文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Today, the world's population has reached 7.6 billion.

2025年01月08日 08時26分02秒 | 全般

For the next 170 years, the United States and Japan must continue to prosper and lead the world.
January 2, 2023
American government officials, you should pay the 2,100 yen of the 21st century right now and read my answer.
It is a chapter I posted on October 31, 2011.
I was the victim of a criminal act of search interference.
I am posting it again.

I used to think of democracy as rooted in capitalism or capitalism as rooted in democracy, but a long time ago, an American Nobel Prize-level scholar wrote a book called The Conflict between Capitalism and Democracy.
That's only natural, and since then, I have abandoned the vague definition at the beginning.
It is a well-known fact that the United States has been leaning toward capitalism for the past 30 years.
It is especially toward financial capitalism.
It is also well-known that Japan has been conducting politics by the "Annual Reform Requests" from the United States since the end of the war.
The last and greatest of these requests was the liberation of postal savings or the dismantling of the postal service.
It is a well-known fact that America aimed to liberate the more than 500 trillion yen accumulated in postal savings.
It is also well-known that America believes it has not fully liberated it.
the US wants to take in the over 500 trillion yen accumulated in postal savings.
The real aim is to take this money into US financial institutions.
I want to say to America. 
As I have mentioned many times, I recognize that the United States is a true hegemonic nation, but when you became a hegemonic nation, the world's population was half what it is now.
Today, the world's population has reached 7.6 billion.
It is self-evident that America alone cannot cover it all. 
That is why the "turntable of civilization" has turned in Japan.
Japan is a country that can stand tall alongside America and establish true freedom, aiming for a more perfect democracy.
In other words, you should not proceed with the stingy idea of stealing the 500 trillion yen accumulated in Japan's postal savings.
Your country should prosper to the end, just like yours, as your most potent and only younger brother.
You should prosper to the end. 
Both of you should continue to prosper, and the United States and Japan should continue to prosper and lead the world for the next 170 years until the turntable of civilization turns to the next country that I have speculated and mentioned.


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