文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

He is directly connected to the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party. 

2023年08月10日 23時51分46秒 | 全般

Re-transmission! The U.S. side has described Yoshimasa Hayashi as "one of the most influential Japanese political figures in the Chinese government and Communist Party...
August 10, 2023
The U.S. considers Yoshimasa Hayashi "a different kind of Japanese politician with direct ties to the Chinese government and Communist Party.

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The following is from an article by Mr. Noriyuki Yamaguchi, which appeared in the monthly magazine "Hanada" published on 1/26 under the title of "A Study of Yoshimasa Hayashi.
As mentioned above, we would like the publisher to know that it is regrettable that it arrived at our home only four days later, on 1/30.
The price is 980 yen (including tax) for a book full of genuine papers, including this one.
A well-known book reader once said, "There is nothing cheaper than a book," which is correct.
I remember when Junichiro Koizumi ran against Ryutaro Hashimoto in the LDP presidential election as a "bite dog" on the postal service privatization.
As mentioned, I found his bizarre obsession with the "privatization of Japan Post" extremely strange.
Later, when I learned that Japanese politics followed the U.S. annual report, I instantly understood how bizarre he was.
To illustrate his attitude, I used a Hollywood movie about a politician with a chip implanted in his brain who is on the verge of becoming president, which I wrote about in this column.
Since quitting the prime minister's office, Koizumi has become a man who opposes nuclear power plants and promotes solar power generation.
It is no exaggeration to say that Koizumi is, by nature, a man with an empty brain who, when someone implants a chip in him, repeats the same thing repeatedly as if he were an idiot.
A quiet word of caution
Those who subscribed to this paper must have been shaken in various ways.
The fact that Yoshimasa Hayashi's appearance suggests the reality that he is Japan's Foreign Minister and that the Japanese media has not expressed a single concern about this fact.
Japan has already been heavily invaded by China.
It must be horrifying to think that China's "silent aggression" is now more aggressive in Japan than in Australia.
But if you don't feel angry at how old-fashioned local politicians undermine Japan, it's just ignorance.
You must be shocked that the Japanese media and others are a bunch of ignoramuses.
This paper is a must-read not only for the Japanese but also for people worldwide.

Who is the inside man of Shanghai Electric Power?
America's Strict Eyes 
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Prime Minister Abe was clever. 
For several years after 2012, when I was TBS Washington Bureau Chief, the first National Security Bureau Chief, Shotaro Taniuchi, frequently visited the White House.
The current Director of the National Security Bureau, Takeo Akiba, also frequently communicates with Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, who has the hidden power of a competent ambassador who can speak directly with the president, in addition to Jake Sullivan, the Biden administration's assistant to the president for national security affairs. 
By bringing the Prime Minister's Office and the White House closer together in content and frequency, Abe has sought to dilute the specific function of the 70-year-old postwar U.S.-Japan Joint Commission, namely, the structure of U.S. "domination of Japan through the Japanese bureaucracy. 
The difference between the US-Japan Joint Commission and the National Security Agency is not only the high rank of its members.
By placing the National Security Council, headed by the Prime Minister, above the NSA, the NSA is placed on the side of "politics. 
As we need not look any further than the Lockheed affair involving Kakuei Tanaka, any attempt by the U.S. to change the basic structure of U.S. domination of Japan will be thwarted and blocked by any means necessary. 
What Abe did skillfully was to simulate such an approach by the U.S. and then to create a new National Security Bureau on the "political" side rather than abolishing or directly cutting the Japan-US Joint Commission on the "public" side, which would have been more acceptable to the U.S. side. 
The National Security Council and NSS spawned by Abe have been established and developed as the premier organization at the helm of diplomacy and security since their inception in December 2013. 
The NSS has exercised strong leadership in the planning, formulation, and implementation of the government's basic foreign and security policy by presiding over four ministerial meetings consisting of the Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary, Foreign Minister, and Defense Minister, as well as nine ministerial meetings including the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and the Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission. 
In the event of a situation that could have a severe impact on Japan's security, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the response to the new coronavirus, or the launch of ballistic missiles into the seas around Japan by another country, the "Emergency Ministerial Meeting" is immediately convened to demonstrate to the public and the rest of the world the firm determination of the government to maintain the national security system. The Ministers will also decide on and implement a specific policy for dealing with the situation. 
Each time an Emergency Ministerial Meeting is held, the Director of the National Security Bureau informs his counterpart in the U.S., the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, of the emergency meeting, and the two countries coordinate and confirm the basic policy for dealing with the situation. 
However, the White House was not informed of the emergency ministerial meeting in the Kishida administration, as it should have been.

They can't say anything.
On August 4 of last year, China, enraged by a visit to Taiwan by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, fired 11 ballistic missiles into the waters near Japan.
Since the Japanese government has repeatedly convened emergency ministerial meetings in response to North Korean ballistic missile tests, White House and State Department officials were reportedly waiting for word that Prime Minister Kishida would naturally convene an emergency ministerial meeting in response to China's blatant provocation of a ballistic missile launch. 
However, hours, half a day, or 24 hours after the missile launch, there was no word from the Japanese side.
It is because the National Security Council itself did not convene. 
A U.S. State Department official interviewed in early January testified. 
The White House and State Department officials in charge of Japan were stunned that the Japanese government did not hold a National Security Council meeting on August 4. And the air of, 'Oh, so the Kishida administration can't speak to China after all,' spread quickly. 
The phrase "as I thought" was used by three experts who questioned Kishida's stance toward China using the same expression (as we have predicted). 
In short, when the Kishida administration was inaugurated, the United States feared that the Kishida administration would become a government with much stronger Chinese influence than the Abe and Suga administrations.
Regarding the biggest reason for this, the official of the Ministry of State mentioned in the previous paragraph asserted that "the selection of Yoshimasa Hayashi as Minister of Foreign Affairs.''
Hayashi's appointment as foreign minister despite "repeated warnings" began the pro-China suspicion that the U.S. has against the Kishida administration.
The U.S. side said that it considers Yoshimasa Hayashi "a specific politician among Japanese politicians who is directly connected to the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party. 
The U.S. domination of Japan is meticulously implemented based on a thorough study of Japan.
Therefore, key politicians are thoroughly investigated regarding their backgrounds, how they became politicians, their support organizations, and the flow of political funds. 
The U.S. determined that Yoshimasa Hayashi was "directly connected to China" for three main reasons.
He was the Chairman of the Japan-China Friendship Association until just before his appointment as foreign minister.
He inherited his father's connections in the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party from Yoshiro Hayashi.
He is likely to be guiding the attraction of Chinese companies to Japan in critical industries such as energy and tourism. 
The U.S. government has determined that the Chinese government and the CCP have used seven organizations over the years to infiltrate Japan.
The following seven organizations have been used by the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate Japan: - Japan-China Friendship Parliamentarians Association; - Japan-China Friendship Hall; - Japan-China Friendship Association; - Japan International Trade Promotion Association; - Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association; - Japan-China Economic Association; - Japan-China Society for the Promotion of International Trade. 
Yoshimasa Hayashi's father, Yoshiro Hayashi, served as president of two of these seven organizations, the Japan-China Friendship Parliamentarians' Association and the Japan-China Friendship House, all by himself. 
The U.S. is so wary of Hayashi because Yoshimasa Hayashi has inherited his father's extensive connections in China.

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