文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The people responsible for this incident are the politicians and the mass media,

2023年06月28日 09時32分17秒 | 全般

Makoto Matsumaru, a former member of the Adachi Ward Assembly
A foreign man named "Zainichi" was found guilty of a heinous crime.
 On the evening of the 4th of this month, a man living in Japan threatened an unacquainted woman with a kitchen knife, took her to a mountain forest in the northern part of the prefecture, sexually assaulted her, stole 5,000 yen in cash, and attempted to kill her by pushing her off a cliff. On April 27, police arrested the suspect for forcible sexual intercourse, robbery, and attempted murder.

NHK Morioka Broadcasting Station Top
Man Arrested and Charged with Forcible Sexual Intercourse, etc. Arrested Again on Suspicion of Attempted Murder
June 27, 20:24
A man arrested and charged with sexually assaulting an unacquainted woman and taking her cash was re-arrested on suspicion of attempted murder on June 27.
He has denied the charges.
The re-arrested suspect is Ozeki Kenichi or Ahn, Hyunbok (25), an unemployed man with no fixed address.
On the evening of the 4th of this month, Ahn was arrested and charged with forcible sexual intercourse and robbery for threatening an unacquainted woman with a kitchen knife, taking her to a mountain forest in the northern part of the prefecture, sexually assaulting her, and taking 5,000 yen in cash.
According to the police, subsequent investigations have confirmed suspicions that the suspect had attempted to kill the victim by pushing her off a cliff.
The victim resisted and escaped the fall, and the police re-arrested the suspect on suspicion of attempted murder on March 27.
The suspect denies the charge.
The police are continuing to investigate the details of the incident.

*The people responsible for this incident are the politicians and the mass media, who have not made any corrective recommendations to China and South Korea, which have been carrying on anti-Japanese education in the name of anti-Japanese education, a form of Nazism ever since the end of World War II.
Because these countries continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, they are plunged into currency crises at every turn.
A country with countless such citizens, which has been making hate speeches against Japan not only in their countries but also in the international community year after year, is once again in the midst of a currency crisis.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Kishida administration has extended a hand to the Korean people but not to the Japanese people.
Emanuel and the Biden administration urged Kishida to allow Japan to resume currency swaps with such countries.
It is no exaggeration to say that they have fallen on par with a nation of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."

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