文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I thought he would get the Astellas employee released, but that wasn't the case.

2025年01月21日 14時36分39秒 | 全般
The following is from a serialized column by Masayuki Takayama that appeared in the January 16th issue of Shukan Shincho.
This article also proves that he is a journalist like no other in the post-war world.
Long ago, an elderly professor from the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, highly respected by prima ballerinas worldwide, came to Japan.
At that time, she said the following about the significance of artists
'Artists are essential because they can only shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them.
'I don't think anyone would argue with her words.
Masayuki Takayama is not the one and only journalist in the world after the war, but it is not an exaggeration to say that he is also the only artist in the world after the war.
This thesis also beautifully proves the correctness of my statement that, in the current world, no one deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.

The Great Sin of a Diplomat
The president of a furniture store said, "The Chinese are smart. The Japanese ancestors are Chinese, and thanks to their DNA, they have high intelligence."
That's not true.
Of course, China has a culture.
We will start with the Bronze Age culture, then the Iron Age culture, gunpowder, the compass, and so on.
However, foreign dynasties that crossed the Great Wall brought these things to China.
The Chinese people, that is, the Han people who live in the Central Plains, were enslaved by these conquering dynasties.
If you talk about their own culture, you'd have to mention things like foot-binding and the slow torture of being cut into pieces.
It's so embarrassing that you can't even talk about it to other people.
Also, because they lived as enslaved people for so long, their personalities were terrible.
They're liars, and their nature is cruel.
The story that "a baby was thrown up in the air and stabbed with a bayonet" was a false report circulated by an American newspaper during the First World War as an act of the "cruel German army." 
Still, the source of this story was Zizhi Tongjian.
It is a method that the Chinese have been using since ancient times.
This character is still alive.
To stop the pursuing Japanese army, Chiang Kai-shek caused the Yellow River to overflow, drowning 890,000 of his people and leaving 12.5 million homeless. 
Only the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported in a small article that "the Japanese army sent out boats to rescue the victims and distributed food."
However, since Chiang Kai-shek was a puppet of the United States, no one mentioned that he was responsible for the crime.
When the top commits mass murder, the bottom follows suit.
Not long ago, three Chinese students in Japan committed a home invasion in Fukuoka and killed four people, including a young girl.
The police were unable to make a public announcement about the brutal method used.
Last September, a Japanese schoolchild was killed in Shenzhen.
The method used was equally brutal.
The habit of lying does not go away.
The Japanese employee of Astellas was detained, but the charges were nonsense.
The company produces a drug that suppresses the rejection of organ transplants.
He may have touched on the secret that Xi Jinping had a brain transplant.
The Chinese will happily shut up foreigners if it suits them.
The president of a furniture store says, "Chinese DNA is in the Japanese."
However, the Japanese don't tell lies and are not cruel.
It is good evidence that we don't have bad DNA.
The problem is that many diplomats misunderstand the Chinese in the same way as this furniture store president.
For example, there is Taro Tanino, an expert on China and Korea. 
His mottos are "reconciliation with China" and "atonement for colonial rule in Korea."
If you ask Chosuke Ikariya, a famous Japanese comedian, he would say that Tanino is a diplomat who is "no good."
The first time I heard of Tanino was regarding the issue of the Emperor's visit to China, which arose immediately after the Tiananmen Square Incident.
Tanino, Director-General of the Asian Affairs Bureau at the time, took issue with Prime Minister Miyazawa, who was keen to avoid any political use of the Emperor's visit.
In the end, Miyazawa was outwitted by him, and the Emperor's visit to China was realized as China had hoped.
The next issue that Tanino worked on was the fabrication of comfort women by the Asahi Shimbun.
Tanino took advantage of the fact that Yohei Kono, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, was slow-witted and created the Kono Statement, which made it seem as if there were indeed comfort women who had been forcibly taken away. 
In addition, it was later revealed that Tanino had been coordinating the wording with the South Korean side.
Then, the Murayama Statement was issued on the 50th anniversary of the war's end.
Like the Kono Statement, this statement was also written by Tanino.
In it, he wrote, "(Japan) inflicted immense suffering on the peoples of Asia through colonial rule and aggression."
It is in keeping with Tanino's beliefs, but Toynbee, for example, said, "Japan proved that white people were not gods and liberated the countries of Asia."
Christopher Zorn also evaluates that "Japan ended Western imperialism."
Mahathir also says, "Japan liberated Asia and brought about modernization."
However, Tanino does not listen to any of this.
He continues to cheerfully instruct junior diplomats and tell them that "Japan invaded."
The other day, Foreign Minister Tsuyoshi Iwaya went to China on Ishiba's behalf.
I thought he would get the Astellas employee released, but that wasn't the case.
Iwaya brought up the Murayama Statement and announced that "deep remorse and an apology were expressed" to China.
How long will Tanino continue to haunt Japan?

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