文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Asahi Shimbun made Mr. Abe an enemy of society, instigated his murder, and

2022年08月02日 11時42分46秒 | 全般
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serial column in Themis, a monthly magazine specializing in subscriptions, which arrived yesterday.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
This article also proves that when Mr. Abe was assassinated, a "transcendence" came to me instantly, and everything I wrote hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Asahi Shimbun's "Personal Grudge Reporting" Fostered Former Prime Minister Abe's Shooting
The Asahi Shimbun's "personal grudge report" aided the shooting of former Prime Minister Abe by framing him as an enemy of society, inciting his murder, and containing police security.
A graduate of Seikei University, he was envied by the Tokyo University clique. 
Some Japanese may have imagined that Mr. Kishida would step down after the Upper House election, and either Mr. Abe or Ms. Sanae Takaichi would become prime minister, with Mr. Abe filling in for her. 
At the same time, Russia invaded Ukraine, and Xi Jinping was also aiming at Japan.
At such a time, the three non-nuclear principles The question of whether high-sounding talk based on the three non-nuclear principles is sufficient at a time like this is behind this.
There was a sense of hope that Mr. Abe would be able to realize the people's wishes.
I thought it was a personal feeling, but then an elementary school student lined up to offer flowers in front of Yamato Saidaiji Station, where Mr. Abe was shot, said on TV, "I wanted Mr. Abe to be the prime minister again.
It was impressive to see the adults around him nodding in agreement.
Mr. Abe was an atypical prime minister.
The people who inhabit the world of Japanese politics are either short, fat, or bald.
Or a duplicate of that, plus they wear glasses with high intensity.
Mr. Abe, on the other hand, is tall, handsome, and has abundant hair.
He doesn't wear glasses and speaks English.
He has studied in the U.S. and worked at the New York branch of Kobe Steel before entering politics.
All of this made him an easy target for the envy of the residents of Nagata-cho, a district full of short, fat, and bald people, and the bureaucrats in the Kasumigaseki district.
Another thing that tended to make them jealous was the fact that he graduated from Seikei University.
There is no deep state in Japan.
However, there is a variant of the deep state.
It is the clique of the University of Tokyo.
Those who graduated from the University of Tokyo have a strong sense of belonging in the political, business, and media worlds.
They have a strange pride that they are running the country.
It makes them aggressive or envious of others.
One opposition party member who graduated from the University of Tokyo asked, "Does the prime minister know Nobuyoshi Ashibe?
The postwar interpretation of the Constitution by the University of Tokyo began with Toshiyoshi Miyazawa's August Revolution theory that "sovereignty was transferred from the Emperor to the people without their knowledge.
It was a sophomoric argument that condoned MacArthur's imposed Constitution, but GHQ was pleased.
Miyazawa was able to become a member of the House of Peers.
Ashibe took over his position and shouted, "long live the MacArthur Constitution."
While no honest Japanese, including Mr. Abe, need to know about such prostitution of learning scholars, the Diet members, who boast of having graduated from the University of Tokyo, cannot tolerate a "private school graduate who does not know.
It was ugly that he vomited abuse against Mr. Abe so much.
By the way, Mr. Abe is not only good-looking but also intelligent in his thinking.
He is well educated and has a better international outlook than this Tokyo University graduate.
Above all, it is Trump's words of condolence to Mr. Abe, "He was a patriot above all others," that run through his spine. 
When he made his political debut, the Asahi Shimbun had Takashi Uemura write the lie that "comfort women were forcibly taken away even in Seoul," and Asahi was also making a lot of noise about Yoshiaki Yoshimi's lie that the military was involved in the comfort women. 
The opposition, the media, and the government all thought it was the right thing to do to undermine Japan. 
Mr. Abe pointed out on live TV that the report was false. 
Murayama's prime minister's statement was aimed at their acceptance, including Asahi.
Japan lost its mind at one point and invaded Asia," and "Japan alone was at fault.
There was no truth in any context in the text created by Sakutaro Tanino of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Abe did not like that.
When he became deputy chief cabinet secretary, he flew to North Korea to get Kim Jong-il to admit that he had abducted Japanese nationals, silencing the Foreign Ministry, which wanted to save face in North Korea, and getting the abductees back.
When Asahi, which stands on the historical view of the Tokyo Trials, realized the danger of Shinzo Abe, it immediately tried to destroy him by making up a lie about "altering NHK's programs. 
When that failed, the first Abe cabinet even made an issue of plaster casts of cabinet members, forcing them to step down after a little more than a year.
Nevertheless, Mr. Abe made a miraculous comeback.
This time, he will rebuild Japan.
His resolve was expressed at the party leadership debate before the second cabinet was formed.
In response to an Asahi journalist's attempt to blame the "comfort women issue" for "embarrassing and troubling Japan," he bluntly pointed out that this resulted from the Asahi Shimbun's spreading of Seiji Yoshida's lies. 
In a live broadcast nationwide, Abe said the comfort women issue was "a false report fabricated by the Asahi Shimbun.
Asahi was outraged, but the prime minister was right.
Asahi admitted that it had continued to report falsehoods for 30 years, and President Kimura handed over his head, and the number of subscriptions to Asahi was cut in half.
However, instead of showing remorse, Asahi resented the incident and began a personal attack on Abe's head gut.
(The newspaper seriously wanted to "give Abe's funeral to us," Eitaro Ogawa, "Yakusoku no Hi").
However, the public would no longer tolerate false reports.
So they created "allegations" in the media.
The "allegations" were reported on the front page as if they were true, such as "Akie-san's acquaintance bought the state-owned land at a discount of 800 million yen" or "Abe-san's close friend, Kakei, was given special approval as the head of the Kakei Gakuen.
The personal attacks on Mr. Abe, calling the allegations "allegations," continued, and Mr. Abe was made an "enemy of society" and forced to resign.
Asahi used the pages of the paper to vent personal resentment. 
But while Nemoto was okay with that, the reporter had other things in mind.
The day after Abe's untimely death, a review of Asahi by Kotaro Ono talked about Abe's significant achievements in foreign and domestic politics. Still, it did not mention Asahi's series of dirty allegations, including the Morikake scandal that the paper created and forced him to resign. 
Sapporo District Court Issues Stupid Ruling 
Asahi also had Jiro Yamaguchi of Hosei University shout, "I will beat Abe to death," and continued to abet the public in its assault on Mr. Abe.
Just before the incident, on complaints of activists who obstructed Mr. Abe's street speeches and were restrained by police, the Sapporo District Court issued a ridiculous ruling that "obstruction of street speeches is freedom of expression, and regulation of police officers is unconstitutional''.
The Asahi newspaper rave reviews this not only in its general articles but also in its editorials and Tenseijingo, encouraging the obstruction of Mr. Abe's speech while trying to check the actions of the security police officers.
Looking at this side by side, it seems that the Asahi Shimbun made Mr. Abe an enemy of society, instigated his murder, and put a check on the police to make it easier to carry out the crime.

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