文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

he heard the story of the father while he did the treatment of the leader.

2016年06月30日 22時49分54秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the true paper of Nishioka Tsutomu Tokyo Christianity professor.

It is necessary to be ashamed of whether themselves are the existence how much which is halfway about the scholar and the reporters of the community  which believed the lie story which Asahi Shimbun popularized, knowing are.

It is not only Japanese.

When covering in Seoul in February, 92 in the request of "BUNGEI SHUNJU", the eldests who know those days said that it does "there was not compulsion taking" in chorus.

Specifically, it did to hear the experience of 李命英Sungkyunkwan University professor and I was convinced that "the comfort woman compulsion taking" was a figment.

李命英 teacher, he came from Pukchong County, which became North Korea at present, he escaped in Korea after North Korea was communized.

In landlord of North Korea studies, he is also my mentor.

When coming to the coverage, he says at the very beginning of the speech, "there was not compulsion taking of a comfort woman, you", and he told me the event such as the following immediately after the defeat of Japan.

The father of 李 teacher was a doctor and when the Soviet militaries occupied Pukchong County, he could approach with the consultation secretly with the letter from the Japanese headmaster in the elementary school.

The Japanese who were in the Pukchong County were gathered around the elementary school and were gender-segregatedly let in the classroom.

The headmaster looked for the help at the father of 李  teacher who had alternating current among the local celebrities, being ordered to be "it is possible to let out a young woman" from the leader of the Soviet militaries.

Accidentally, at the hospital of the father of 李 teacher, the leader of the Soviet militaries came to be treated by a doctor.

It came secretly to the hospital of the civilian because it affected promotion when it seemed that it did a rape in Manchuria, infected with the clap and hanging over the surgeon.

The father of 李 teacher talked to the leader, "the woman in Japan doesn't have the virtue concept and it is dangerous it is even possible to use the band of the clothing, too, immediately as the pillow" "it is the woman at the field which receives the inspection of the clap that is safe make such people", the leader believed it, the direction of "it is possible to let out a young woman" became cancellation and searched for the woman who was in the gay quater.

李 teacher who enrolled then in the medical school in Seoul Imperial University and was doing an assistant at the hospital says that he heard the story of the father while he did the treatment of the leader.

When supposing that the Japanese military were doing a horrible thing like "the comfort woman coursing" in Korean Peninsula, on that day, will the very person headmaster have thought that he would look for the help at the Korean?

Also, no matter how much it is a doctor, will the father of  李 teacher have helped Japanese to threaten a serviceman in USSR in the lie story?

The father of 李 teacher was not "the pro-Japanese group" who cooperated with the Japan government actively.

This article continues


2016年06月30日 21時32分40秒 | 日記























It is necessary to be ashamed of whether themselves are the existence how much which is halfway

2016年06月30日 17時05分43秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the true paper of Nishioka Tsutomu Tokyo Christian University professor.

It is necessary to be ashamed of whether themselves are the existence how much which is halfway about the scholar and the reporters of the international community  which believed the lie story which Asahi Shimbun popularized, knowing are.

The fear of the history fabrication

It wants to think of the reason why there were many Japanese who didn't repel the figment of "the comfort woman compulsion taking" and had believed, too, beforehand.

I think that there was existence of Asahi Shimbun in the background, too.

In the 1970s, Asahi Shimbun reported that it published "the road to China" of Mr. Katsuichi Honda and that the Japanese military did no limit to the amount of cruelty one does in China mainland including "Nanjing Massacre".

"The villainy exposure" of the Japanese military has after that, too, all along, it continued to print, saying "the serviceman in Japan was the people who do a slaughter and an atrocity" to the generation which is born after the war not to know those days.

As a result, that the people who stuck to the masochism view of history and the sense of guilt as the Japanese believe that it is "it isn't strange even if it supposes that it was doing "the woman coursing" if being such a cruel and outrageous Japanese serviceman", too, isn't unnatural.

Didn't many Japanese accept a lie story, "the comfort woman compulsion taking", without the criticism in this way?

Because there was contact with the people who know those days, comparatively early, I could notice the figment of "the comfort woman compulsion taking".

This article continues


2016年06月30日 16時39分17秒 | 日記











At the beginning of both papers, either touched about these concerns.

