秒 | 日記
Akutagawa referred, saying "The Turntable of Civilization" was a terrible book.
Actually, it is the terrible book which contains the discovery of the concept with Nobel prize class.
It referred.
The article which proves the thing was in the Nikkei 4 page yesterday.
In the column of the title, the global opinion
The economic-man in the U.S. which is the embodiment of the type capitalism in the 20th century contributed as the discourse.
The U.S. McKinsey & company, the managing director
Dominic Barton the English Oxford economics master of arts
Consulting major McKinsey junction in 1986
The Korean branch manager, the Asia-Pacific area chairman (Shanghai) holding
50 years old

The capitalism faces the trial which is big now.
In among in this 30, the corporation had priority over a profit in the short period and got to slight a role, the contribution to the society.
It receives the expansion of the differential and a financial crisis and stable target however, fairness however, as for the capitalism, the distrust not to be is rising.
The reader in the industrial world should run not to watch and see the change of the situation but to change capitalism into the good direction.
First, it is to make the posture to think much of the long-range value clear in the market.
It is possible to do the long-range investment and it passes away only about that it should think of the success or failure of the business in 5 - 7, being yearly and being chased by the profit in the quarter.
The average stockholding period of the stockholder decreased now from former 7 to 7 months.

The omit the last part

Akutagawa feels that there is possibility that he, too, was reading "The Turntable of Civilization".
The proprietor let me know that the general nation didn't know at all about the corporation which was made the multimillionaire which is the best of Japan in addition to other day's, Asahi's being in inverse proportion in Japan's lost 20 and becoming big rapidly.
That it is the role of the newspaper is needless to say.
This proprietor was saying to page 3 on this day that it does " the coming of the times which separate into the class of the class 1,000,000 yen or the he class of annual incomes of 100,000,000 yen " and so on coolly in the crossing feature.
Akutagawa came without thinking that he would have known on nothing about this person and know.
This proprietor doesn't notice even that there are not deep intellect and philosophy.
It pressed in the back, saying “it should extract” about thinking " that would had better write " with that to the severity of the actual state of his company.
It thinks that the person of the proprietor and the editor and the acquaintance in the publisher introduces into the acquaintance and the schoolfellow therefore at this book and that will extract.
Of the how-to book which is the field of the book which becomes so-called bestseller however, because, this book is because it is.
It sets aside it and while near, it publishes "The Turntable of Civilization"vol2.
It is at the moment, too, because the time when it should publish early comes.
In case of publishing, because it rings, please subscribe.

Akutagawa's travel makes “By the wind“basic from the old days.

2013年04月29日 22時42分16秒 | 日記
Akutagawa's travel makes “By the wind“basic from the old days.
Therefore, to visit where often, too, leaves without deciding.
Today was such a day. Today, it rode in subway and it bought one day free ride ticket.

Because it knew that the wisteria flowers bloomed in Shoren-in in the net for the first time, it planned to head respectively.
It visits with tens of times at one of the places which Akutagawa loves here, too.

However, it had passed Karasumaru Oike which is a transfer station.
In a hurry, it decided to head for Shisendo with it but this decision was right completely.
It will not be exaggerated even if it says that Shisendo answered former visit of Akutagawa with tens of times fully today.
Akutagawa took to do the full of Shisendo of 2013/4/29.

It isn't exaggerated even if it says that Ishikawa Jouzan's soul and Akutagawa's soul thought transferenceed in some moment about it.
Today, a temperature was high as in the weather forecast but there was not it in the fairness like two days ago.
It was the sky of the expression, the spring haze.
When taking Shisendo, because there was one which is near to take scenery especially, it thought how it would be but it was a groundless fear.
There were all of that Ishikawa Jouzan's soul and Akutagawa's souls were thought transferenceed in some moment.
Akutagawa wants to send this, too, to all over the world early at the moment, too.
At the latest, by the time 3 day later, it plans to publish how and it carries forward work.
Please, subscribe.
These photographs know that it is not at the price which Akutagawa is publishing originally, too.
For example, the call fee of this place is 500 yen but Akutagawa visits this place tens of times as previously mentioned.
That thought transference like the above occurred today as the result is sure.
Because it is to say that the result of the accumulation which is called tens of years included a photograph today if thinking from the young time
Because it rings the day of the publishing, please subscribe.

When Akutagawa was young, the place to like most was Shisendo.

2013年04月29日 22時42分16秒 | 日記
When Akutagawa was young, the place to like most was Shisendo.
There were various reasons in it.
It is because it felt that his culture was not an ordinary person of for Ishikawa Jouzan to have made this as the individual in the Edo period.
It discovered Kyoto again and again before by 5, 6 years and it examined his details, being the first time.
He got to have become a priest but knew that there was an opinion to have been watching over the going in and out of to Kyoto by receiving the secret order of Tokugawa general actually by his being holding a dwelling in the place to be situated on the exit in Kyoto from the northeast, too.
Akutagawa thought that he wasn't strange at all even if he accompanied.
Ishikawa Jouzan the reason is, it is because it is not an ordinary person actually.
When to have equaled him is Honami Koetsu, Akutagawa thinks.
He who was a big man of culture in Kyoto in those times, too, receives the secret order of Tokugawa general and there is an opinion to have been watching over the going in and out of to Kyoto but he, too, thinks that Akutagawa isn't strange at all even if it meets.
He was holding the hermitage to make feel that is not the dwelling of the ordinary person, glancing in the place which hits an entrance in the northwest of the city.


