文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We must build a system that will deter the tyranny of the worst fools in history

2022年10月09日 10時57分36秒 | 全般

I hope this column will be conveyed to the people of Miyagi 5th District and the chapter I sent out on October 24, 2021.
It was one of the top 50 most searched articles on Ameba today.
It hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but for people worldwide.
I am re-transmitting it.

The other day, NHK's 7:00 p.m. news program commented that the House of Representatives election was an election to choose a system as if a change of government was possible.
Even an elementary school student can understand that such a thing is impossible.

NHK conducts unusually frequent polls on the approval rating of the administration.
When the LDP's approval rating drops, it reads like a big event.
In the past, they also used to read out party support ratings.
However, long ago, they stopped reading the party support rate.
It is because the LDP's approval rating has always been around 50%, while the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan's opposition leader has always been only around 6%.
Perhaps it is because the people who control NHK's news department are supporters of the opposition parties, such as the DPJ.
So, what must the Japanese people do in this lower house election?
This election must give the LDP an overwhelming majority of seats in the lower house.
It is because China, the worst communist one-party dictatorship in history, a nation of abysmal evil and plausible lies, has increased its corruption in all areas and is now plotting to gain global hegemony.

A joint Chinese-Russian fleet sailed southward through the Tsugaru Strait the day before yesterday, and yesterday it passed through the Osumi Strait.
It is the first time that the Ministry of Defense has confirmed simultaneous passage through the Osumi Strait by Chinese and Russian naval vessels.
The Chinese and Russian naval vessels formed a fleet and almost circled the Japanese archipelago.
The Ministry of Defense considers this extremely unusual behavior and is increasing its vigilance. (From the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun)

France and Germany are inferior to Japan in terms of national power and population.
However, there is no way that China and Russia would do something like this off the coast of France and Germany.
It is because France and Germany have a military force that China and Russia cannot easily touch.

On the other hand, what about Japan?
The reality is that the people I have been referring to - the people who have been "useful idiots" for China, Russia, and the Korean peninsula all through the postwar period - have continued to have a loud voice.
They have opposed even having an army to defend Japan, calling the Constitution imposed by GHQ to permanently weaken Japan, the "pacifist constitution," and so on, as the most stupid thing ever.

China and Russia have been mocking Japan and taking action like this.
There is no doubt that China and Russia are intimidating Japan, feeling like they are avenging their defeat in the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars.

Azumi of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (as evidenced by his TV news programs) and Yo Henmi, who calls himself a poet, are men who criticize the LDP and support the opposition parties, calling Japan a "surveillance society.
I have never heard of him criticizing China, which he has to blame as a "surveillance society."
I am a person who loves Miyagi Prefecture forever, and these two men are the greatest disgrace to Miyagi Prefecture.
Both of them went to Ishinomaki High School and then to Waseda University.

The other day, I discovered the following tweet by Chisato Morishita and learned for the first time that she is running for the LDP against Azumi.


Knowing the last, "I love Japan," these words or beliefs, I knew I had to write this paper.
I also searched about Miyagi 5th district and Jun Azumi for the first time.
Azumi is the kind of person who makes his living by attacking Japan's vested interests.
But if you look at his background, he has a father who served as mayor of the town of Oshika, which means that he is a member of the vested interests in Miyagi's 5th district.
In other words, he is a man who belongs to the vested interests in Miyagi's 5th district.
He has always been a proxy for China and the Korean Peninsula. 
He has never been the first to voice criticism against these countries' growing presumptuousness and tyranny.
In other words, this is a man who has been not only a "detriment to the national interest" but also a "useful idiot" to China and the Korean peninsula throughout his career as a graduate of Waseda University, a member of NHK, and later a DPJ member of the Diet.
I hope this column will reach the people of Miyagi's 5th Constituency.

Chisato Morishita's stated creed, "I love Japan," is the only reason people should vote for her.
If many people in Miyagi's 5th Constituency vote for her and she wins against Azumi, it will lead to the LDP maintaining its overwhelming majority.

The meaning of this election is to give the LDP a majority to revise the Constitution and create a system to protect the land and people of Japan.
It is to create a system to protect the land and people of Japan from the evil designs of China, Russia, and North Korea (which is also a dangerous country for Japan as long as South Korea continues its Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education).
At the very least, we must perfect a system to protect our country so that Japan, the country we love dearly, the best country in the world, the country where the turntable of civilization is turning, will lead the world alongside the United States.
We must build a system that will deter the tyranny of the worst fools in history; in other words, we must make the LDP win a landslide victory.

We will not tolerate anti-Japanese education and anti-Japanese propaganda from China and South Korea, the countries of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
What is necessary is for the voters of Miyagi's 5th ward to vote Jun Azumi out of office so that Putin's vicious dictatorship will not be allowed to intimidate Japan.
To be continued.