2016年06月30日 14時55分56秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of They were angry to the extent that the body shivered, saying

The thought that it should have both Japan and the Republic of Korea people know widely by investigating the truth early strengthened and became the motive of two pieces of paper writing.

At the beginning of both papers, either touched about these concerns.

Then, I think that there were not even concerns at this time without the reason once more when 20 passes and the Japan-Korea relations see the very emotionally each other repelling present situation.

If attempting to think, the previous comfort women, too, weren't saying "compulsion was taken by the name of the volunteer corps".

Kim Hak-sun, too, wasn't saying even "compulsion was taken" of "the volunteer corps" in the petition of the interview with the Korean media immediately after Uemura article publication and the trial.

However, the Japanese who misunderstand them after Asahi Shimbun reports as if they are testifying so and hurt anti- Han feelings had increased.

President Tadakazu Kimura expressed that Asahi Shimbun which admitted that the Yoshida testimony report was a false report verified an outsider organization, starting it about how the comfort woman report influenced the aggravation of the Japan-Korea relations in the place of the apology interview on September 11th.

However, even if it sees only this thing, the responsibility of Asahi Shimbun is clear.

This article continues

The following is a popular page on June 29th.

2016年06月30日 11時50分03秒 | 日記




The following is a popular page on June 28th.




















They were angry to the extent that the body shivered, saying


wenn wir einen solchen Stamm im Gefängnis lassen sollte sie an die Verbrechen durch Verurteilung


un astfel de trib în închisoare prin condamnarea ei la crimă


debemos dejar tal tribu en la cárcel por condenarlos a la grave


приговорив их к фелонию


dovremmo lasciare che una tale tribù nella prigione da condannandoli al crimine


essa tribo na cadeia por sentenciá-los para o crime


quand nous devrions laisser une telle tribu dans la prison en les condamnant à la félonie


The editorial office was grasping that Uemura reporter marries the daughter of the executive




중범 죄로 선고하여


Tulemme kauan sitten, kun meidän pitäisi antaa tällaista heimon




Vi kommer lenge siden, da vi skulle la en slik stamme


apa-suku dalam penjara oleh menjatuhkan mereka kejahatan yang




Biz cinayət onları məhkum tərəfindən həbs belə bir qəbilə imkan


apa-suku dalam penjara oleh menjatuhkan mereka kejahatan yang




takiego plemienia w więzieniu, skazując je na przestępstwo




Prišli smo dolgo nazaj, ko bi morali pustiti takšno pleme


Vi kommer længe siden, da vi skal lade sådan en stamme


Přicházíme tak dávno, kdy bychom měli nechat takový


Mi jön régen, amikor kellene, hogy egy ilyen törzs a börtönt




Prichádzame tak dávno, kedy by sme mali nechať taký kmeň


Wij komen lang geleden, toen we zo'n stam in de gevangenis moeten




Tuleme ammu, kui peaksime laskma selline hõim vanglas


присъда за престъпление


tokią kalėjime gentį iki nuosprendžio juos nusikaltimas


Došli smo davno kad smo trebali dopustiti takvo pleme


Kami datang lama lalu ketika kami harus membiarkan suku seperti




Dumating kami matagal na ang nakalipas kapag ang dapat naming


Teacht againn i bhfad ó shin nuair ba chóir dúinn a ligean den sórt sin


Vi kommer länge sedan när vi skulle låta en sådan stam i fängelse av döma dem till brott




The following is a popular page on June 27th.


Juste, bien sûr, David Kaye qui montre le manque d'intelligence

2016年06月30日 09時52分34秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est une continuation du chapitre précédent.

Je tiens à dire à chacun d'eux.

Juste, bien sûr, David Kaye qui montre le manque d'intelligence, en mettant sur la face fragile et de mettre, ont la rage qui peut être supporté plus plus plus à l'Organisation des Nations Unies.

Si le temps qui est en train de faire comme scandaleux, de venir au Japon à l'argent que le Japon partage, aller en Chine. Aller à la Corée. Ou, aller à l'état d'une certaine liberté et les droits de l'homme partout dans la grande quantité de monde de la contrefaçon.

Dans cet homme insensible, le meunier d'idiot de borné.

Cet article continue

Basta, naturalmente, David Kaye che mostra mancanza di intelligenza

2016年06月30日 09時51分57秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è una continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Voglio dire a tutti loro.

