文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This column has long been a victim of account hijacking in Google Analytics.

2023年02月12日 16時03分57秒 | 全般

This chapter was the victim of the crime of search obstruction.
The modus operandi was to use a completely unrelated chapter as the referring page.
This chapter is described below.
Referrer page

Yesterday, it committed a similar crime against this column severely.
This criminal has reduced the PV of this column to less than 1/10th and has stolen and cut out real-time graphs.
He then posted them on a fraudulent blog created with a fake account and wrote, "Look, this is what I've been getting a great response.

Google must identify this criminal and file criminal charges.
It is your duty, you use the Internet, the most incredible library in the history of humankind, to become one of the largest companies in the world and continue to make enormous profits.
Your company must rid the Internet of criminals and impose severe penalties on them, something only you can do.
I am re-submitting this article with a slightly different title.

Dear Google Inc.
This column, Turntable of Civilization, https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010
and https://ameblo.jp/sunsetrubdown21, have been the subject of account hijacking and other crimes in google analytics for several years.
Please investigate ASAP.
In Google search, we suffer from negative and reverse SEO attacks daily.


