文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Now is the time to learn from Germany and outlaw the Communist Party.

2022年09月28日 09時37分19秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
Yesterday, the state of affairs of the Asahi, Mainichi, and Tokyo newspapers, their subsidiary TV Asahi, TBS, NTV, and NHK, and the private broadcasters since the Abe assassination were revealed to the world.
It also became clear that the opinion polls they frequently conducted during this period were nonsense; in other words, they created it alone.
Only two countries in the world would enjoy the division of public opinion that they have tried to create in Japan.
They are China and South Korea, which continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education and spread anti-Japanese propaganda in the international community.
China continues to invade Japan's territorial waters daily and has even laid bare its intention to invade Japan.
Yesterday's funeral ceremony in Japan revealed what the Japanese government and people urgently need to do.
Learn from Germany," was the common phrase of these anti-Japanese ideologues.
Now is the time to learn from Germany and outlaw the Communist Party.
The Communist Party and its supporters are the opposite of the spirit of Japan and the Japanese people.
They constantly disturb Japan by infiltrating the media and the various labor unions mentioned above.
Always working with them are the citizens of the above two anti-Japanese countries and people living in Japan.
Mr. Abe's state funeral yesterday exposed this to the light of day.
In the context of the GHQ occupation policy and its extension into the postwar system, public broadcasting fees for the above TV broadcasters have remained incredibly low.
The Japanese government and people must immediately change this fee to a perfectly reasonable price based on economic logic.
The media ethics watchdog that the Asahi Shimbun has controlled must be dismantled and reformed immediately.
The government elected by the Japanese people must be composed of experts who are worthy of representing the people.
It must be made up of journalists and intellectuals of the highest caliber, who are the national treasures of Japan, a country where the turntable of civilization is turning.
NHK is not only effectively Japan's national broadcaster, but its employees are among the highest paid in Japan.
NHK's news department must be thoroughly reformed, as it is dominated by labor unions, a mass of communism, socialism, and a masochistic view of history.
And to continue to allow people associated with the two countries mentioned above to dominate the production of NHK is nothing short of national suicide.
We must realize this immediately and begin reform tomorrow.
Your approval rating will soar as soon as you do these things promptly and decisively.
Prime Minister Kishida.
These reforms, these contemplations, are the most urgent tasks for you to carry on Mr. Abe's legacy and make Japan a blooming nation in the middle of the world.
Realize that yesterday's national funeral ceremony made this clear, and do it immediately.
This article continues.

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