文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We, Japanese citizens, must also act to protect Japan, so I called the

2023年02月19日 22時10分38秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Kohyu Nishimura that I just discovered.
For the Japanese, who are the most understanding and tolerant of LGBTQ people in the world, LGBT legislation will make life the most complex and dangerous for women classified as ordinary.
Japan has been LGBT tolerant since the Nara period, not to mention Kukai as an example.
It is a culture of acceptance, with Shinto tolerance as its mother model.
There is no other country where BL books are purchased, and gay men are so active on TV.

Tweet quotes
Very little power from Japan
Reply to @kohyu1952
We, Japanese citizens, must also act to protect Japan, so I called the office/secretary of a local LDP member (Mr. Taro Aso)

He listened to me seriously.

If the LGBT bill (gender identity) is passed, women, girls, and infants will always be at risk!
It will hit the spa industry very hard!

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