


2016-09-21 15:55:18 | 日常

I agree with the idea that people's reliance on cars should more be done to reduce.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, there are too much cars on roads to keep our safety from accidents.
More and more people have been involved in traffic accidents.
It's the shame these accidents have been commonly in the city.
People have to make efforts to reduce reliance on their cars.
For example, they should use public transportation rather than drive their cars.
Secondly, CO2 emissions should be reduced. too. Using cars is one of the main resources that pollute the environment.
I think that the government should more regulate not only using cars but also manufacturing them.

For these reasons I believe that people should not rely on their cars no longer today.


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2016-09-21 14:35:32 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that society is more dangerous today than it was in the past.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, criminal issues seem to have been increasing these days, though, it means that the number of the incidents revealed has become more.
In the past, most of issues that happened in local communities were supposed to be concealed in order to protect local honors.
Today, local people are unable to hide it for the Internet technology.
Secondly, people have become to get their safety more strongly than it was in the past.
They are willing to protect their safety using double block goods, such as both of locks and keys.

For these reasons, I don't think that society is more more dangerous than past decades.



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2016-09-21 13:45:00 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that men and women are treated equally in the workplace even today.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.
To begin with, men are more likely to be promoted than women.
For example, young men who have a lack of the sense of management may be promoted in order to learn the sense.
But young women are unable to be given such a chance.

Secondly, women's careers have been almost neglected.
In other words, it has never been reflected in the aspect of paying.
In short, womens salaries tend not to be upgraded.
Most of them are working at the same place still now, as they have more patience than men.

For these reasons, I don't think that men and women are treated equally in the workplace even now.


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2016-09-21 01:37:31 | 日常

I agree with that professional athletes deserve the high salaries they receive. And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, professional athletes are able to give dreams that efforts can turn difficulties into hopes to people.
Their outcomes are supposed the result from their efforts and struggle.
It seems to be worthwhile that we have watched and stuck to them.
If their salaries will be more higher, our dreams given by them will be more stronger too.
Secondly, professional athletes are unable to get a long term on the real stage. Their lives as the athletes are shorter than business workers.
Because of the earlier retiring age, they should be allowed to be given higher salaries than common workers.

For these reasons, I think that pro-athletes deserve to receive higher salaries.


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2016-09-21 00:08:28 | 日常

I agree with that the number of young people who live with their parents after they finish their education will increase in the future.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, living alone is not safe for young people.
They have little understanding about safety.
While living with their parents, they should be going to learn the ways to live safely, such as how to prevent from fire accidents.
Secondly, living alone is more costly than living with parents.
If young people are willing to save money, it is the best choice to live with parents.

For these reasons, I think that the number of young people living with their parents after finishing their education will increase in the future.






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2016-09-20 23:00:47 | 日常

I agree with the idea that it should be more done to teach children about diet and nutrition.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, these days, it has been concerned about children's eating habits.
Children have been more likely to eat snack food than natural food.
It is supposed that because both of their parents are too busy to cook the meals for their children.
So children need to diet themselves.
Secondly, it is important for everyone to acquire the knowledge of healthy diet.
If people would have given these knowledge in their childhood properly, they would have been more careful to their healthy issues during their whole lives.

For these reasons, I believe that children should be given more and more knowledge about diet and nutrition.


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2016-09-19 18:33:03 | 日常

I agree with the idea that the government should provide financial support for people who have children.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with in Japan more and more children have been struggling in their poor circumstances.
It is also a educational issue.
So the government should more help them go to schools, particularly, high schools.
Actually, some people have already argued that going to all high schools should be for nothing.
But, the government won't respond enough.
Secondly, the number of children has been decreasing these days.
If the government won't more take care of them, the decreasing will be more accelerated.
In short, it is helpful for the government to provide such supports.

For these reasons, I believe that the government should give the financial help for people who have children.



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2016-09-19 15:36:35 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that the responsibility of parents should be as well as schools.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the role of parents is different from the one of schools.
For example, parents should make efforts to keep their children's healthy growth.
But, it is not the pay-backing job.
On the other hand, schools are paid for their giving education.
In short, teachers are educational workers.
They must make children get high scores and achievements as great as possible.
Secondly, if parents are required to have their educational responsibility, some poor parents can't afford it.
They have no choice but to depend on school's teachers.

For these reasons, I think that the responsibility of parents should not be discussed on the same stage that school's educational responsibility has being discussed.


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2016-09-19 05:49:16 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that people have become too materialistic.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, most people realize that having rich mind is the most important for them in order to become happy.
But it is too difficult to have it, then, people are going to become materialistic.
This is because it is more easy for them to buy materialistic things, such as products that have been boosted by shops.
Secondly, more and more people have been interested in spiritual things, such as thinking of why they were born.
They are understanding that they need not only materialistic things but also thinking what make them happy truly.
But it is the most difficult to find out how to think in order to have rich mind.

It is for reasons that I think that people don't become so materialistic.


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2016-09-19 04:17:52 | 日常

I agree with that the idea that parents should discuss important family decisions with children.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, I guess that children almost realize what is a issue at home. For example, they have noticed that their parents may be going to divorce when their parents are going to decide it.
This is because children are more earnestly watching their parents than parents are looking at their children.

Secondly, children always look like thinking of nothing because of the awareness that they feel it is good for them to let it be.
They often have more rich wisdom than adults do.
But they are rarely given the chance that they can mention it.

It is for reasons that I believe parents should discuss important family decisions with children.


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