文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If Japan gets LGBT legislation, it will destroy women's sports💢.

2023年02月18日 16時09分59秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by @Producer @BunkajinBroadcasting that I just discovered.
If Japan gets LGBT legislation, it will destroy women's sports💢.

Quoted tweet
The U.S. Swimming Association is forcing women to put up with him in the women's locker room even though he has his penis round in the women's locker room for fear of "discrimination."
He was ranked 462nd in the men's race, but a year later, he switched to the women's and became the strongest U.S. swimmer, winning against Olympic swimmers.

He's usually a man who's 5'8" tall but has a woman's heart and a woman's love interest. ⁉️😩
#LGBT Understanding and Promotion Act


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