文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It's worse than MacArthur's brainwashing. 

2024年12月13日 21時33分45秒 | 全般
As I was re-reading Masayuki Takayama's article, I realized something.
The turntable of civilization I have been writing about since it appeared on July 16, 2010, has reached the center of the world.
The Asahi Shimbun is not flattering and is boring.
One of its selling points, "Tenseijin-go," is written in a style that is hard to call a column, and it ends with "even so, Japan is bad" for the most part, citing books and people that no one knows about
It is a chapter that I sent on March 1, 2019.
A friend who is a well-read person bought the weekly magazine Shinchō that was released today.
She bought it so I could read the one and only article by Masayuki Takayama in the post-war world.
The annotations marked with an asterisk are mine.

The Century of Japan
The Asahi Shimbun is not flattering but boring.
One of its regular features, "Tenseijin-go," is written more like an explanation than a column. 
It quotes books and people that no one knows about, and most of the time, it ends with, "Even so, Japan is still at fault." 
Even when talking about the outrageous actions of Korea, they change the subject to "because Japan colonized Korea" and ignore the fact that it was an annexation, not a colony.
They only talk about the war from the American perspective, saying things like "it was an invasion war" and "it exploited the people of Asia and caused them to suffer."
Such distorted articles are advertised as "you'll get questions on them in the exam, so copy them exactly."
It's worse than MacArthur's brainwashing.
The political reporting is terrible, too.
They make fun of Sakurada, the Olympics minister, saying he has a lisp and makes mistakes.
How different is that from making fun of a stutterer for stuttering?
They always try to undermine Japan, but they show the utmost warmth and consideration towards China and Korea.
China has stolen advanced technology from other countries and made money by imitating it.
The imitation of the Shinkansen is a good example.
However, as soon as Trump and Pence took forceful action to prevent intellectual property theft, things became tense.
In addition, there is the theory that communist countries have only existed for 72 years.
Communist countries have been established.
However, they have all been short-lived and collapsed.
Even the longest-lived, the Soviet Union, collapsed after 72 years.
The communist regime in China will be celebrating its 72nd year next year.
History and Kaori Fukushima both say that this is the limit. 
However, Asahi editorial board member Hara Masato says, "I went to China, and everyone was in good spirits. The Alibaba executives said they had no worries at all."
Furthermore, he says that China's GDP 'is close to that of the declining US, and will overtake it sometime in the 2020s,' and that" the US's attempts to start a trade war seem like a sign of its desperation and fear." 
He predicts that China, a merciless and vulgar country that makes a living off intellectual property theft and carries out horrific ethnic selection in Uighur and Tibet, will become a superpower tomorrow.
The Japanese are disgusted to think that such a country will rule the world, but Hara seems to think it is good.
I want to give Japan a needle to the forehead of such a China. 
Still, the Asahi newspaper brings out Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, the representative director of the Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), and has him say, "That won't happen."
According to Kobayashi, "Japan, a technological superpower, is a thing of the past. Now, technology has been stolen by China, and Huawei has a monopoly on telecommunications. Still, the Japanese are in a state of being like a boiled frog, not even realizing such a situation."
He also harshly criticizes the Japanese, saying," The Japanese, who have deteriorated, don't even have the energy to try new things."
However, Japan has continued to take on challenges.
For example, in the 1970s, Japan created a nuclear-powered ship using its technology, following the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany. 
We were the first in the world to put the dream nuclear reactor, the fast breeder reactor, into practical use, but fake news led by Asahi destroyed both.
Kobayashi is ignorant and does not know this fact.
He would not be talking about the Japanese boiled frog theory at Asahi if he knew.
Kobayashi also sees the "175 trillion yen debt of Japan" as a problem and laments that "the cost of developing next-generation technology" cannot be quickly paid for.
No, a vast amount of research funding is being paid out.
However, this money has been distributed to people like Jiro Yamaguchi, a left-wing anti-Japanese from the humanities.
Kobayashi has yet to learn about this.
So, does the rest of the world have a pessimistic view of Japan?
Michael Schuman, author of "Confucius and His World," declares that "the challenge of the 21st century is to establish a strong industrial power that can compete internationally, and the model for this is Japan, believe it or not."
He says," "We have entered an era in which the power of tradition, not just a makeshift solution like China's, matters." 
Adair Turner, an authority on the British economy, shares the same view as Yoichi Takahashi, saying, "Japan, which is aging, has made its workforce last until the age of 70 through technological innovation," and "Although it is said that the country's debt, which is more than double the GDP, is a burden, if you look at the actual situation, it can be offset by government assets, and with interest from the Bank of Japan, it is actually only 60% of the GDP."
The conclusion is," In the 21st century, learn from Japan." 
Bloomberg's Daniel Moss also says, "The world's eyes, which were previously focused on China, will now turn to Japan, which has overcome the problems of aging and deflation.
When the Asahi Shimbun and the Keizai Doyukai disappear, Japan will be clear of its problems.

*The redevelopment of Umeda Kita Yard was a powerful negative influence on the Asahi Shimbun's attempt to attract tenants to the Nakanoshima Twin Tower Building, which was a gamble on the company's fortunes.
Kita Yard is a place that will act as a catalyst for the revitalization of Osaka.
Umeda Kita Yard is the best commercial location in Japan, an area that God has left behind as a trump card for the revitalization of Osaka.
That is why Yodobashi Camera Umeda has the highest sales of all the stores.
Asahi Shimbun used Yukiko Takenaka of the Osaka Association of Corporate Executives to muddle up the Kita-Yard project.
Incidentally, the construction of the building on which Asahi staked its company fortunes was carried out by Takenaka Corporation.
Thanks to the plot to destroy the Kitayard and the economic boom brought about by Abenomics, Asahi could secure tenants for its new building in Nakanoshima.
As a result, Asahi Shimbun is now a company that makes profits from real estate, and they have created a system where the company will remain even if the newspaper goes under.
But will God allow this company of the worst and most despicable traitors and traitors to continue to exist?

2024/12/8 in Kyoto


