【世界遺産】純白の丘に湯けむり・・・古代ローマ皇帝が愛した絶景温泉! Spectacular Hot Springs Loved by Roman Emperors
トルコ南西部に美しい純白の丘があります。絶景の地「パムッカレ」です。幅2キロにわたる真っ白な石灰棚には温泉水が流れています。源泉の水温は35度。気温の下がる朝はもうもうと湯気を立てます。紀元前2世紀、古代ローマはパムッカレを支配し、温泉保養地として巨大都市「ヒエラポリス」を完成させました。歴代の皇帝が絶景の温泉郷に足を運んだのです。しかし大地震が幾度となく街を破壊し、やがてローマは滅亡します。 美しい純白の丘を生んだのは活断層でした。地震をひき起こし、石灰岩の大地に亀裂を作りました。そこから温水が湧き出したのです。そして温水に溶け込んでいた石灰分が沈殿し、真っ白な石灰棚の丘が生まれたのです。 活断層があるパムッカレの丘・・・遺跡の発掘で炭酸ガスを放出する穴が発見されました。大地の亀裂から噴出しているのです。人々は冥界の神ハデスに生贄を捧げる「地獄の門」と呼びました。 ローマ皇帝が愛した絶景の温泉をお楽しみください! -
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pectacular Hot Springs Loved by Roman Emperors In southwestern Turkey lies the breathtaking landscape of Pamukkale, an area known for its pure white hills of limestone terraces formed by the flowing hot springs. The water temperature at the source is 35 degrees Celsius, and in the mornings, the cool air temperature creates a dense steam that rises off the surface. The ancient Romans ruled Pamukkale in the 2nd century B.C. and built the great city of Hierapolis here as a spa resort. Successive emperors visited this spectacular location to bathe and relax. However, the city was destroyed by a series of major earthquakes, and eventually the Roman Empire fell. The formation of the beautiful white hills is a result of an active fault line in the area. It triggered earthquakes that caused fissures in the limestone, through which warm water gushed out. The lime in the water precipitated and created the pure white terraces we see today. There is still an active fault line in the hills of Pamukkale, where the great city was built. During excavations of the city’s ruins, holes were discovered that emit carbon dioxide gas. The gas gushes out from cracks in the earth known as the “Gates of Hell,” where sacrifices were once made to Hades, the god of the underworld. Experience the spectacular hot springs loved by the Roman Emperors at the terraces of Pamukkale!