Basta, ovviamente, David Kaye che dimostra mancanza di intelligenza, mettendo su quel volto fragile e mettendo, hanno la rabbia che può essere sopportato più più più alle Nazioni Unite.

Se c'è tempo che sta facendo così scandaloso, venendo in Giappone al denaro che il Giappone è la condivisione, andare in Cina. Andare in Corea. Oppure andare allo stato la violazione di alcune libertà e dei diritti umani in tutto il mondo grande quantità di.

In questo individuo insensibile, ventosa di idiota di zuccone.

Questo articolo continua

Simplemente, por supuesto, David Kaye lo que demuestra la falta de inteligencia

2016年06月30日 09時51分17秒 | 日記

La siguiente es una continuación del capítulo anterior.

Quiero decir a todos ellos.

Simplemente, por supuesto, David Kaye lo que demuestra la falta de inteligencia, poniendo en ese rostro frágil y poner, tiene la rabia que puede ser soportado más ya no más a las Naciones Unidas.

Si hay tiempo que está haciendo tan indignante, venir a Japón en el dinero que el Japón es compartir, ir a China. Ir a Corea. O bien, pasar al estado de infracción de alguna libertad y los derechos humanos en todo el mundo de la gran cantidad.

En este individuo insensible, lechón del idiota de cabeza dura.

Este artículo continúa

Nur, natürlich, David Kaye, die zeigt Mangel an Intelligenz,

2016年06月30日 09時50分41秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist eine Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Ich möchte alle von ihnen zu sagen.

Nur, natürlich, David Kaye, der Mangel an Intelligenz zeigt, auf diesem fadenscheinigen Gesicht setzen und setzen, haben die Wut, die mehr ertragen kann jeder mehr nicht mehr zu den Vereinten Nationen.

Wenn es Zeit ist, die so ungeheuerlich tut, auf das Geld nach Japan kommen, die Japan teilt, nach China zu gehen. Zum Korea. Oder gehen Sie auf die Verletzung Zustand einiger Freiheit und die Menschenrechte in der ganzen Welt große Menge an.

In diesem unempfindlichen Kerl, sucker der Idiot von thickheaded.

Dieser Artikel setzt

Assim, é claro, David Kaye que mostra falta de inteligência, colocando em que o rosto frágil

2016年06月30日 09時50分10秒 | 日記

O que se segue é uma continuação do capítulo anterior.

Eu quero dizer a todos eles.

Assim, é claro, David Kaye que mostra falta de inteligência, colocando em que o rosto frágil e colocando, tem a raiva que pode ser suportado mais mais não para as Nações Unidas.

Se houver tempo que está fazendo tão ultrajante, chegando ao Japão no dinheiro que o Japão está compartilhando, ir para a China. Ir para a Coréia. Ou, vá para o estado de violação de alguma liberdade e os direitos humanos em todo o grande volume mundial de.

Neste sujeito insensível, otário do idiota de thickheaded.

Este artigo continua


2016年06月30日 09時49分41秒 | 日記








2016年06月30日 09時49分07秒 | 日記







데이비드 케이

2016年06月30日 09時48分34秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 연속이다.

나는 그들 모두에게 말하고 싶다.

다만, 물론, 그 어설픈 얼굴에 퍼팅 퍼팅, 정보의 부족을 보여줍니다 데이비드 케이는 유엔에 더 이상 더 이상 더 이상 인내 할 수있는 분노를 가지고있다.

일본이 공유하는 돈에 일본에 와서, 이러한 터무니을하고 시간이되면 중국으로 이동합니다. 한국으로 이동합니다. 또는, 일부 자유와 모든 세계의 큰 금액을 통해 인권의 침해 상태로 이동합니다.

이 문자를 구분 동료에서, 머리가 둔한의 바보의 빠는.

이 문서는 계속

Дэвид Кэй,

2016年06月30日 09時48分03秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Я хочу сказать всем им.

Просто, конечно же, Дэвид Кэй, который свидетельствует об отсутствии интеллекта, выставив на этой хлипкой лицо и положив, есть ярость, которая может быть выносил больше больше больше не в Организации Объединенных Наций.

Если есть время, которое делает такие возмутительно, приходя в Японию на деньги, которая обмена Японии, поехать в Китай. Перейти к Корее. Или перейти к нарушению состояния некоторой свободы и права человека во всем мире большое количество.

В этом нечувствительным парень, присоска идиота thickheaded.

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