文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Who has led the world in such a ridiculous direction?

2023年06月15日 15時48分31秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Taishi Sugiyama, Research Director of the Cannon Institute for Global Studies, published in today's Sankei Shimbun "Sound Argument" titled "What Energy Policy Will Protect the People?"
This paper also proves that he is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure defined by Saicho.
He is one of the greatest minds, not only in Japan but in the world.
It is a must-read, not only for the people of Japan but for the world.

*Anyone who reads his genuine article, including the stupidity of the LGBT bill, will be outraged and wonder why and when the world became so stupid.
I did a search the other day to find out what the Davos conference was all about.
I was astonished to learn that Klaus Schwab, a Swiss who grew up in Germany and studied under Kissinger at Harvard, is the organizer.
The world is now, of all things, becoming communist.
It goes against the "turntable of civilization," which is God's providence.
Who has led the world in such a ridiculous direction?
Incredibly, it was a silly conference called the Davos Conference.  
Bill Gates, a mass of greed and desire for control, crushed Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution in Japan by using the U.S. government.
He was the one who drove all of Japan's world-class electronics manufacturers into a terrible predicament.
Like him, a few people, as a mass of greed and lust for control, have taken advantage of the Internet age and are now wealthy beyond the national budgets of small and medium-sized nations.
The French pharmaceutical magnate who had the Wuhan Virus Research Institute established in China has profited astronomically from producing vaccines and other products from the coronavirus brought about by the Wuhan virus.
It is unbelievable that these kinds of people have gathered together to determine the world's politics.
It is no wonder that the world has become so foolish and is headed for extinction.

The emphasis in the text, except in the headline, is mine.

In the past year or two, there has been a growing tendency to blame natural disasters on climate change, and even leaders of international organizations and industrialized nations have come out to say so.
The most extreme is Secretary-General Guterres, the head of the United Nations.
He repeats the purpose of this, "Extreme weather around the world is not a natural phenomenon at all. They are the price to pay for humankind's addiction to fossil fuels. The number of disasters caused by extreme weather has increased five-fold in the past 50 years." 

Disinformation about the intensification of disasters 
Professor Roger Pielke, Jr. of the University of Colorado in the U.S., is vehement in his criticism.
"It is complete disinformation. It is unprecedented for such an obvious and grossly false assertion by such an important institution in a public forum. Worse, this misinformation was justified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the body that established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)." 
So is the five-fold increase in 50 years actual?
The WMO reports that the number of disasters has indeed increased over time.
But why?
Disasters are recorded when there is damage to people and property and when it is reported.
As the world's population and economy have grown over the past 50 years, more people and property have been exposed to disasters, and the number of disasters has increased.
Administrative structures have been developed, and more reports are being filed. 
Physical weather observation data does not indicate that disasters are becoming more frequent or severe.
Typhoons and hurricanes have not become more frequent or severe.
Heavy rainfall has not increased, or at most, by only a few percent, which is not enough to call it an intensification of disasters. 

What is the meaning of zero CO2 emissions in Japan? 
It is generally true that CO2 concentration has increased by 1.5 times and temperature has risen by 1 degree Celsius compared to 150 years ago. 
And climate crisis theorists say that another 0.5 degrees Celsius or 1.5 degrees Celsius higher would be catastrophic.
So if that is the case, has the 1-degree Celsius rise in temperatures already shown signs of that?
The statistics show just the opposite.
Deaths from weather-related disasters have declined worldwide over the past 100 years.
It is because of the development of disaster prevention infrastructure.
The global harvest of grains such as rice, wheat, and corn continues to increase.
It is due to technological advances in fertilizers, pesticides, and breeding.
There are ominous predictions of the future based on simulations.
However, past observations and statistics have not sufficiently verified these numerical models.
Observations and statistics are more important than models for complex problems like the global environment.
None of them show any signs of a climate crisis. 
Nowadays, anyone who even remotely doubts the climate crisis theory in public is demonized.
On the other hand, it is a severe situation when vital people spread outright disinformation, and the government and media are sympathetic to it. 
Even if one believes the IPCC's numerical models, 1 trillion tons of CO2 emissions will result in a temperature increase of only about 0.5 degrees Celsius.
Japan's CO2 emissions are about 1 billion tons per year, so if we continue this emission for 30 years until around 2050, it will be 30 billion tons.
Even if we were to reduce CO2 emissions to zero in 30 years, the temperature reduction associated with a decrease of half of this 15 billion ton (0.015 trillion tons) would be a mere 0.075 degrees Celsius, or 0.5 degrees C multiplied by 0.015. 

Energy Derisking 
Japan faces far more severe risks than climate change. 
The G7 Summit of the Group of Seven industrialized nations (G7 Hiroshima Summit) has aligned itself with China in delinking (risk reduction), including export controls on sensitive technologies such as semiconductors that could be diverted to military use.
Japan faces the imminent threat of a Taiwan contingency and the long and challenging battle of interregional competition between communist dictatorships and democracies.
For this reason, it is essential to strengthen its defense capabilities and reduce its economic dependence on China and strengthen its manufacturing sector. 
Thousands of manufacturers support both defense equipment and semiconductor manufacturing facilities.
Strong policies are needed to lower energy and other costs and to encourage R&D, capital investment, and the recruitment of human resources. 
Japan's economic dependence on China must be reduced because it will damage Japan's ability to deter a contingency in Taiwan.
The stronger Japan's dependence on China, the easier it will be for China to deter Japanese intervention in a Taiwan contingency through political maneuvering.
Furthermore, if China quickly unifies Taiwan and makes it a fact, they will read that Japan will not impose economic sanctions.
The economic interdependence of Europe and Russia did not deter the war in Ukraine but brought it about. 
Japan should stop focusing on decarbonization and restructure in light of China's risks.
Electricity must be cheap for a strong manufacturing industry, and nuclear power is a viable option.
Nuclear power can continue to generate electricity even if fossil fuels are disrupted, and it can also serve as a contingency plan.
Safety is a must, but the security benefits are also significant. 
Solar and wind power can save fossil fuels.
However, it remains to be seen how useful they will be in a contingency situation when the power infrastructure is under attack.
Renewable energy sources cannot be used unless their frequency is stabilized by thermal power generation or other means. 
Deepening dependence on China by importing solar panels and batteries for electric vehicles is also a clear negative.
The massive introduction of renewable energy and other energy sources that depend on Chinese minerals and products should be stopped immediately.



