文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Like the majority of the public, we are confident that he will win his case.

2023年03月05日 15時34分33秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Mr. himasoraakane that I just discovered.
*The following is mine.
Hi, @himasoraakane.
I have filed a lawsuit against Ms. Isoko Mochizuki.

*Mr. Himasoraakane has initiated a lawsuit on behalf of most of the public (because most people really find this woman unforgivable) to finally and legally punish someone such as Isoko Mochizuki, who is also a fool and does not deserve the name of a journalist.
This column joins the majority of the public in giving a round of applause.
Like most public, we are confident Mr. himasoraakane will win his case.
As for Ms. Mochizuki, King Yama of Hell waits for her at Sanzu no Kawara, preparing for the most significant punishment.
For the most unforgivable evildoers like her, who are bragging that they will not be punished in this life, he appears for the first time as the one who will inflict the punishment in this life.
This article continues.

I have filed a lawsuit against Ms. Mochizuki.

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