文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The tragic situation in North America continues to be destroyed by the "leftist" movement.

2023年07月18日 14時58分27秒 | 全般

Kadota Ryusho
The tragic situation in North America continues to be destroyed by the "leftist" movement.
Many have pointed out the increasing division over LGBT issues, but in Japan, the leftist quickly crushed the LDP, the party in power.
The LDP is no longer a conservative party. 
It is a concession group no different from the Chinese Communist Party.
The generation that is taught LGBT education from an early age is miserable...

Quoted tweets

Ikawa Mototaka Sub-Account
Let's put the hammer down on the #LDP & Komeito gov't!
Yukio Hatoyama, derided by conservatives as the worst in history.
Naoto Kan, whom conservatives loathe as the worst ever.
Fumio Kishida is despised by conservatives as much as if not more than, these two men.
The most incompetent and scum Prime Minister of all time
And the LDP is no longer a conservative party
It is a concession group no different from the Chinese Communist Party.


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