文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

National defense education in kindergartens is also frightening.

2023年02月18日 23時16分24秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Mr. Ryusho Kadota that we just discovered.
China is thoroughly educating its children to make up for its "hundred years of national shame" against Japan.
National defense education in kindergartens is also frightening.
The people are not educated to be patriotic but brainwashed to be loyal to the Chinese Communist Party and thoroughly educated against Japan. Then they study and immigrate to Japan," said Shinichiro Miki.
Dear pro-China people, please do something about it through your channels!

Quoted tweet
Shinichiro Miki.
Feb 17
National defense education in kindergarten.
2023.2 twitter.com/S10408978/stat...