2013年04月29日 10時56分37秒 | 日記

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到2007年, 园内共有120,000株、12,000种植物。温室面积4,612m²,内有25,000株、4,500种植物。

Jardín Botánico de Kioto

2013年04月29日 10時51分28秒 | 日記
El Jardín Botánico de Kioto o en japonés デジタル植物園, es un Jardín botánico localizado en las afueras de Kioto, Japón. Tiene una extensión de 240,000 metros cuadrados. Las 120,000 plantas de 12,000 variedades distintas, hacen de este jardín uno de los mayores jardines botánicos del Japón. Su código de identificación internacional es KYO.


Su dirección es Hangi-cho Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0823.

Se llega a su entrada principal por la Estación Kitayama de la línea Karasuma del suburbano de Kioto.

En autobús urbano en la parada Botanical Garden Kitamon-mae.

Posee un aparcamiento de pago para 170 vehículos.


Fue creado en el año 1924, cayó en el abandono en 1946, y fue recuperado en 1961.

En el 2007, contenía unas 120,000 plantas representando a más de 12,000 especies


En este jardín las especies han sido seleccionadas con respecto a su mayor vistosidad pero mostradas y catalogadas con criterios científicos botánicos, agrupadas en áreas:

Jardín de Bambú,
Exhibición de Bonsáis,
Jardín de Camelias,
Colección de cerezos,
Jardín de estilo europeo,
Parterres florales,
Jardín de Hydrangea,
Jardín japonés de Iris,
Plantas japonesas nativas,
Estanque de lotos,
Estanque « Nakaragi-no-mori » (árboles nativos de la cuenca Yamashiro),
Jardín de Peonías,
Plantas perennes y de interés económico,
Jardín hundido,
Arboleda de Ume,
Invernaderos, con un complejo de estructuras conservatorios de unos 4,612 m² en las que se albergan unos 25,000 especímenes representando 4,500 especies. Hay varias estructuras construidas en acero y cristal, que fueron abiertas en 1992, que asemejan estilizadamente al próximo templo de Kinkaku-ji y a las montañas de la zona norte de Kioto. Albergan las siguientes áreas : espacio de Ananás; Plantas carnívoras y acuáticas; Bromelias ; Plantas de desiertos y sabanas; Suculentas de selva; zona de Jungla; espacio de orquídeas; Plantas en maceta; Plantas alpinas de los trópicos; y plantas tropicales de interés económico.


Edificio de recepción del Jardín Botánico, con sala de descanso, salas de exposiciones, aularios, restaurante, etc.
Espacios al aire libre Miraikun, Oshibakiji, y el Kitayamamon-Hunsui.
Aseos para público en general y para discapacitados.

Jardin botanique de Kyōto

2013年04月29日 10時46分03秒 | 日記
Le Jardin botanique de Kyōto (京都府立植物園) est un jardin botanique japonais situé à l'extérieur de la ville de Kyōto, au Japon. Les plantes de 12 000 sous-espèces différentes qu'il contient en font l'un des jardins botaniques les plus importants du Japon


En 2011, le jardin botanique de Kyōto s'étend sur 240 000 m2. Il contient environ 120 000 plantes qui représentent quelque 12 000 espèces, et est organisé en grands aires : le jardon des bambous ; l'exposition de bonsaïs ; le jardin des camélias ; les cerisiers ; le jardin de style européen ; le lit de fleurs ; le jardin des hortensias ; le jardin des plantes japonaises indigènes ; l'étang des lotus ; l'étang Nakaragi-no-Mori (arbres indigènes originaires du bassin du Yamashiro); le jardin des plantes vivaces et utiles ; le jardin Sunken; et la grotte Uma

Kyoto Botanical Garden

2013年04月29日 10時07分56秒 | 日記
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kyoto Botanical Garden (京都府立植物園 Kyōto Furitsu Shokubutsuen, 240,000 m²), also known as the Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Garden, is a major botanical garden with conservatory located next to the Kamo River, Hangi-cho Simogamo, Sakyō-ku, Kyoto, Japan. It is open daily; an admission fee is charged.

The garden was first established in 1924, fell into disuse in 1946, and was restarted in 1961. As of 2007, it contains about 120,000 plants representing some 12,000 species, and is organized into the following major areas: Bamboo Garden; Bonsai Exhibit; Camellia Garden; Cherry Trees; European Style Garden; Flower Bed; Hydrangea Garden; Japanese Iris Garden; Japanese Native Plants; Lotus Pond; Nakaragi-no-mori Pond (trees native to the Yamashiro Basin); Peony Garden; Perennial and Useful Plants Garden; Sunken Garden; and the Uma Grove.

The garden also contains a very substantial conservatory complex (4,612 m²) containing about 25,000 specimens representing 4,500 species. It is a set of rooms shaped to resemble the nearby Kinkaku-ji Temple and Kyoto's northern mountains, built of glass with iron frames, and opened in 1992. It currently contains the following areas: Ananas Room; Aquatic and Carnivorous Plants; Bromeliads Room; Desert and Savanna Plants Room; Forest Succulent Plants Room; Jungle Zone; Orchids Room; Potted Plants Room; Tropical Alpine Plants Room; and Tropical Produce Room.

As for the reader, this place is as you know the place which Akutagawa loves plainly.
After visiting last year, being the first time, 50 annual times, it visited.
It continues to visit in the pace which is similar this year, too.