文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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Maria Callas - La Mamma Morta…I dedicate my words and photos to her

2024年11月05日 22時31分35秒 | 全般
Maria Callas starred in “Medea”.
I was most strongly impressed by the film of Pasolini, one of the great historical directors.
That impression remains.
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is his greatest masterpiece.
Tonight, I was shocked.
I once saw Maria Callas: Her Life and Work (2008).
I watched it for the first time in 4K high definition tonight.
It was really good.
And I was surprised.
This was because I learned for the first time about Maria Callas's situation when she starred in the film "Medea," which left a deep impression on me.

Maria Callas - La Mamma Morta (English Subtitle)

2023/10/22 in kyoto


