文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

anti-Japanese education, is an unbelievably vicious education filled with lies.

2023年04月18日 12時11分09秒 | 全般

We were having our usual lunch at Kyoto station.
As I was about to eat, a Chinese couple sat beside me.
The woman I could see from my side was a Chinese woman with a pierced nose.
I thought, "What a real scoundrel she is, piercing her nose in that country,
She is not only a nose ring but also tattoos on both arms.
As soon as she sat down, she started talking loudly and endlessly with her smartphone.
From my friend's side, my friend could see the man.
As I left the restaurant, my friend told me the man's arms were covered with tattoos.
It is a couple covered in tattoos in China, a one-party communist dictatorship.
I muttered, "It's hard to imagine anyone other than a substantial mafia."

Nazism, in the name of anti-Japanese education, is an unbelievably vicious education filled with lies.
South Korea has been doing it since the end of World War II.
In China, it was started by Jiang Zemin to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident, which continues today.
Both are at the height of viciousness in terms of their motives.
If we want to talk about friendship between Japan and South Korea or Japan and China, we must first correct their anti-Japanese education.
Instead, Japan is letting such a vile and vicious country make claims about Japan's world-class education without a second thought.
Such a state of affairs was created by the Asahi Shimbun, which ruled Japan until August 2014.
It is obvious that Yoichi Kato, an Asahi Shimbun reporter who was a gentlemanly commentator on TV Asahi's "News Station" alongside Furutachi, was responsible for this.
The opposition parties, the pro-China faction of the LDP...Nikai, Kono, and many other politicians are all made up of people who read the Asahi Shimbun.
It is also evident that almost all of them have fallen into the honey and money trap.
After all, it was evident that Ryutaro Hashimoto, the prime minister of Japan at the time, quickly fell into the honey trap with just one trick: a handkerchief dropped in front of his eyes by a Chinese agent.
Pro-China LDP lawmakers have visited China many times.
The world now knows that China is a country that traps people according to the degree of their importance.
Readers know that I have mentioned that Japan is still practically the world's second-largest super economy.
If Prime Minister Abe had lived, Japan would have made up for the lost 30 years and made solid economic progress.
Logically, even a grade school student can understand that the forces that want to prevent this from happening and weaken Japan are behind Mr. Abe's assassination.
The effect of inbound travel on Japan's GDP will be a mere ¥3 trillion or so.
This amount is less than Japan's aid to foreign countries every year.
On the contrary, it is the amount that could obtain by eliminating the tax money given to the "public money choo-choo" forces.
It is no exaggeration to say that the pro-China politicians in the LDP are not only idiotic and incompetent but also real traitors.



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