文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Prime Minister who can admonish Korea

2023年08月17日 22時35分03秒 | 全般

This newspaper calls the editorial director "general editor" in the manner of a foreign company. 
As a newspaper reporter, I would be too embarrassed to give such a business card.
And that GE's love for Korea is no less than its editorials.

It is a chapter I sent out on 09/26/2019.
I will re-submit it.

A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, highly respected by prima ballerinas worldwide, visited Japan.
At that time, she spoke about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
On the other hand, Oe, I don't want to speak ill of the deceased, but (to follow Masayuki Takayama's example below), Murakami and many others who call themselves writers or think of themselves as artists are not even worthy of the name of artists.
They have only expressed the lies the Asahi Shimbun and others created rather than shedding light on hidden truths and telling them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan but is the same in other countries worldwide.
In other words, there are only a few true artists.
This paper is another excellent proof that I am right when I say that no one in the world today deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but for people all over the world.

The Prime Minister who can admonish Korea
The Asahi Shimbun will have their eyes filled with tears regarding Korea.
The love is pitiful, and it squirms.
So if something like a Japanese magazine is going to be an opinion in Korea, it's already angry and makes an uproar with editorials, 'The media fan an antagonism toward South Korea.'
In the previous war, the media continues, 'The media has been in line with national policies and has planted British and American enemies and contempt to China and Korea.'
I know Americans and English people are satanic animals that are the Great Satan, but I'm new to the second half.
Then, it is a complete lie.
Integrate Korea with the land (mainland Japan) without discriminatory treatment.
In Japan, Koreans were treated with the same procedure as the Japanese, with 'Integrate Korea with the land (mainland Japan) without discriminatory treatment,' they were also given the benefits of exemption from conscription and tax reduction. 
There was no outrage that the United States used colonial Filipinos and the British used Indians to shield their soldiers. 
In China, Japan supported Wang Jingwei, and in Shanghai and others, the days of well-being continued until the war's end.
The people enjoyed the stage of Li Xianglan, and the people in Wolhushan, a suburb of Beijing, were protected by the Japanese army from the looting of the communist guerrillas. 
The editorial also wrote that there was also the propagation of civilization from the peninsula.
It is also correct: "Culture comes from Japan.
From the peninsula came only trouble.
To prove that, the red pepper from Tang entered Korea via Japan.
So on the peninsula, the chairman of Moranbong said, 'The red pepper from Tang is called the red pepper from Japan.'
You can also see the name of the river.
North Chinese people use '河' like the Yellow and Hot Rivers.
South Chinese who dealt with Japan used '江' like the Yangtze River, the Huangpu River.
It is transmitted through Japan, and they write Nakdong River(江) or Han River(江).
It doesn't matter if the Asahi Shimbun loves South Korea, but why did editorial writer Nemoto Seiki write such an editorial without a piece of truth? 
The Asahi calls the editor-in-chief general editor a foreign-affiliated company.
If you were a newspaper reporter, this business card would be embarrassing and painful to put out. 
About the love for South Korea, that general editor, either, isn't defeated in an article.
The general editor made Moon Jong-in, South Korean Special Assistant to the President, interview previous Seoul correspondent Kamiya Tsuyoshi, but this is also terrible.
The aides are surprisingly uneducated. 
According to an analysis of the current situation in Japan and Korea, he says 'Japan and South Korea are both structured to become popular when they hit the other party.' 
Korea is undoubtedly true.
In South Korea, when the centripetal power of the government declines, the anti-Japan policy is launched.
Then the popularity will rebound.
The Japanese don't think so seriously, but we should know that the people of Korea are anti-Japanese to the bones. 
So Lee Myung-bak, who became dangerous due to corruption, was allowed after climbing Takeshima. 
The public was delighted when Kim Young-sam blasted the former Governor-General of Korea.
If made in Korea, it will fall even if the wind blows, but authentic Japanese architecture will not collapse easily.
Thanks to this, the Koreans enjoyed blasting for weeks. 
On the other hand, there is no case in which the Japanese government gained popularity after hitting Korea.
If you are too lenient, it is not even a political matter when it is only about Korea.
For example, it is Kishi Nobusuke.
Lee line laid without leave by Syngman Rhee 4,000 Japanese fishing crews were captured or killed. 
Kishi has no military means and has exchanged a 'Declaration of Mutual Release of Detainees.'
It is to release all the Koreans in Japan murderers who have been imprisoned.
And it is to release all smuggled Koreans in Omura.
It was too soft on Korea, but the Japanese thought Koreans would become the right people. 
In 1987 there was a Korean Air Flight 858 terror.
A Japanese embassy in Bahrain secured Kim Hyon-hui's extradition, but Takeshita Noboru handed her over to South Korea in consideration of Roh Tae-woo.
As a result, North Korea's confirmation of the actual state of Megumi-chan's abduction damage was significantly delayed.
Roh Tae-woo became highhanded and threatened Kaifu Toshiki, abolishing Koreans in Japan's fingerprinting and applying it to Koreans entering the country.
Soon after the enforcement, the four people's families were killed in Setagaya.
There is much of the criminal's fingerprint, but not yet caught.
Kiichi Miyazawa did a soccer World Cup co-hosting with South Korea.
Junichiro Koizumi gave Korea a white country treatment.
It also provided economic assistance.
The successive Prime Minister believes such generosity made Korea honest, but it was all a miscalculation.
Japan became necessary for the Prime Minister, who admonished South Korea about rights and wrongs.
It may have become barely so now.


